Jimu News Reporter Lin Chuhan Photographer Xiao Hao Intern Chu Xuanling Xu Shuo “The most delicious thing in Wuhan is the hot dry noodles. If you come to Wuhan, you have to eat seven (eat) hot dry noodles, and you have to hold them while you’re there. If you come to Wuhan, you do

entertainment 2193℃

Jimu News reporter Lin Chuhan

Photographer Xiao Hao

Intern Chu Xuanling Xu Shuo

"The most delicious thing in Wuhan is the hot dry noodles. If you come to Wuhan, you have to eat seven hot dry noodles, and you have to hold them while you come to Wuhan." Buqi (eating) hot dry noodles is for nothing!” Recently, a foreign guy with deep eye sockets and a high nose quickly became popular on the Internet and attracted a lot of attention because he can not only shoot jokes in authentic Wuhan dialect, but also He also introduced various Wuhan specialties through videos, which attracted many likes from netizens.

What is curious is how a foreign guy got involved with China? How did you master the difficult Wuhan dialect? With these questions in mind, on July 22, Jimu News reporters met this Internet celebrity in Qinglong Lane next to the Yellow Crane Tower.

"Hot-dry noodles must be mixed to be delicious, and they must be eaten with a hand."

Jimu News Reporter Lin Chuhan Photographer Xiao Hao Intern Chu Xuanling Xu Shuo “The most delicious thing in Wuhan is the hot dry noodles. If you come to Wuhan, you have to eat seven (eat) hot dry noodles, and you have to hold them while you’re there. If you come to Wuhan, you do - Lujuba

Wearing a pair of sunglasses, casual clothes, and a pair of skateboard shoes, Ou Fu appeared in front of reporters like this, "You OK, my name is Ou Fu." When the reporter was surprised that this foreign boy with a high nose and big eyes had no foreign accent, Ou Fu told the reporter with a smile: "I am an authentic Wuhan native."

Then, Ou Fu skillfully spoke to the owner of the street breakfast shop in authentic Wuhan dialect: "Boss, a bowl of hot dry noodles, add more spicy food." Watching the boss scoop up a spoonful of chili, he immediately added: " "It's not enough, put more."

After receiving the bowl of hot dry noodles, Ou Fu picked up the bowl and talked to the reporter: "You must eat the hot dry noodles with your hands, so they are authentic!" Can you get used to eating so much chili pepper?" Faced with the reporter's question, Ou Fu smiled and said that he is a person who doesn't like spicy food. He is used to eating Hubei dishes and especially likes spicy food.

Jimu News Reporter Lin Chuhan Photographer Xiao Hao Intern Chu Xuanling Xu Shuo “The most delicious thing in Wuhan is the hot dry noodles. If you come to Wuhan, you have to eat seven (eat) hot dry noodles, and you have to hold them while you’re there. If you come to Wuhan, you do - Lujuba

During the conversation, Ou Fu told reporters that he is 18 years old and will be in his third year of high school in the second half of the year. He is Arab. The name Ou Fu is a transliteration of Arabic. When he was 2 years old, he came to Wuhan with his father and mother to live. His father is a teacher at Wuhan University of Technology. He has been exposed to Chinese since he was a child. Like the Chinese around him, he can speak fluent Mandarin. The original intention of learning Wuhan dialect is because he feels that Wuhan dialect is cool, and Wuhan dialect is also followed on the Internet. Video learning. Surprisingly, it only took Ou Fu one year to learn Wuhan dialect. Ou Fu rubbed his head sheepishly and said with a smile, "Maybe I have language talent. If you teach a sentence in the video, I will follow it. You will be able to do it before you know it.”

And by posting video clips of Wuhan dialect on the Internet, Ou Fu also gained a lot of fans. Many netizens even said that seeing Ou Fu speak Wuhan dialect made them feel like adults. "Foreign code".

Master Liu, 62 years old, has lived in Qinglong Lane for more than 50 years. He is an authentic Wuhan team member. He recognized Ou Fu at a glance: "Are you that 'Wuhan foreigner'? I often see your videos." , The young man is really good!" Master Liu gave Ou Fu a thumbs up.

During the interview, many citizens recognized Ou Fu and greeted him, and many fans took photos with him: "You are the 'foreign code'!" After hearing everyone's ridicule, Ou Fu Fu immediately replied: "I am a member of the authentic Wuhan team!" making everyone laugh.

