Author / Qiao Miaoer Summer festival, without the passion of young people, there will be no place. The first person to serve this dish was Youku. As the second film and television work of "Zhou Munan's Youth Jianghu Series", "Young White Horse Drunk in the Spring Breeze" had more

entertainment 5912℃

author / Qiao Miaoer

summer movie, without the passion of young people, there will be no seats. The first person to serve this dish was Youku.

As the second film and television work of "Zhou Munan's Youth Jianghu Series", " Young White Horse Drunken Spring Breeze " had more than 6.5 million reservations on the site before it was launched. The popularity quickly exceeded 6,000 within half an hour of being online, and the current popularity on the site has exceeded 9,500. The way young people express their love is simple and direct, and the popularity is the most powerful proof.

Author / Qiao Miaoer Summer festival, without the passion of young people, there will be no place. The first person to serve this dish was Youku. As the second film and television work of 'Zhou Munan's Youth Jianghu Series', 'Young White Horse Drunk in the Spring Breeze' had more - Lujuba

"Young White Horse Drunken in the Spring Breeze" focuses the story more on the "young man". The protagonist group rides into the rivers and lakes, and the spirit of natural galloping is exciting; rooted in the national style aesthetics, the wild imagination takes root with the blessing of special effects, bringing an innovative look and feel; Xi Chu Jiange reproduces the rivers and lakes, Baili Dongjun and Ye Dingzhi's famous scene of "getting close to his face" in order to fight for the immortality has made the young man's vitality that carries all kinds of imagination more concretely presented...

follows " Under the Stranger " and "Youth" After "Singing Song", Alibaba Entertainment Youxiang Studio, with Zhou Zhaozhong as the general manager, once again used its "youthful feel" to high-five the loyal audience of the live-action comic circuit and gain fans from afar. This is also another excellent work of the studio this year in addition to the dark horse drama "Huajian Ling".

In fact, in the creative pedigree of Youxiang Studio, "youthfulness" has always been a constant theme. Zhou Zhaozhong and a group of creators with a youthful spirit continue to pay attention to the current aesthetic needs of young people, horizontally expand the diversification of subject types, and vertically delve into the innovative state of "universalization" of live-action comics.

In the world of live-action comic adaptations, Youku leads the way with its "youthful feel", with "Young Song Xing" and "Under the Stranger" getting better and better. This year, it launched the first shot of the 2024 live-action comic adaptation with "Young White Horse Drunk in the Spring Breeze" , and reach a new level. Behind the good results is Youku's innovative approach to live-action comic adaptation.

Pioneer of breaking the wall: The ecological insight of the young passionate

live-action comic adaptation: the wall is in the "dimension".

Youku used a keen sense of smell and long-term exploration to find the coupling agent between the two dimensions and the three dimensions: the sense of youth. Inwardly linking the two-dimensional passion of the second dimension, outwardly expanding the emotional identity of young audiences.

According to Zhou Zhaozhong, the chief producer of "Young White Horse Drunken in the Spring Breeze" and general manager of Alibaba Entertainment Youxiang Studio, Zhou Munan's "Youth Jianghu Series" not only innovates through new themes, new productions, and new heroic sentiments, but also builds a "Youth Youth Series". The aesthetic system of "New Martial Arts" highlights the youthful character of New Martial Arts; it also needs to achieve differentiation in art, visual effects, and modeling, and inject light and joyful elements with a more elegant style and brighter colors to satisfy and surpass today's young people. people’s aesthetic expectations.

Author / Qiao Miaoer Summer festival, without the passion of young people, there will be no place. The first person to serve this dish was Youku. As the second film and television work of 'Zhou Munan's Youth Jianghu Series', 'Young White Horse Drunk in the Spring Breeze' had more - Lujuba

Zhou Munan, who is both the original author and screenwriter, projected his understanding of "youthfulness" into the creation of the text. He "persisted in refusing misunderstandings and backstabbing, and amplified firm trust and unreserved preference." Therefore, in " Among the protagonists of "Young White Horse Drunken in the Spring Breeze", we see a brighter and brighter color of youth: it is Baili Dongjun ( Hou Minghao ) who entered the world and transformed his youthful spirit; it is Ye Dingzhi ( He and (played by ) is reborn from nirvana and makes choices on the road; it is also Sikong Changfeng ( played by Xia Zhiguang ) who will never leave his company regardless of gains and losses...

