"Mid-life crisis" is here, is there still a show for Mesozoic actresses?

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Some people say that in the Chinese showbiz market, Chinese actresses seem to have only two forms: girls and old ladies. Regardless of how beautiful you were when you were young, as long as you are in your thirties and forties, don't talk about "women's beards". Some are just the sadness of "heroes are useless."

The plight of middle-aged actresses has been repeatedly mentioned earlier. The "national daughter-in-law" Haiqing even made a collective announcement on behalf of the Mesozoic actresses at the closing ceremony of the 13th FIRST Youth Film Festival. "Declaration" and tossed an olive branch to the young directors and producers on the scene, "We will definitely be cheaper than Hu Ge, and it is also easy to use." What kind of dilemma is

'Mid-life crisis' is here, is there still a show for Mesozoic actresses? - Lujuba

Mesozoic actresses who should have become treasures? How should their interesting souls be displayed, and how should they discover the special beauty of this age group? Perhaps, those actresses who are experiencing, especially those who have "broken out of the circle", have more say. As the French actress Juliet Binoche said, age should not be the bondage of art. They can look for a bigger stage, laugh and act with wrinkles.

The Death of Middle-aged Actresses

"Middle-aged actresses have no play to play", in fact, is not just the dilemma faced by domestic actresses. Middle-aged and elderly actresses far away in Hollywood have continued their resistance to age discrimination, just as the 74-year-old Helen Mirren once complained: "We sit and watch the Bond series movies, and he is getting older and older. His girlfriends are getting younger and younger." How difficult this predicament is and how it caused it, you might as well listen to them.

was called a elder sister in the crew, trying to play like a selected dish, taking pictures and standing aside, getting stuck outside the camera, walking on the red carpet and awkwardly waving in the cold field...

-in March 2019, Jiao Junyan was in "My Girlfriend "In ", I chatted with Tang Wan, Zhang Xiaofei, classmates of the performance department of Beijing Film Group 05, and others about the current situation of 30-year-old actresses. The topic "Jiao Junyan talks about the current situation of 30-year-old actresses" was once on Weibo's hot search, which attracted the attention of many netizens and fans.

has clearly come to the age group that is mature enough as an actor and is in the best state of performance, but in the market we are in, there are very few scenes for actresses of this age group, which is really embarrassing.

-On the stage of "Starry Sky Speech", Yao Chen, the former "Queen of Weibo", described his "middle-aged embarrassment" with the title of "Awkwardness and Confusion of a Middle-aged Actress" and shared it with the audience It reflects the reality of the middle-aged actress in her eyes.

I am now 30+, but in this market I still maintain the girl character design, afraid of being eliminated. I came to this stage as an opportunity to recharge myself. Please give more opportunities to actresses of 30+ and 40+.

-When participating in "I'm an Actor", 37-year-old Yang Rong was so sad.

There is one thing I think I need to face honestly, not only China, but Asian culture is actually a girlish culture. At my age, there are very few roles I can find that I can play.

-For middle-aged actresses who have no play to act, Xiao Tao Hong once explained the popular Asian girl culture, but this is "not a good thing, it can only show that men are immature and naive." She also said, "Say Hollywood Actresses don’t have such age anxiety. I absolutely don’t believe them. They are just more themes.” Basically, most people think that middle-aged women have nothing to talk about except guarding their marriages, and they have so many youthful appearances. The story of beauty has not been written enough yet.

-Qin Lan, who returned to the public's vision with "Strategy of Yanxi Palace", once said in an interview that the current film and television environment is full of girls who cultivate immortals, girls love, and girls’ workplaces are upgraded, but few dramas truly show maturity. Women’s growth path, love journey and career experience.

We are in an abnormal environment in which we don’t want to see happy women. The only thing that Oriental women are viewed is whether she is a girl or not? ……Whether it is a girl, a girl, or a woman, they should be appreciated or even protected. It is a pity that in the text I have seen, there is no gentleman besides being harsh, let alone those of the same sex who aggressively stabbed you.

-In "The Queen of the Dugu", Qiaoen Chen performed the life of the queen of literature Dugu Jialuo, but was criticized by netizens as "too old". Chen Qiaoen sent an article with emotion, and suspected to respond to doubts.

My child has grown up, and I can make good filming. I hope that all directors who have good scripts can come to me for filming.

-Sun Li was awarded the 31st Feitian Award for Best Actress for the role of Zhou Ying in "The Flower Blooming in That Year". When she came to the stage to receive the award, she once said such a series of acceptance speech to promote herself, which was very funny, but how helpless.

is not that domestic middle-aged actresses are not as appealing as traffic actresses, but capital has formed a blind pursuit of traffic stars, easily equating the number of actress fans with commercial value, leaving it to middle-aged actresses to prove their strength There are fewer and fewer opportunities, which in turn affects creation.

-In the eyes of some film critics, the plight of middle-aged actresses is "in the final analysis a kind of commercial inertia."

Even if the Chinese film market enters the era where word of mouth is king, traffic thinking still has great inertia. Many capitalists would rather give opportunities to middle-aged capable actors than to capable actresses. In the final analysis, they would not take a chance. Little risk.

-Looking to the future, many people in the industry are still not optimistic.

