On July 22, the 52-year-old actor Gao Yalin, who had not been seen in public for a long time, posted a high-profile post on social platforms, causing heated discussions. Looking at what he wrote, he mentioned character, talent, character, and kindness, saying that "life is n

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On July 22, the 52-year-old actor Gao Yalin, who had not been seen for a long time, posted a high-profile post on social platforms, causing heated discussions.

On July 22, the 52-year-old actor Gao Yalin, who had not been seen in public for a long time, posted a high-profile post on social platforms, causing heated discussions.      Looking at what he wrote, he mentioned character, talent, character, and kindness, saying that 'life is n - Lujuba

Looking at what he wrote, he mentioned character, talent, character, and kindness, saying that "life is not all about interests" and that relationships between people must be "ultimately character."

On July 22, the 52-year-old actor Gao Yalin, who had not been seen in public for a long time, posted a high-profile post on social platforms, causing heated discussions.      Looking at what he wrote, he mentioned character, talent, character, and kindness, saying that 'life is n - Lujuba

No one knows exactly what Gao Yalin wants to express. But in the eyes of netizens, he talked about the philosophy of life, and the meaning behind his words seemed to be to express his good character, which attracted netizens to complain.

However, Gao Yalin probably knew that his post would cause complaints, so he set comment restrictions in advance. However, from the limited comments, we can also see the attitude of netizens towards him.

On July 22, the 52-year-old actor Gao Yalin, who had not been seen in public for a long time, posted a high-profile post on social platforms, causing heated discussions.      Looking at what he wrote, he mentioned character, talent, character, and kindness, saying that 'life is n - Lujuba

Someone said bluntly, what qualifications do you have to mention your character? Someone said, "When you say the word character from your mouth, you are really speechless! So someone who talks about benevolence, justice and morality may not necessarily have morality."

On July 22, the 52-year-old actor Gao Yalin, who had not been seen in public for a long time, posted a high-profile post on social platforms, causing heated discussions.      Looking at what he wrote, he mentioned character, talent, character, and kindness, saying that 'life is n - Lujuba

Some netizens joked, "The master is really not ashamed to speak, he is really a good actor , is still acting in real life, but such hypocritical hypocrites often develop well because they can pretend."

On July 22, the 52-year-old actor Gao Yalin, who had not been seen in public for a long time, posted a high-profile post on social platforms, causing heated discussions.      Looking at what he wrote, he mentioned character, talent, character, and kindness, saying that 'life is n - Lujuba

In short, Gao Yalin's post after a few months not only failed to gain recognition, but also failed. It stirred up the memories of netizens and attracted a lot of ridicule.

On July 22, the 52-year-old actor Gao Yalin, who had not been seen in public for a long time, posted a high-profile post on social platforms, causing heated discussions.      Looking at what he wrote, he mentioned character, talent, character, and kindness, saying that 'life is n - Lujuba

On May 8 this year, actress Wei Jia, who has participated in Gao Yalin's "Undercover" and the movie "Shameful Iron Fist", publicly exposed Gao Yalin.

On July 22, the 52-year-old actor Gao Yalin, who had not been seen in public for a long time, posted a high-profile post on social platforms, causing heated discussions.      Looking at what he wrote, he mentioned character, talent, character, and kindness, saying that 'life is n - Lujuba

The general content is to accuse Gao Yalin of cheating and domestic violence. The target of his cheating is Xu Zijun, an actress who has participated in "Twenty Not Confused" and is 26 years younger than Gao Yalin. Wei Jia also posted a large number of chat records and transfer screenshots, and said that he had no intention of asking for alimony and would not hurt others, but he would not make it easier for those who hurt him.

On July 22, the 52-year-old actor Gao Yalin, who had not been seen in public for a long time, posted a high-profile post on social platforms, causing heated discussions.      Looking at what he wrote, he mentioned character, talent, character, and kindness, saying that 'life is n - Lujuba

On July 22, the 52-year-old actor Gao Yalin, who had not been seen in public for a long time, posted a high-profile post on social platforms, causing heated discussions.      Looking at what he wrote, he mentioned character, talent, character, and kindness, saying that 'life is n - Lujuba

Later, Xu Zijun, who was exposed, also posted an article, saying that she was deceived by Gao Yalin and was not "knowing who she is." Accepting Gao Yalin's transfer does not mean that she accepted Gao Yalin's feelings, nor does it mean that there is anything between the two. Inappropriate relationship. She expressed anger at Gao Yalin for slandering her and slandering her with insulting remarks, and asked Gao Yalin to apologize to herself.

On July 22, the 52-year-old actor Gao Yalin, who had not been seen in public for a long time, posted a high-profile post on social platforms, causing heated discussions.      Looking at what he wrote, he mentioned character, talent, character, and kindness, saying that 'life is n - Lujuba

Although Wei Jia later stated that Gao Yalin had solved the problem of registering his children, Gao Yalin, who never responded vocally during the controversy, had his career and reputation also affected.

However, everyone thought he would be quiet for a while. Unexpectedly, only two months had passed and he was eager to make a comeback. No wonder netizens would ridicule and complain about him.

On July 22, the 52-year-old actor Gao Yalin, who had not been seen in public for a long time, posted a high-profile post on social platforms, causing heated discussions.      Looking at what he wrote, he mentioned character, talent, character, and kindness, saying that 'life is n - Lujuba

It is worth mentioning that after the incident, Gao Yalin's life and career were affected, but the life of Xu Zijun who was exposed did not seem to be affected. After

On July 22, the 52-year-old actor Gao Yalin, who had not been seen in public for a long time, posted a high-profile post on social platforms, causing heated discussions.      Looking at what he wrote, he mentioned character, talent, character, and kindness, saying that 'life is n - Lujuba

posted an article denying "knowing three things and acting like three", it didn't take long for her social account to resume updates. She was either partying with friends or going to Xue Zhiqian's concert. During

On July 22, the 52-year-old actor Gao Yalin, who had not been seen in public for a long time, posted a high-profile post on social platforms, causing heated discussions.      Looking at what he wrote, he mentioned character, talent, character, and kindness, saying that 'life is n - Lujuba

, she also posted a photo with a man, and was asked by netizens if she had a significant other. It can be said that compared to Gao Yalin, her life has not been affected, but she still lives a chic life.

On July 22, the 52-year-old actor Gao Yalin, who had not been seen in public for a long time, posted a high-profile post on social platforms, causing heated discussions.      Looking at what he wrote, he mentioned character, talent, character, and kindness, saying that 'life is n - Lujuba

As for Wei Jia, as the "victim" in this turmoil, she still often posts about her affairs with Gao Yalin, angrily accuses Gao Yalin of being controlling, and often beats, scolds and insults herself, and connotes that Gao Yalin has an NPD personality.

On July 22, the 52-year-old actor Gao Yalin, who had not been seen in public for a long time, posted a high-profile post on social platforms, causing heated discussions.      Looking at what he wrote, he mentioned character, talent, character, and kindness, saying that 'life is n - Lujuba

I have to say that perhaps in this turmoil, only Xu Zijun was not affected much, only Gao Yalin thought he was "OK", and only Wei Jia was hurt the most.

On July 22, the 52-year-old actor Gao Yalin, who had not been seen in public for a long time, posted a high-profile post on social platforms, causing heated discussions.      Looking at what he wrote, he mentioned character, talent, character, and kindness, saying that 'life is n - Lujuba

Therefore, it is indeed quite speechless to see Gao Yalin posting such a high-profile article and talking about character and kindness.

Tags: entertainment