From "Youth Song" to "Young White Horse Drunk in the Spring Breeze", "Zhou Munan Youth" "Jianghu Series" continues the expression of the theme of young people pursuing self-worth and burning together to go forward together. The same "youthful feeling" is written, and the changes in the current aesthetic context can also be felt in the emphasis of voice in the works of the same series.

Author / Qiao Miaoer Summer festival, without the passion of young people, there will be no place. The first person to serve this dish was Youku. As the second film and television work of 'Zhou Munan's Youth Jianghu Series', 'Young White Horse Drunk in the Spring Breeze' had more - Lujuba

Compared with the heaviness of "Young Song Xing", "Young White Horse Drunk in the Spring Breeze" chooses to do subtraction, using four or two to provide the same passionate emotional value: Beili Ba, who has his own "epileptic" method since the second grade Young Master, there is an inexplicable "class flavor" when he comes on the stage: when he comes to work, Young Master Zhuo Mo will get into arguments whenever he disagrees; Mo Chen and Liu Yue are at the two extremes of i and e respectively; Young Master Qing Ge is extremely similar. Your work station is filled with limited-edition blind boxes...

is the youth of the world, and Mr. Jin Yong's "the great hero serves the country and the people" cannot be avoided. As time goes by, young people also have their hopes in the world."Young White Horse Drunken in the Spring Breeze", as an "internet mouthpiece", also expresses the aspirations of contemporary young people: to save others is to save oneself. Even if a young man should take the world as his own responsibility, he still has the right to say no to his fate and control his own life. The realistic philosophy and contemporary situation break through the wall and leave a lingering sound.

Ecological accumulation: people-oriented

On the screen, the youthful feeling of "Young White Horse Drunken in the Spring Breeze" burns into the hearts of every audience; outside the screen, the small flame of the group soul also flows and passes among the creators, and finally merges into a bright future. torch. After

Zhou Zhaozhong joined the platform, the most intuitive feeling is that the platform supports the creation of good content, and the trust between partners is natural.

According to Zhou Zhaozhong, the self-made studio and producer-centered system vigorously promoted by the platform undoubtedly means "liberating productivity" for front-line creators, who can devote themselves wholeheartedly to content creation without distractions. "Whether it is the topic selection of the original script in the early stage, or from the purchase of IP, to the early stage script development and incubation, to the overall early code plate production and broadcast, we only have to go all out, and the coordination department will help with other things." After the responsibilities and powers of

were clearly defined, the functional departments in the content industry chain each performed their duties and entrusted the backend to their partners. Now it seems to be similar to the "young people riding horses together in the rivers and lakes".

Author / Qiao Miaoer Summer festival, without the passion of young people, there will be no place. The first person to serve this dish was Youku. As the second film and television work of 'Zhou Munan's Youth Jianghu Series', 'Young White Horse Drunk in the Spring Breeze' had more - Lujuba

Zhou Munan even handed over the "Youth Jianghu Series" (the trilogy "Young Song Xing", "Young White Horse Drunk in the Spring Breeze" and "The Legend of the Dark River") to Youku in one go. The core of his peace of mind is Youku's commitment to the content. absolute respect. According to his recollection, during the creation stage of "Young Song Xing", the romance between costume idols dominated the market. Even so, the feedback given by Youku still insisted on creating around core keywords such as "group portraits, teenagers, and rivers and lakes", which greatly Encouraging screenwriters strengthens their confidence that good content can be produced with the support of platform insights.

's common preference for "youthful feeling" has also made a group of creators with their own strengths work together for a long time and move forward together. Zhou Zhaozhong introduced that since its establishment, Youxiang Studio has been determined to create "youth-oriented works":

"The Boy Who Calls the Dragon" incorporates an unconstrained "prologue" based on the traditional youth campus paradigm, adding a second dimension to the drama's temperament. Attributes; "Under the Stranger" is based on traditional culture, but does not stick to it. The integration of young elements such as mobile phone scan code payment, national fashion wear and so on makes the tradition revitalized into a new trend; "Flower Room Order" is in the suspenseful investigation On the basis of integrating "face-changing return" and "rebirth with revenge" and other online elements, various attempts have been made to add variations to the feeling of youth, making the youthful look more diverse.

