Before the finale, Gu Jiming was sentenced to death. Kill people to pay for their lives, and pay your debts for money. For Gu Jiming, whose hands are stained with blood, the death penalty is the inevitable outcome. Therefore, from the moment he was imprisoned, Gu Jiming acce

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Before the finale, Gu Jiming was sentenced to death.

Kill people to pay for their lives, and pay your debts for money. For Gu Jiming, whose hands are stained with blood, the death penalty is the inevitable outcome. Therefore, from the moment he was imprisoned, Gu Jiming accepted everything calmly.

Before the finale, Gu Jiming was sentenced to death.      Kill people to pay for their lives, and pay your debts for money. For Gu Jiming, whose hands are stained with blood, the death penalty is the inevitable outcome. Therefore, from the moment he was imprisoned, Gu Jiming acce - Lujuba

Jiang Na and Mai Sui have always been scars that Gu Jiming did not want to touch. No matter the Red Star Hotel or Changle, he always deliberately avoided all memories of Jiang Na. However, some people and some things cannot be forgotten even if you want to forget them.

Killing people and burying their bodies, one corpse and two lives. Gu Jiming knew very well that confessing his crime may not be lenient, but resisting would definitely be punished severely. With the police's powerful psychological offensive and iron-clad evidence, Gu Jiming finally stopped resisting and fought to the end. He truthfully confessed the causes and consequences of Jiang Na's murder.

Like a huge stone falling from his heart, Gu Jinming, who confessed the truth, suddenly felt relieved. After the interrogation, he asked Jiang Guangming for one thing.

Gu Jiming said, " Can you help me tell Su Zhenzhen that I tried every means to get to know her just to help me publish a novel. I have been using women. Please persuade her not to have children. She is alone. It is easier to move forward.

Before the finale, Gu Jiming was sentenced to death.      Kill people to pay for their lives, and pay your debts for money. For Gu Jiming, whose hands are stained with blood, the death penalty is the inevitable outcome. Therefore, from the moment he was imprisoned, Gu Jiming acce - Lujuba

This was Gu Jiming’s last kindness to persuade Su Zhenzhen to abort the child. After all, if Su Zhenzhen insisted on giving birth to Wheatear, the child would have a murderer's father from birth.

In our lives, we often hear children asking their parents - did you get their consent when you gave birth to a child? A child is the product of love between parents. The purpose of childbearing is not only the continuation of life, but also the transmission of love. However, if parents give birth to children, they will bring shame to their children instead of happiness. This is the greatest selfishness of parents.

In order not to burden Su Zhenzhen and bring humiliation to the unborn Wheat Sui, Gu Jiming suggested not having children.

However, Su Zhen was a stubborn woman. She received Gu Jiming's kind reminder, but she still stubbornly chose to give birth to the child.

Women are weak, but mothers are strong. Before Gu Jiming was sentenced to death, Su Zhenzhen once again talked about the wheat ear in her belly. She said, " I just wanted to give birth to him. "

Before the finale, Gu Jiming was sentenced to death.      Kill people to pay for their lives, and pay your debts for money. For Gu Jiming, whose hands are stained with blood, the death penalty is the inevitable outcome. Therefore, from the moment he was imprisoned, Gu Jiming acce - Lujuba

Su Zhenzhen insisted on giving birth to wheat ear, seemingly as a mother. Love for children and reverence for life. However, after careful consideration, we discovered that Su Zhenzhen's real purpose was not like this.

Su Zhenzhen is a very controlling woman. She is used to manipulating and mastering others. Just like she said when she was making pottery, " I really like the feeling of being in control of the clay. After the accident, didn't I just lose control of my legs? Then I really want to control something else." Something. Just like this clay, you see, I feel that I can control it with my hands and shape it into the shape I want. A successful woman with full self-esteem and confidence. With a superior family environment and a good background, she has never lowered her head and looked down on all living beings.

However, a sudden car accident changed her fate.After her legs were disabled, Su Zhenzhen fell from the clouds to the world. She was no longer the unattainable princess, but an object that the drivers Liu could fantasize about.

The lack of sense of security gave birth to Su Zhenzhen’s super desire for control. She needs to demonstrate her control by manipulating others and taking control of everything. Just as Jiang Guangming said, to Su Zhenzhen, Gu Jiming was just a toy that she could hold in her hand and play with at will. She enjoyed the pleasure of manipulation and shaped Gu Jiming into the shape she wanted according to her own wishes.

Before the finale, Gu Jiming was sentenced to death.      Kill people to pay for their lives, and pay your debts for money. For Gu Jiming, whose hands are stained with blood, the death penalty is the inevitable outcome. Therefore, from the moment he was imprisoned, Gu Jiming acce - Lujuba

Su Zhenzhen saw all his caution, his ingratiation, his thoughtfulness, and his little calculations. She seemed to be sick, intoxicated with this feeling.

In order to control Gu Jiming, she could choose to forgive his Neptune behavior, laugh off his plagiarism, and deliberately cover up his criminal behavior. After all, Gu Jinming is like her pet. She can pamper him, abuse him, humiliate him when he is unhappy, and provide protection when necessary.

After Gu Jiming was arrested, Su Zhenzhen lost the toy he could control. Therefore, her insistence on giving birth to wheat ears is not at all compassionate and maternal love. In her opinion, the birth of a child has found a new plaything for her. She can unleash her desire for control as much as she wants, not to mention that it is natural for a mother to discipline her children.

Before the finale, Gu Jiming was sentenced to death.      Kill people to pay for their lives, and pay your debts for money. For Gu Jiming, whose hands are stained with blood, the death penalty is the inevitable outcome. Therefore, from the moment he was imprisoned, Gu Jiming acce - Lujuba

Su Zhenzhen had no so-called pity for Mai Sui. She just took advantage of the situation to create another work, using her own hands to control him and shape him into the desired shape.

Extreme desire for control is often accompanied by extreme lack of confidence. The car accident turned Su Zhenzhen into a different person, while Gu Jiming and Mai Sui were just her victims.

Su Zhenzhen’s disability does not lie in her legs, but in her heart.

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