On Thursday night, US time, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate and delivered his first speech since being shot. (Trump makes a grand appearance) Trump was shot and survived, but Biden is in danger of getting the new crown

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On Thursday night, US time, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate and also delivered his first speech since was shot.

On Thursday night, US time, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate and delivered his first speech since being shot.      (Trump makes a grand appearance) Trump was shot and survived, but Biden is in danger of getting the new crown - Lujuba

(Trump makes a grand appearance)

Trump was shot and survived, but Biden is in danger of getting the new crown.

Judging from the current situation, Trump’s second entry into the White House can be said to be a certainty. This speech can also be regarded as Trump’s “early inaugural speech.”

Trump also attached great importance to this speech, and even attracted a new force - his family members.

On Thursday night, US time, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate and delivered his first speech since being shot.      (Trump makes a grand appearance) Trump was shot and survived, but Biden is in danger of getting the new crown - Lujuba

(Trump’s family)

In recent years, Trump has almost become a loner.

As we all know, the relationship between Trump and his wife Melania Trump has always been in a very delicate state, a bit like each of them has his own life.

On Thursday night, US time, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate and delivered his first speech since being shot.      (Trump makes a grand appearance) Trump was shot and survived, but Biden is in danger of getting the new crown - Lujuba

(It has been revealed before that the old couple cannot fly together)

Ivanka, the most famous among the children, seems to have a good relationship with her father, but she has previously stated that she wants to return to the family and is unwilling to help her father campaign. .

On Thursday night, US time, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate and delivered his first speech since being shot.      (Trump makes a grand appearance) Trump was shot and survived, but Biden is in danger of getting the new crown - Lujuba

(Ivanka Trump)

The rest of the family members did not appear in front of the stage very much. Only a little Trump who seemed crazier than Trump was left to unite with him.

However, at this conference, Trump and three generations of his family staged a drama of "loving each other and being a family", which really gave him a lot of face.

This is also in line with what many people have said, "Trump seems to have changed since he was shot, advocating love and unity."

Except for his youngest son, Barron Trump, all of Trump’s children and grandchildren were present in the VIP area of ​​the venue. Trump said that Barron was also nearby, but no one took photos.

On Thursday night, US time, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate and delivered his first speech since being shot.      (Trump makes a grand appearance) Trump was shot and survived, but Biden is in danger of getting the new crown - Lujuba

(From left to right are Ivanka’s husband, Ivanka and Trump’s youngest daughter Tiffany)

Trump’s second son Eric also rarely stood on the stage to give a speech to celebrate his father’s surviving life:

"Five days ago, Lala, Luke, Carolina (his wife and children) and I watched you (Trump) with blood on your face and couldn't breathe.

Thank God for His grace, God's Intervention and the protection of angels kept you alive..."

On Thursday night, US time, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate and delivered his first speech since being shot.      (Trump makes a grand appearance) Trump was shot and survived, but Biden is in danger of getting the new crown - Lujuba

(Eric is giving a speech)

In the audience, Trump's granddaughter sat on Trump's lap and applauded his father's speech, while his grandson sat on his mother's lap Come on, let’s cheer for dad.

On Thursday night, US time, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate and delivered his first speech since being shot.      (Trump makes a grand appearance) Trump was shot and survived, but Biden is in danger of getting the new crown - Lujuba

(Trump, Trump’s daughter-in-law and his grandchildren)

The day before, Trump’s 17-year-old granddaughter Kay Trump also gave a speech on the stage, which attracted applause from the whole house.

She said, To these children, Trump is just an "ordinary grandpa" who would secretly stuff them with soda and candy under the watchful eyes of their parents...

On Thursday night, US time, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate and delivered his first speech since being shot.      (Trump makes a grand appearance) Trump was shot and survived, but Biden is in danger of getting the new crown - Lujuba

(Trump's granddaughter Kay Trump )

In addition to his grandchildren, Trump’s wife Melania also appeared in public with Trump for the first time in a long time.

This big family has actually put on a show of "we are tired of logging", and the shot was not in vain (x

On Thursday night, US time, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate and delivered his first speech since being shot.      (Trump makes a grand appearance) Trump was shot and survived, but Biden is in danger of getting the new crown - Lujuba

(Trump and Melania)

But it is a pity that the most famous one is Ivanka She said she attended the conference in a "personal capacity" and did not deliver a speech.

Melania also declined the invitation to speak at the conference. This is the first time that she has not attended the conference since Barbara Bush started this tradition. Spouses of candidates who spoke at the convention.

It can only be said that although the Trump family attended together, the face can only be given to this...

On Thursday night, US time, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate and delivered his first speech since being shot.      (Trump makes a grand appearance) Trump was shot and survived, but Biden is in danger of getting the new crown - Lujuba

(Melania, who had not attended for a long time, received a hero's welcome)

In the subsequent speech, Trump He spoke for more than 90 minutes, setting a new record for his speech length.

