Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: "I want to be with you all the time." Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing. In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi...

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Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen:

"I want to be with you all the time."

Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen and deliberately mentioned Ji Xing, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved her. Ji Xing.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Wei Qiuzi worked very hard to get Shao Yichen.

However, Shao Yichen is a man who attaches great importance to friendship. After breaking up with Ji Xing, he still has a place for Ji Xing in his heart.

Shao Yichen secretly used money to support Ji Xing's business and did not start a new relationship immediately, but Wei Qiuzi was impatient.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Faced with Wei Qiuzi's expression of love, Shao Yichen replied calmly:

"Qiuzi, I'm sorry, I'm not ready to enter a new relationship."

It wasn't until he saw Ji Xing and Han Ting coming together that Shao Yichen He turned around and accepted Wei Qiuzi.

Wei Qiuzi and Shao Yichen have similar personalities and the same pursuit, so they are very suitable for marriage, but their marriage is destined to be a tragedy.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Shao Yichen relied on Wei Qiuzi to rise to power

When Shao Yichen and Ji Xing fell in love, Wei Qiuzi was already ready to make a move.

Something happened to Shao Yichen's family, so Wei Qiuzi took the initiative to lend money to Shao Yichen; Shao Yichen and Ji Xing had a conflict, so Wei Qiuzi became Shao Yichen's excuse.

As Ji Xing's best friend, Wei Qiuzi should not miss Shao Yichen either emotionally or rationally.

This also shows that Wei Qiuzi’s character is problematic.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Especially during the most difficult time for Ji Xing to start his own business, Wei Qiuzi actually encouraged Shao Yichen to propose to Ji Xing, directly breaking up Shao Yichen and Ji Xing.

Wei Qiuzi knew Ji Xing very well and knew that Ji Xing was focusing on his career at this stage and had no plans to get married, so he would definitely reject Shao Yichen's proposal.

After Shao Yichen proposed breaking up, Ji Xing was in pain and got very drunk. However, Wei Qiuzi lied to Shao Yichen and said:

"You must be very reluctant to let go, but I know Xingxing's character very well. She is a decisive and unrestrained person. Since she can't go back, Go, you have to cheer up quickly."

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Wei Qiuzi naively thought that as long as he stayed with Shao Yichen, he could one day replace Ji Xing.

When he learned that Shao Yichen was going to Xinggang Hospital for an interview, Wei Qiuzi immediately contacted his uncle Wei De. Wei De held an important position in Xinggang Hospital and could easily give Shao Yichen a backdoor.

Under Weide's operation, Shao Yichen became Weide's assistant.

Wei Qiuzi gave too much to Shao Yichen. He gave money, connections, and resources, and tried his best to support Shao Yichen. However, was this really what Shao Yichen wanted?

Shao Yichen married Wei Qiuzi because he was moved, but he will never fall in love with Wei Qiuzi.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Shao Yichen fell in love with Ji Xing vigorously. Although he knew that Ji Xing was not suitable for him, he still liked Ji Xing. Wei Qiuzi never attracted Shao Yichen's attention for a long time.

Shao Yichen and Ji Xing broke up for two main reasons:

Firstly, Ji The life that Star wants.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Deep down, Shao Yichen wanted a woman who could rely on him, but Wei Qiuzi was smart and supported Shao Yichen to rise to power.

Wei Qiuzi's doing this will only be counterproductive.

Shao Yichen has a strong self-esteem. He wants to get a position in Xingang Hospital by his own ability, instead of Wei Qiuzi secretly using the back door for him.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

A marriage without love is painful for both people. Wei Qiuzi knew that Shao Yichen could not forget Ji Xing, so he still married Shao Yichen, which was the biggest tragedy.

Marriage does require both parties to have consistent views and congenial personalities, but "suitability" alone without love is not enough.

