According to a report on the CCTV News client on July 21, on the 19th, Dr. Li Sheng of the Cardiovascular Medicine Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University was suddenly injured by a man holding a knife during outpatient treatment, causing multiple

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According to a CCTV news client report on July 21, on the 19th, Dr. Li Sheng of the Cardiovascular Medicine Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University was suddenly injured by a man holding a knife during outpatient treatment, causing multiple serious injuries to the body. After rescue, Invalid death. The National Health Commission stated on the 20th that it expressed deep condolences for the death of Dr. Li Sheng and expressed condolences to his family and relatives. Violently harming medical staff is a serious illegal and criminal act, and we strongly condemn it. Medical injury not only seriously infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of medical personnel, but also disrupts the normal order of medical services and harms the interests of the general public. The National Health Commission has zero tolerance for any form of medical injury.

According to a report on the CCTV News client on July 21, on the 19th, Dr. Li Sheng of the Cardiovascular Medicine Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University was suddenly injured by a man holding a knife during outpatient treatment, causing multiple - Lujuba

The official website of the hospital has turned into black and white

Li Sheng, a good and diligent and dedicated doctor, suddenly suffered a tragedy, which is disappointing. A colleague wrote, "He is the doctor who is most devoted to his patients," and because of this he has no time to do academic work or write papers. A family member of a patient wrote, "This doctor is very responsible. He performed heart surgery on my grandpa. If my grandpa calls him if he feels unwell, he will reply patiently no matter how late it is." When Dr. Li was killed, he was on extra duty and "didn't even eat lunch." For this shocking tragedy, people felt angry from the bottom of their hearts, and the entire medical community fell into deep sorrow. No matter what the reason is, it cannot be used as an excuse to violently injure doctors. Such hysterical illegal and criminal behavior must be severely condemned and punished in accordance with the law.

In fact, violent injuries to doctors occur from time to time. According to incomplete statistics from the media, since 2000, there have been more than 400 publicly reported medical injuries, dozens of which resulted in the death of doctors. The top three departments with the highest incidence of serious violent medical injuries are the emergency department, obstetrics and gynecology, and pediatrics, followed by internal medicine-related departments. Relevant data from the "White Paper on the Practice of Chinese Doctors" shows that 66% of doctors in China have experienced varying degrees of doctor-patient conflicts, of which 51% have experienced verbal violence. It is evident that doctors are under great pressure at work.

Violent injury to doctors is unacceptable under the law. In order to curb the occurrence of violent medical injuries, the country has introduced a series of policies and measures. The "Basic Medical and Health Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China", which was implemented on June 1, 2020, states that the personal safety and personal dignity of medical and health personnel shall not be violated, and their legitimate rights and interests shall be protected by law. It is prohibited for any organization or individual to threaten or endanger the personal safety of medical and health personnel, or violate the personal dignity of medical and health personnel. However, we must also realize that the root cause of violent medical injuries lies in the tension between doctors and patients. To fundamentally solve this problem, the rule of law is even more important!

On the one hand, strengthen punishment. Relevant departments should improve relevant laws and regulations and increase penalties for violent injuries to doctors. We might as well bring violence against doctors into the scope of the criminal law, stipulate severe penalties, and increase the cost of violating the law for criminals. At the same time, law enforcement efforts must also be intensified to ensure the strict implementation of laws and regulations, and law enforcement departments must cooperate closely to crack down on violent medical injuries in accordance with the law, and never tolerate criminals.

On the other hand, strengthen guidance. Relevant government departments should strengthen publicity and education to increase public resistance to violent medical injuries. Through various channels, we should widely publicize the harmfulness and illegality of violent medical injuries, guide the public to establish a correct concept of medical treatment, respect the work and dedication of medical staff, and jointly create a harmonious medical environment. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the medical ethics supervision mechanism, strengthen doctor-patient communication, guide patients and their families to reasonably express their demands, enhance mutual understanding and trust, improve the quality of medical services, and make patients feel cared for and respected. In addition, for the sake of prevention, it is also necessary for hospitals to set up unified security entrances to protect the safety of medical staff and reduce the probability of violent medical injuries.

In short, only by strengthening the rule of law, working together from all parties, and eliminating blockages can we truly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of medical personnel, ensure the normal operation of medical order, and provide better and safer medical services to the general public. ( Hesheng commentator Cao Canhui)

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