Mainly because Trump did not speak according to the script while chatting, and went off topic...

On Thursday night, US time, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate and delivered his first speech since being shot.      (Trump makes a grand appearance) Trump was shot and survived, but Biden is in danger of getting the new crown - Lujuba

(Trump’s speech scene)

At the beginning, he was still calling for unity.

He said of what happened on the day of the shooting:

"A crowd of thousands stood next to me, motionless," he explained. "These beautiful people didn't want to leave me. They knew I was in trouble."

"Bullets were flying over our heads," he said, "but I felt calm."

There was a strange tone in his voice, Gloomy and extremely fragile:

"I should not be here tonight. I stand on this stage only by the grace of Almighty God..."

After saying this, the audience shouted:
"You just You should stand here!"

On Thursday night, US time, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate and delivered his first speech since being shot.      (Trump makes a grand appearance) Trump was shot and survived, but Biden is in danger of getting the new crown - Lujuba

(Everyone wears bandages on their ears to support Trump)

Then Trump said:

"I am running for the entire United States, not half of the United States. Winning half of the United States does not mean victory... ”

He then kissed the helmet of firefighter Corey who was killed during the rally and hugged his uniform.

Trump piously told them, "There is no greater love than laying down your life for another."

The crowd responded: "We love Trump. We love Trump."

On Thursday night, US time, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate and delivered his first speech since being shot.      (Trump makes a grand appearance) Trump was shot and survived, but Biden is in danger of getting the new crown - Lujuba

(Trump hugs Corey's firefighter jacket)

He also said, For once, he would not attack President Biden.

But it didn’t take long before Trump really couldn’t hold it in any longer…

He began to improvise and began to say that the Democratic Party was persecuting him:

“The Democratic Party must immediately stop weaponizing the judicial system and stop labeling political opponents. Label for enemies of democracy!”

He also said Nancy Pelosi is crazy and that Democrats are using the coronavirus to cheat in the 2020 election.

"Only I am the one who saves democracy for the people of our country!"

"If you select the 10 worst presidents in American history, you first think about the 10 worst, and now you add them up. None of them are as big as Biden’s troubles!”

On Thursday night, US time, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate and delivered his first speech since being shot.      (Trump makes a grand appearance) Trump was shot and survived, but Biden is in danger of getting the new crown - Lujuba

(The crowd cheering for Trump in the audience)

Next, Trump started talking nonsense...

He said that during Biden’s administration, the United States experienced the most severe inflation in history.

But in fact, during the Biden administration, the inflation rate did reach a new high of 9.1% in June 2022, but the inflation rate also declined in the following two years, and Trump did not mention it.

After that, Trump came up with the chart that saved his life.

He said that during his tenure as president, in 2021, the number of illegal immigrants was at an all-time low, and after he left office, the number of illegal immigrants has been rising.

But the fact is that the biggest factor in the decline in the number of immigrants is the epidemic blockade. After the blockade was lifted, the number of illegal immigrants still showed a gradual upward trend, and for a period of time it was still during his term of office.

On Thursday night, US time, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate and delivered his first speech since being shot.      (Trump makes a grand appearance) Trump was shot and survived, but Biden is in danger of getting the new crown - Lujuba

(The chart that saved Trump’s life)

Trump also said that he implemented the largest tax cut plan in American history.

But analysts have found that Trump’s tax cuts are not as good as those of Reagan and Obama, regardless of dollar amount or GDP percentage.

In short, according to previous reports, the Trump team deliberately revised the manuscript for this conference in order to make the shooting victim Trump appear more united and softer.

But with Trump's crackling fire, the campaign team's calculation was in vain...

On Thursday night, US time, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate and delivered his first speech since being shot.      (Trump makes a grand appearance) Trump was shot and survived, but Biden is in danger of getting the new crown - Lujuba

(Trump in the speech)

But this actually doesn't matter. After all, there is still a positive person in the Democratic Party... ...

Before the end of his speech, Trump finally returned to the teleprompter and began to follow the words:

"If what happened last Saturday is any indication, it is that every second we spend on this earth is God." "

Finally, Trump ended his speech with his most classic line:

"No one can stop us! In short, we will make America great again soon! (maga!)"

On Thursday night, US time, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate and delivered his first speech since being shot.      (Trump makes a grand appearance) Trump was shot and survived, but Biden is in danger of getting the new crown - Lujuba


's words and deeds are still the same demeanor of bombarding everything.

Let’s look at his opponents again—according to the latest news from the Financial Times, the top funders and officials of the People’s Party have stated that Biden is close to withdrawing.

On Thursday night, US time, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate and delivered his first speech since being shot.      (Trump makes a grand appearance) Trump was shot and survived, but Biden is in danger of getting the new crown - Lujuba

(Today's "Financial Times" revelations)

If the news is true, then Trump has almost sealed the victory in advance. Perhaps soon, the White House will welcome back its loyal (understanding) king...

Tags: entertainment