Let’s take a look at the two sets of shots: Shot 1: In the 13th minute, Shandong Taishan’s midfielder launched a quick attack. Liu Yang took the ball and passed it into the penalty area. Maiwulang, who was behind, grabbed the first point. Cresang didn’t wait for the ball to hit t

entertainment 6746℃

Let’s look at two sets of shots first:

Shot 1: In the 13th minute, Shandong Taishan midfielder launched a quick attack, Liu Yang took the ball and passed it into the penalty area. Maiwulang, who was behind, grabbed the first point, and Cresang didn’t wait. The ball hit the ground and he scored with an upside-down golden hook!

Let’s take a look at the two sets of shots: Shot 1: In the 13th minute, Shandong Taishan’s midfielder launched a quick attack. Liu Yang took the ball and passed it into the penalty area. Maiwulang, who was behind, grabbed the first point. Cresang didn’t wait for the ball to hit t - Lujuba

is wonderful and beautiful! The famous football coach Li Yi also applauded this goal. This goal not only helped the Taishan team take the lead, but also relieved the passive situation.

Shot 2: 13 minutes of stoppage time, entering the countdown stage. Shandong Taishan intercepted the ball in the midfield and passed it directly to the frontcourt. Kazaishvili took the ball and passed it directly to Kreisan who was advancing forward. The latter shot directly and scored without making any adjustments!

Let’s take a look at the two sets of shots: Shot 1: In the 13th minute, Shandong Taishan’s midfielder launched a quick attack. Liu Yang took the ball and passed it into the penalty area. Maiwulang, who was behind, grabbed the first point. Cresang didn’t wait for the ball to hit t - Lujuba

not only secured the victory for the team, but also scored twice for himself in this game.

Scoring goals is a forward's job. There seems to be nothing worthy of praise, no matter how beautiful the goal is.

However, if a striker also does the following things, how should he be evaluated?

takes the ball and forces the opponent to foul to stop it!

In the early stages of the game, that is, about the first 10 minutes, Nantong Zhiyun marked Cresang very closely, almost to the point of restricting him from getting the ball. Whether it is Cao Kang, Ye Daochi, or the people around Cresang, they all maintain this concentration at all times.

Let’s take a look at the two sets of shots: Shot 1: In the 13th minute, Shandong Taishan’s midfielder launched a quick attack. Liu Yang took the ball and passed it into the penalty area. Maiwulang, who was behind, grabbed the first point. Cresang didn’t wait for the ball to hit t - Lujuba

This is very obvious. As long as Kreisan holds the ball against his opponent, he will constantly pull and push him. One is to prevent him from holding the ball comfortably, and the other is to provoke Kreisan's unstable temper and make him irritable.

Although Cresan is used to this, he still feels helpless. Because of the continuous interference, he never found a suitable rhythm for playing football, and instead always fell into endless fights with his opponents. What's even more helpless is that the referee Wang Jing turned a blind eye and basically let it go.

Let’s take a look at the two sets of shots: Shot 1: In the 13th minute, Shandong Taishan’s midfielder launched a quick attack. Liu Yang took the ball and passed it into the penalty area. Maiwulang, who was behind, grabbed the first point. Cresang didn’t wait for the ball to hit t - Lujuba

is a striker who has appeared in the defense line many times to resolve crises!

Throughout the game, the Taishan team did not play well. Although the team won according to the result, fans who have watched the game should be able to truly feel that the initiative has basically been controlled by Nantong Zhiyun.

The Taishan team has basically been on the defensive. According to Cresan before, he must have stayed in the frontcourt, waiting for his teammates to steal the ball, and then use his personal abilities to threaten the opponent's defense. But in this game, Cresan has been on the wing and in the center, assisting the team in defense. The gaps left by Liu Yang and Peng Xinli are basically filled by Cresang.

Let’s take a look at the two sets of shots: Shot 1: In the 13th minute, Shandong Taishan’s midfielder launched a quick attack. Liu Yang took the ball and passed it into the penalty area. Maiwulang, who was behind, grabbed the first point. Cresang didn’t wait for the ball to hit t - Lujuba

Cresang can basically be seen in several key positions such as defensive midfielder, full-back and so on.

In this game, Cresan’s positioning

When seeing the starting lineup, it should be everyone’s consensus that Cresan will be the lone forward.

However, after the game really started, Cresan's real active area was actually on the left wing, which is the position of a winger. The lone forward has always been played by Xie Wenneng.

The reason why Cui Kangxi arranged this is not difficult to understand. Since there is only one foreign player in the starting lineup, Kreisan, Kazaishvili is on the bench, and midfielder Li Yuanyi is not there, so the team lacks a real midfield commander.