Shao Yichen is a person who cares about feelings very much. He couldn't give Wei Qiuzi love. After marriage, he was a mess and could only end up in divorce.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Huang Weiwei’s identity exposed

Ji Xing is too kind and soft-hearted.

Ji Xing always trusts the people around him easily, treating his employees as friends and ordinary friends as his best friends.

As a result, there were frequent problems with the company's management, and her "friends" hurt her one after another.

In the past, Wei Qiuzi poached Ji Xing and stole Ji Xing's boyfriend. Later, Xiao Xia stabbed Ji Xing in the back and Huang Weiwei betrayed him.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

When Xingchen was just starting out, it was difficult to raise funds. Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiaoxia resigned immediately.

Xingchen received Han Ting's investment and moved to Dongyang Building to work. Xiaoxia came back quickly and tried to curry favor with Ji Xing.

Ji Xing not only re-admitted Xiao Xia, but also saved Xiao Xia's face and claimed that she was the one who invited Xiao Xia back.

Ji Xing's kindness gave Xiaoxia the opportunity to stab her in the back.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

In the original book "You Are More Beautiful than Starlight", Xiaoxia claims to be the founder of Xingchen, and Ji Xing asks for 3% of the shares. Ji Xing disagrees, so Xiaoxia slanders Ji Xing on the Internet.

Later Ji Xing found out that Xiao Xia was bribed by Han Hai.

In order to step on Xingchen, Hanhai planned such a farce and ruined Xingchen's reputation.

Xiaoxia not only took the lead in the cyberattack on Ji Xing, but also leaked Xingchen’s information to Hanhai. Fortunately, it did not cause too much damage.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Ji Xing's management model of "treating employees as friends" is indeed very humane, but it also led to her lack of authority in the company, disorganized employees, and chaotic company management.

Huang Weiwei is an example.

When Ji Xing was working in Guanghua, Huang Weiwei was her good sister. At that time, Ji Xing often took the blame for the leader, and her status was lower than Huang Weiwei.

After Ji Xing resigned to start his own business, Huang Weiwei replaced Ji Xing and became the most bullied employee.

Huang Weiwei lived a very difficult life in Guanghua, where she was bullied, squeezed, and even sexually harassed in the workplace.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

It wasn’t until Ji Xing’s business started to improve, moved into a large office, and gained Han Ting’s favor that Huang Weiwei found a way out for herself.

Huang Weiwei decisively joined Ji Xing and left Guanghua gracefully.

Ji Xing regards Huang Weiwei as a friend, but Huang Weiwei regards Ji Xing as a backer and wants to take advantage of the situation.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Xiao Zuo made a mistake in operating the printer and the machine broke down. While others in the company were busy solving the problem, Huang Weiwei was leisurely putting on makeup in the office.

This detail is enough to show that Huang Weiwei does not really want to help Ji Xing.

is also Ji Xing's friend. Li Li went on a business trip to borrow the machine in person, but Huang Weiwei only blamed Xiao Zuo.

A true friend can share joys and sorrows. He will not dislike you when you fail; he will not be jealous when you succeed.

Li Li is such a friend.

And Huang Weiwei is just a superficial friend.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

The printer broke down. Han Yuan rushed to see Ji Xing's jokes. Why did the news spread so quickly?

It is very possible that Huang Weiwei was the one who passed the news to Han Yuan.

Huang Weiwei is the spy placed by Han Yuan next to Ji Xing. Only when Han Yuan grasps Ji Xing's handle can she have the right to speak against Han Ting.

Li Li mentioned that the Dongyi Medical Technology Department is directly led by Han Yuan, and Huang Weiwei has friends in the Dongyi Medical Technology Department, so everything makes sense.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Su Zhizhou meets true love

Su Zhizhou, the partner, is also "unreliable".

Su Zhizhou coaxed Ji Xing to start a business together and agreed to provide funds, but Su's father only gave him a broken warehouse.