Author / Qiao Miaoer Summer festival, without the passion of young people, there will be no place. The first person to serve this dish was Youku. As the second film and television work of 'Zhou Munan's Youth Jianghu Series', 'Young White Horse Drunk in the Spring Breeze' had more - Lujuba

In this way, it is only a matter of time before creators reach a consensus to "go all out for good content" and achieve "two-way travel between the platform and the audience." The answer sheet submitted by "Young White Horse Drunken in the Spring Breeze" this summer is a testament to time and a confirmation of the concept.

Continuous exploration: Polish the signature

"Youku is serious about doing real-life comic adaptations." This sentence has gradually become concrete in the platform's continuous practice of good content: find the coupling point between real-life comic adaptations and the sense of youth, and comprehensively The accelerated Youku runs with the expectations of young audiences.

In Youku’s creative pedigree, the third installment of Zhou Munan’s “Young Rivers and Lakes Series”, “Legend of the Dark River”, is already being filmed, and other works in the series are being prepared in the future. In addition, with the "youth feeling" as the core, Zhou Zhaozhong and his studio team will also delve into high-quality and diversified content, whether they are suspenseful or realistic works, they will be considered.

The self-made studio and producer-centric ecosystem will continue to provide talent support for content production. At present, each project of Youxiang Studio will be equipped with a producer and a core planner to follow up the entire process of content production, and the production process also puts creation in the most important position. Zhou Zhaozhong introduced that taking the "Zhou Munan Youth Jianghu Series" as an example, each film is logically advanced with creation first and data later, ensuring that the creator is not disturbed during the creation process; and the review of the previous works, especially the audience's Feedback will be used as part of the "icing on the cake" after the creation is completed, and the content will be optimized in a targeted manner.

Author / Qiao Miaoer Summer festival, without the passion of young people, there will be no place. The first person to serve this dish was Youku. As the second film and television work of 'Zhou Munan's Youth Jianghu Series', 'Young White Horse Drunk in the Spring Breeze' had more - Lujuba

The scenes and special effects of the "Youth Jianghu Series" are all full of wild imagination, and the application of new technologies can accelerate the implementation of imagination. According to Zhou Zhaozhong, the current technical support of Alibaba Entertainment also gives confidence and support to front-line creators, especially those who are firmly committed to the content of live-action comic adaptations.

"We develop new technologies not to make many things look more dazzling, but to allow everyone to see them more realistically and to show the scenes and pictures in everyone's imagination in the most realistic way," Zhou Zhaozhong said. He also mentioned that in the future shooting of "Young New Martial Arts" works, motion capture technology will also be applied to make the "martial arts" part more realistic and beautiful.

Author / Qiao Miaoer Summer festival, without the passion of young people, there will be no place. The first person to serve this dish was Youku. As the second film and television work of 'Zhou Munan's Youth Jianghu Series', 'Young White Horse Drunk in the Spring Breeze' had more - Lujuba

further deepens the differentiated value of the live-action comic adaptation track for Youku, closely focuses on the spiritual purpose of "young blood" to "select products", and lays a solid foundation for the "Under the Stranger" series and "Zhou Munan Youth Jianghu Series". After forming a brand effect in the minds of young audiences, Youku will also launch works such as " " and "Spirit Cage". Different subject types will explore the new look and feel brought by the fusion and collision of elements. The film and television content will complement the light of national comics. , amplifying each other’s voices, ready to go.

This summer season is complete because of the enthusiasm of young people ignited by live-action comics. "Young White Horse Drunk in the Spring Breeze" ignites the soul of youth groups and lights up Youku's future path of live-action comics. More expectations must be for the audience to urge updates: When will the next "Legend of the Dark River" be released? Where will more youthful passion ignite? Cool cool snap! We all love watching it!

Tags: entertainment