Let’s take a look at the two sets of shots: Shot 1: In the 13th minute, Shandong Taishan’s midfielder launched a quick attack. Liu Yang took the ball and passed it into the penalty area. Maiwulang, who was behind, grabbed the first point. Cresang didn’t wait for the ball to hit t - Lujuba

does not have a stable ball holder in the midfield. No matter how strong Cresan is, he himself has no meaning in the frontcourt. After all, the ball basically cannot be passed to his feet, and the midfielder is cut off by the opponent. .

So sacrifice Cresan’s penalty area threat and use his ability to get the ball at his feet, placing him in midfield. Then I hope that the rapid forward penetration of young players like Xie Wenneng and Mai Wulang can create some opportunities.

And Cresan lived up to his mission. After getting the ball from the wing, he used his containment power to create several threatening attacks.The first goal was after stealing the ball from the wing, attracting the defense and creating a lot of space for Liu Yang to move forward, and finally passed a very threatening cross.

Let’s take a look at the two sets of shots: Shot 1: In the 13th minute, Shandong Taishan’s midfielder launched a quick attack. Liu Yang took the ball and passed it into the penalty area. Maiwulang, who was behind, grabbed the first point. Cresang didn’t wait for the ball to hit t - Lujuba

At the same time in defense, it seems that Cresan is not running too actively, but his ability to read the game is very strong. Basically, it can determine where and when the opponent's attack is threatening, and will step forward to assist in time.

After the game, Cresan scored a game-high 9.1 points, and the two offenses naturally contributed a lot. But his defensive efficiency, ability to create opportunities, etc. are all very important reference indicators.

A red card, opening up the two channels of Ren and Du!

In the 18th round of the league, when Shandong Taishan defeated Shanghai Shenhua, Kreisan's irrational behavior caused him to be sent off after two yellows and one red.

Let’s take a look at the two sets of shots: Shot 1: In the 13th minute, Shandong Taishan’s midfielder launched a quick attack. Liu Yang took the ball and passed it into the penalty area. Maiwulang, who was behind, grabbed the first point. Cresang didn’t wait for the ball to hit t - Lujuba

After that game, when they faced Qingdao Hainiu, Cresan was suspended and did not play. We saw Cresan again in the quarter-finals of the FA Cup, and it was this game that gave everyone a new understanding of Cresan.

maintains its original characteristics, while changing two points. The first is laxity, and the second is selfishness.

Whether it is the Football Association Cup or this game against Nantong Zhiyun, Cresan will no longer play willfully. Whether it is the team's offense or defense, he will actively participate in it. The lack of cooperation with Kazaishvili, which has been criticized by everyone, has also improved significantly. The two are willing to move and pass each other.

Let’s take a look at the two sets of shots: Shot 1: In the 13th minute, Shandong Taishan’s midfielder launched a quick attack. Liu Yang took the ball and passed it into the penalty area. Maiwulang, who was behind, grabbed the first point. Cresang didn’t wait for the ball to hit t - Lujuba

After this red card, we don’t know what happened in the middle. Maybe it was because we figured it out, maybe it was the sense of responsibility that brought the captain’s armband, maybe it was Cui Kangxi’s further persuasion. In short, Cresan in the last two games, After completely opening up the two channels of Ren and Du, not only did I feel comfortable playing, but the team's offense also saw a significant improvement.

is written at the end: It is also the scene that Taishan fans most want to see.

The team played well last season, mainly because Cresan had Moises and Fellaini beside him. Fellaini has a strong fulcrum and ball-making ability, and can also open up offensive space for his defense in the penalty area. As a fellow countryman of Cresan, Moises not only has exquisite foot skills, but is also more in sync with Cresan in terms of coordination. Whether it is ground passing or through penetration, Moises can always clearly feel the impact of Cresan. Raisan's intention.

But after Moises and Fellaini left, only Cresan was left in the Shandong Taishan team's offensive line. No matter how powerful he is, he can't withstand the opponent's dense defensive formation. Coupled with the series of problems that have arisen in the team, it is understandable that Cresan has emotional problems.

Let’s take a look at the two sets of shots: Shot 1: In the 13th minute, Shandong Taishan’s midfielder launched a quick attack. Liu Yang took the ball and passed it into the penalty area. Maiwulang, who was behind, grabbed the first point. Cresang didn’t wait for the ball to hit t - Lujuba

But now for Team Taishan and Cresan, things will get better and better. Because "Moises" and "Fellaini" are back. Of course, this refers to Kazaishvili and Zeka.

We also know that in order to maximize the power of these three people, it does take a lot of time and competition to hone. However, after all, the hardware for this momentum and trend is already available, and the future is only a matter of time.

This season, it is basically difficult for Shandong Taishan to make a difference in the league. But if Cui Kangxi can use the opportunity of the league to train the trio of Kresan, Zeka and Kazaishvili, and polish it into shape! And then train a few good young players, then Shandong Taishan next season, as long as there is no problem with health, will definitely be a strong contender for shutdown.

Of course, if this season is formed in advance, competing for a FA Cup championship will also be the most powerful litmus test.