The beauty of middle-aged actress

"Compared with the beauty of your youth, I love your now devastated face." In the eyes of the writer Duras, middle-aged women have a unique beauty. With age, in addition to the increased wrinkles, there are also stories hidden in wrinkles, which are inseparable from the richness and nourishment of real experience. In a sense, the dilemma of middle-aged actresses is not just about age. The current monotonous and rigid creative and aesthetic models are in urgent need of subversion. I hope that actresses of all ages will have the opportunity to encounter good scripts, find their favorite characters, and achieve a hundred flowers bloom on the big screen or small screen.

years have given us experience, wrinkles, experience, tolerance, kindness, and good communication. We are not as difficult as the legendary cooperation.

-At the closing ceremony of the 13th FIRST Youth Film Festival, Haiqing issued a "manifesto" on behalf of Mesozoic actresses who are "very keen to perform", calling on the Chinese film and television market to give Mesozoic actresses more opportunities. She said, “Most of us are passive. The market and themes often keep us away, and we are even isolated from the beginning.” However, “We always have a goal and hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with an excellent team. It is our ambition and the ambition of every actor." There are too few opportunities for us in the

market. The reason is still an aesthetic problem. Many viewers don't want to see a beautiful middle-aged woman. They don't understand, just look at young and beautiful.

—Berlin International Film Festival's new actress Yong Mei described her emotions as "anger" when she talked about the situation of Mesozoic actresses. In her opinion, there are many types of women to take care of if you are divided into classes, from grass roots to elites.

Mesozoic actresses make everyone aware of beauty. I think this should not be a "very unexpected" thing. "The beauty of the Mesozoic era" should have existed, but the problem was ignored in the past two years. In fact, in foreign countries, the real "big actors" in European and American countries are all Mesozoic actresses, and they are unlikely to be young girls.

-Regarding age, Chen Shu believes that "many friends are caught in the matter of age. Everyone cares too much about the youth of the flesh, and always ignores the unstoppable progress of life to find progress that matches their own growth. And status... Even if I am not an actor, but just an ordinary girl, I will not allow myself to be a bit bad." In her eyes, many Mesozoic women are actually precious treasures, and the era at this moment can give the Mesozoic Women are more recognized, this recognition is not only measured by appearance.

Try to keep yourself in good condition, and the play path will be relatively wider.

-Yin Tao said frankly. Indeed, for Mesozoic actresses, a good attitude is essential.

I said to myself, I will let you slowly see my good side. By my age, to be honest, there are not many opportunities for the heroine, then be a good green leaf, one that can contribute to the whole moviePlus points, green leaves that are noticed. What I enjoy most is that others feel my skill.

-Golden Horse Award actress Hui Yinghong roughly said that the current film and television market is a bit harsh on older actresses, no one is willing to write their stories seriously, and there will not be many opportunities for heroines, but she also has her own way of deciphering .

Regarding actors as a lifelong professional, I must be prepared to meet different roles at different stages, whether it’s a heroine or a cameo. You will choose these roles because you are from These characters see a point of resonance, and you want to express it, that's great.

-Yuan Quan, who has acted in dramas for many years, has won numerous fans in this year's National Day file for "Captain of China". In her opinion, there is no such thing as a "golden age" or a "middle-age crisis". "Because every age group will have suitable characters to follow, I think the characters after 30 are more readable, so I still I am looking forward to the next role." She also mentioned, "Some of Chekov's plays must be performed only after the face of 40."

Everyone can see that the good plays that can really stay are performed by Mesozoic actresses, such as "Wu Zetian", "Zhen Huan Biography" and "The Great House".

-In Qin Hailu's view, Mesozoic actresses are still promising, "Actors are omnipotent, and the key is that you are suitable for this matter." She also made an analogy, saying that she can even act as a dog, the key is to see if others believe it or not, whether they can accept it or not.

I have received a lot of scripts, and the roles of those grandma and grandma are so stylized, the routines are extremely boring. Women are not so boring at this age, no wonder they don't watch it, no wonder they want to watch young and beautiful people fall in love.

-On October 16, Chen Chong talked about the confusion of middle-aged actresses at the New Wave Forum x Pingyao International Film Festival "Chong Ah, Female Filmmaker" forum, thinking that many of the scripts of the grandmother and grandmother are so stylized. To the extreme of the routine, in fact, "no matter what level, people's desire, loss, living conditions, interesting souls will not change. The richness provided by age has no chance to be displayed."

At this age, people who have a certain experience and accumulation will have a very rich level and more suitable performance methods.

-Mei Ting said that the advantage of Mesozoic actresses lies in the "good-looking" drama, because it is not only on the surface, but more three-dimensional and richer. From a certain perspective,

film and television works are mirrors that reflect reality, which shows the society's perception of female identity. There shouldn’t be only one kind of socially recognized female appearance. Female characters in film and television dramas are not just gentle, courteous, frugal, silly and sweet, right? Why not be more diverse?

-In the process of constantly exploring, breaking and rebuilding the self, Yao Chen said that the embarrassment of middle-aged actresses not being able to film is not only caused by the market, but also related to society's perception of women.

Chinese women have so many excellent virtues, not just arguing in the harem, I hope that more good works will be born, maybe the gospel of actresses will come.

-When asked about the phenomenon that only mother-in-law dramas can be performed by actresses when they reach the age of 40, Liu Tianchi, a Chinese opera teacher, said that the boring script is in "noisy and clamoring". It’s a very energy-consuming process for actresses. "Because every actress is growing up, irreversible is her own physiology, but they have had the best period of emotional experience, including all aspects of their own experience. In fact, many The creators should pay attention to this issue."

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