He has traveled to many cities, and the favorite city among foreign boys is still Wuhan

Jimu News Reporter Lin Chuhan Photographer Xiao Hao Intern Chu Xuanling Xu Shuo “The most delicious thing in Wuhan is the hot dry noodles. If you come to Wuhan, you have to eat seven (eat) hot dry noodles, and you have to hold them while you’re there. If you come to Wuhan, you do - Lujuba

Ou Fu told reporters that what he eats most early in the morning is hot dry noodles, and he never gets tired of them. “If I am too early, my favorite food is For hot dry noodles, I usually eat bean curds, noodle nests, and drink soy milk and mung bean soup." Ou Fu also told reporters about his experience of eating hot dry noodles, "After eating so many hot dry noodles, I feel that Wuhan is a good food. The hot dry noodles on Daojie and Shanhaiguan Road are better. I personally feel that if you want to eat hot dry noodles, you should go to those small alleys to eat them. The taste is more authentic and the seasoning ratio is right. If you add too much oil, it will taste cloying; if you add too little oil, it will taste dry."

"I like to eat a lot, stir-fried shredded lotus root, pickled yellow croaker, lotus root soup..." When talking about food, Ou Fu's eyes lit up and he was full of praise for these classic Wuhan dishes. He said that on weekdays, He will also take his family and friends to eat in restaurants.

html Ou Fu, who came to Wuhan at the age of 12, has lived in China for 16 years. In his heart, Wuhan is his home, but in his heart, it is not his favorite. Where is my hometown? Ou Fu told reporters that he has been to many Chinese cities, but his favorite is Wuhan. Ou Fu said that sometimes when he takes a taxi, many drivers see him and offer to take him for free. He uses Wuhan. After talking to the driver, he immediately received compliments from the drivers: "Hey, the young man is pretty good, and he can also speak Wuhan dialect. "

Ou Fu believes that the city of Wuhan and its people are very tolerant of foreign friends. "What do you think of Wuhan and Wuhan people? Facing the reporter's question, Ou Fu thought for a few seconds and answered seriously: "Wuhan is a city with a dock culture. When everyone communicates, they only have a loud voice, but they are very enthusiastic." Wuhan has a kind of magic that makes people feel relaxed, and Wuhan people have a kind of chivalrous spirit that makes people feel friendly. I like Wuhan the most. "

wants to be admitted to Wuhan University in the future, and wants to make more people fall in love with Wuhan through his videos.

Jimu News Reporter Lin Chuhan Photographer Xiao Hao Intern Chu Xuanling Xu Shuo “The most delicious thing in Wuhan is the hot dry noodles. If you come to Wuhan, you have to eat seven (eat) hot dry noodles, and you have to hold them while you’re there. If you come to Wuhan, you do - Lujuba

only started publishing works on the Internet around November 2023. In less than a year, Ou Fu already has nearly 10 Fans of Wan, his videos are mainly in Wuhan dialect, mainly introducing Wuhan food and Wuhan scenery.

Ou Fu said that a video he accidentally posted attracted everyone's attention, which he did not expect. He said that he is actually an i person in life. Because of his rapid popularity, at first he couldn't accept that many citizens recognized him when walking on the street and took photos and greeted him. But slowly, he found that everyone was because of You only greet him if you like him, and he gradually adapts to it, and even takes the initiative to say hello to everyone.

Because he is only 18 years old, he is still relatively young. Although he is already well-known on the Internet, Ou Fu said that he is still relatively young. There is no team, and all the videos are shot by himself with his mobile phone, and later edited and published. He said that his family also gave him a lot of suggestions when he got angry, and he listened to them one by one. "My old man ( My father) told me that the main task now is to focus on learning. Only by learning more knowledge can we enrich our own connotation. Even if we really become a self-media person in the future, our ideas will never be exhausted. "

Jimu News Reporter Lin Chuhan Photographer Xiao Hao Intern Chu Xuanling Xu Shuo “The most delicious thing in Wuhan is the hot dry noodles. If you come to Wuhan, you have to eat seven (eat) hot dry noodles, and you have to hold them while you’re there. If you come to Wuhan, you do - Lujuba

When many netizens ridiculed his Wuhan dialect in the comment area for being unauthentic and calling it "loose Wuhan dialect," Ou Fu smiled and said that his Wuhan dialect was indeed not authentic enough, and there were indeed many things in Wuhan dialect that he did not understand. Vocabulary, “I don’t know some vocabulary that only old Wuhan people know. Ou Fu said that when he is with friends, he will remind them to communicate with him in Wuhan dialect. Recently, he also used the holidays to walk around the streets every day, just to go deep into some old Wuhan alleys and have more contact with Wuhan locals, so that he can To better improve his Wuhan dialect.

Where do you want to go to university in the future? Ou Fu said that he most wants to go to Wuhan University. He wants to go to university to study Chinese language in depth and continuously improve his Chinese language skills so that he can be more professional. Promote Wuhan well and let more people know about Wuhan. “I hope more people will fall in love with Wuhan through my videos and welcome everyone to visit Wuhan. "Ofu said.

(Source: Jimu News)

Tags: entertainment