Let’s take a look at the two sets of shots: Shot 1: In the 13th minute, Shandong Taishan’s midfielder launched a quick attack. Liu Yang took the ball and passed it into the penalty area. Maiwulang, who was behind, grabbed the first point. Cresang didn’t wait for the ball to hit t - Lujuba

The first goal was after stealing the ball from the wing, attracting the defense and creating a lot of space for Liu Yang to move forward, and finally passed a very threatening cross.

Let’s take a look at the two sets of shots: Shot 1: In the 13th minute, Shandong Taishan’s midfielder launched a quick attack. Liu Yang took the ball and passed it into the penalty area. Maiwulang, who was behind, grabbed the first point. Cresang didn’t wait for the ball to hit t - Lujuba

At the same time in defense, it seems that Cresan is not running too actively, but his ability to read the game is very strong. Basically, it can determine where and when the opponent's attack is threatening, and will step forward to assist in time.

After the game, Cresan scored a game-high 9.1 points, and the two offenses naturally contributed a lot. But his defensive efficiency, ability to create opportunities, etc. are all very important reference indicators.

A red card, opening up the two channels of Ren and Du!

In the 18th round of the league, when Shandong Taishan defeated Shanghai Shenhua, Kreisan's irrational behavior caused him to be sent off after two yellows and one red.

Let’s take a look at the two sets of shots: Shot 1: In the 13th minute, Shandong Taishan’s midfielder launched a quick attack. Liu Yang took the ball and passed it into the penalty area. Maiwulang, who was behind, grabbed the first point. Cresang didn’t wait for the ball to hit t - Lujuba

After that game, when they faced Qingdao Hainiu, Cresan was suspended and did not play. We saw Cresan again in the quarter-finals of the FA Cup, and it was this game that gave everyone a new understanding of Cresan.

maintains its original characteristics, while changing two points. The first is laxity, and the second is selfishness.

Whether it is the Football Association Cup or this game against Nantong Zhiyun, Cresan will no longer play willfully. Whether it is the team's offense or defense, he will actively participate in it. The lack of cooperation with Kazaishvili, which has been criticized by everyone, has also improved significantly. The two are willing to move and pass each other.

Let’s take a look at the two sets of shots: Shot 1: In the 13th minute, Shandong Taishan’s midfielder launched a quick attack. Liu Yang took the ball and passed it into the penalty area. Maiwulang, who was behind, grabbed the first point. Cresang didn’t wait for the ball to hit t - Lujuba

After this red card, we don’t know what happened in the middle. Maybe it was because we figured it out, maybe it was the sense of responsibility that brought the captain’s armband, maybe it was Cui Kangxi’s further persuasion. In short, Cresan in the last two games, After completely opening up the two channels of Ren and Du, not only did I feel comfortable playing, but the team's offense also saw a significant improvement.

is written at the end: It is also the scene that Taishan fans most want to see.

The team played well last season, mainly because Cresan had Moises and Fellaini beside him. Fellaini has a strong fulcrum and ball-making ability, and can also open up offensive space for his defense in the penalty area. As a fellow countryman of Cresan, Moises not only has exquisite foot skills, but is also more in sync with Cresan in terms of coordination. Whether it is ground passing or through penetration, Moises can always clearly feel the impact of Cresan. Raisan's intention.

But after Moises and Fellaini left, only Cresan was left in the Shandong Taishan team's offensive line. No matter how powerful he is, he can't withstand the opponent's dense defensive formation. Coupled with the series of problems that have arisen in the team, it is understandable that Cresan has emotional problems.

Let’s take a look at the two sets of shots: Shot 1: In the 13th minute, Shandong Taishan’s midfielder launched a quick attack. Liu Yang took the ball and passed it into the penalty area. Maiwulang, who was behind, grabbed the first point. Cresang didn’t wait for the ball to hit t - Lujuba

But now for Team Taishan and Cresan, things will get better and better. Because "Moises" and "Fellaini" are back. Of course, this refers to Kazaishvili and Zeka.

We also know that in order to maximize the power of these three people, it does take a lot of time and competition to hone. However, after all, the hardware for this momentum and trend is already available, and the future is only a matter of time.

This season, it is basically difficult for Shandong Taishan to make a difference in the league. But if Cui Kangxi can use the opportunity of the league to train the trio of Kresan, Zeka and Kazaishvili, and polish it into shape! And then train a few good young players, then Shandong Taishan next season, as long as there is no problem with health, will definitely be a strong contender for shutdown.

Of course, if this season is formed in advance, competing for a FA Cup championship will also be the most powerful litmus test.

Let’s take a look at the two sets of shots: Shot 1: In the 13th minute, Shandong Taishan’s midfielder launched a quick attack. Liu Yang took the ball and passed it into the penalty area. Maiwulang, who was behind, grabbed the first point. Cresang didn’t wait for the ball to hit t - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment