Hello everyone, this is my fingertips. The second round of the KPL regular season officially ended on the 21st, and then there will be six more exciting slot games. The format of the slot match is the same as before, bo7 plus peak showdown, S5 vs. A2, S6 vs. A1, A5 vs. B2, A

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Hello everyone, this is my fingertips. The second round of the KPL regular season officially ended on the 21st, and then there will be six more exciting slot games. The format of the

card game is the same as before, bo7 plus peak showdown, s5 plays a2, s6 plays a1, a5 plays b2, a6 plays b1. Letā€™s take a look at what exciting things to watch in the final game of the second round. Just order it.

hero had a lineup change and zero seals tkl. If there was still hope, he would never have thought of this move.

Hero, who had already been confirmed to be eliminated early, had to bite the bullet and play the last game. However, as the final game, they had a lineup change. Lu Xinghen returned, striker Jiang Cheng appeared, and newcomer Huanyun jungled. The original intention was for these substitutes to appear at the end, but they did not expect to win so cleanly.

Hello everyone, this is my fingertips. The second round of the KPL regular season officially ended on the 21st, and then there will be six more exciting slot games.      The format of the slot match is the same as before, bo7 plus peak showdown, S5 vs. A2, S6 vs. A1, A5 vs. B2, A - Lujuba

I think the coaching staff is thinking at this time, if they had thought of this substitution strategy early, would they not have been eliminated so early?

Of course, the opponent is only tkl, which is hard to win, but this kind of fantasy is actually understandable if you think about it.

Hello everyone, this is my fingertips. The second round of the KPL regular season officially ended on the 21st, and then there will be six more exciting slot games.      The format of the slot match is the same as before, bo7 plus peak showdown, S5 vs. A2, S6 vs. A1, A5 vs. B2, A - Lujuba

As the K-A champions, their next step is to play in the relegation match. After losing, they will temporarily leave the KPL arena, because according to the league rules, unless the K-A team wins the KPL championship, this temporary seat competition will be held at any time Being banned, I lost the last battle quite miserably. I donā€™t know if I can keep my seat in the competition.

a1 qualified, the Xia team successfully avoided estar, the Wolf Star battle will be decided in the slot match.

The second game rw Xia vs. rngm, after watching the game, I only have one idea. Although rngm has a higher error rate, if they have With such decision-making and courage, I won't lose a single victory in the second round. This game is not the end of a unilateral suppression, but a close match that lasts for five rounds before the Xia team can win. That's why I came up with this idea. .

Hello everyone, this is my fingertips. The second round of the KPL regular season officially ended on the 21st, and then there will be six more exciting slot games.      The format of the slot match is the same as before, bo7 plus peak showdown, S5 vs. A2, S6 vs. A1, A5 vs. B2, A - Lujuba

The second game is the only game that will have an impact on the subsequent games. If the Xia team wins the big game, then the status of a1 will be confirmed. Then according to the rules of the card game, their opponent is tcg, but If they lose the game, their opponent will be estar. How would you choose if it were you?

Yes, going all out to win a1 can also avoid strong opponents in the slot match, and they finally did it, although the process was a little more difficult than imagined.

Hello everyone, this is my fingertips. The second round of the KPL regular season officially ended on the 21st, and then there will be six more exciting slot games.      The format of the slot match is the same as before, bo7 plus peak showdown, S5 vs. A2, S6 vs. A1, A5 vs. B2, A - Lujuba

In this way, the Wolves will play against estar in the slot match. These two teams have almost dominated the S group since the reform of the competition system. Now they have to decide "life and death" for a place in the S group. Imagine that year The Battle of Langxing was such a glorious battle, are the expectations still so high now?

In the final game of the second stage, ttg failed to chase three.

The third game also has no baggage, because it does not involve position or ranking, it is just an ordinary duel, and this evenly matched game looks like it can be said to be ten points. Wonderful.

Hello everyone, this is my fingertips. The second round of the KPL regular season officially ended on the 21st, and then there will be six more exciting slot games.      The format of the slot match is the same as before, bo7 plus peak showdown, S5 vs. A2, S6 vs. A1, A5 vs. B2, A - Lujuba

ag won two games first, and ttg chased two games in a row. Unfortunately, in the last wave of team battle in the fifth game, Meng Ya was defeated first, causing the team battle to fail, and it was only one move away.

Some people complained about Yinuo's unstable performance. Indeed, the scene of Marco Polo's 23-game team wipeout gave me the feeling of the old Yinuo's sudden death, but maybe it was because there was no pressure in this game, so I dared to do this. But having said that, although Gongsunli lost that game, the last scene of guarding the crystal was really impressive.

Hello everyone, this is my fingertips. The second round of the KPL regular season officially ended on the 21st, and then there will be six more exciting slot games.      The format of the slot match is the same as before, bo7 plus peak showdown, S5 vs. A2, S6 vs. A1, A5 vs. B2, A - Lujuba

Speaking of Yinuo Gongsunli, why is it just one point when you take it out? Is there something wrong with the decision-making within the bureau, or is it really a curse? Itā€™s puzzling. The second round of

ends, then the slot competition will start on the 23rd and 24th. The final positions of Group S and Group A in the third round will also be confirmed, and the teams in Group B and the teams that lost the slot match will Say goodbye to the stage of this season and let us look forward to it.

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