Ji Xing is busy with Xingchen’s financing and business. There was a problem with the

machine, and Su Zhizhou didn't even have a solution. It was Ji Xing who took the lead to reverse the crisis.

Su Zhizhou grew up in a wealthy family. He was so well protected by his parents that he did not know the difficulties of starting a business.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Li Li, on the other hand, has strong work ability and high emotional intelligence. She soon became Xingchen's right-hand man.

Seeing the gap between Su Zhizhou and Li Li, he knew that Li Li would never like Su Zhizhou.

In Li Li's eyes, Su Zhizhou is just a young boy, and she likes mature and attractive men.

Xiao Yixiao is Li Li's ideal type.

It’s just that Li Li’s native family was too poor. After her parents divorced, her mother often instilled in her a negative view of marriage and love, which led to Li Li being prejudiced against men.

Therefore, after Li Li and Xiao Yixiao had a one-night stand, they did not dare to establish a relationship and pretended that they could "take it and let it go".

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Xiao Yixiao was sincerely attracted to Li Li.

Xiao Yixiao helped Li Li solve problems many times, which made Li Li increasingly dependent on him.

Behind Xiao Yixiao, there is also family pain.

Xiao Yixiao has a daughter. He has experienced a failed marriage. It is not easy to muster the courage to get married again.

Xiao Yixiao and Li Li still need to get along before they can truly accept each other.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Although Su Zhizhou did not win Li Li's heart, he found someone who suited him. In the original book "You Are More Beautiful than Starlight", Su Zhizhou and Xiaoying were boyfriend and girlfriend, and their relationship was very stable.

The most rare thing in life is to meet the person you like and are suitable for you.

The wrong person will be separated, but the right person will definitely come to you.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Huang Weiwei’s identity exposed

Ji Xing is too kind and soft-hearted.

Ji Xing always trusts the people around him easily, treating his employees as friends and ordinary friends as his best friends.

As a result, there were frequent problems with the company's management, and her "friends" hurt her one after another.

In the past, Wei Qiuzi poached Ji Xing and stole Ji Xing's boyfriend. Later, Xiao Xia stabbed Ji Xing in the back and Huang Weiwei betrayed him.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

When Xingchen was just starting out, it was difficult to raise funds. Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiaoxia resigned immediately.

Xingchen received Han Ting's investment and moved to Dongyang Building to work. Xiaoxia came back quickly and tried to curry favor with Ji Xing.

Ji Xing not only re-admitted Xiao Xia, but also saved Xiao Xia's face and claimed that she was the one who invited Xiao Xia back.

Ji Xing's kindness gave Xiaoxia the opportunity to stab her in the back.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

In the original book "You Are More Beautiful than Starlight", Xiaoxia claims to be the founder of Xingchen, and Ji Xing asks for 3% of the shares. Ji Xing disagrees, so Xiaoxia slanders Ji Xing on the Internet.

Later Ji Xing found out that Xiao Xia was bribed by Han Hai.

In order to step on Xingchen, Hanhai planned such a farce and ruined Xingchen's reputation.

Xiaoxia not only took the lead in the cyberattack on Ji Xing, but also leaked Xingchen’s information to Hanhai. Fortunately, it did not cause too much damage.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Ji Xing's management model of "treating employees as friends" is indeed very humane, but it also led to her lack of authority in the company, disorganized employees, and chaotic company management.

Huang Weiwei is an example.

When Ji Xing was working in Guanghua, Huang Weiwei was her good sister. At that time, Ji Xing often took the blame for the leader, and her status was lower than Huang Weiwei.

After Ji Xing resigned to start his own business, Huang Weiwei replaced Ji Xing and became the most bullied employee.

Huang Weiwei lived a very difficult life in Guanghua, where she was bullied, squeezed, and even sexually harassed in the workplace.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

It wasn’t until Ji Xing’s business started to improve, moved into a large office, and gained Han Ting’s favor that Huang Weiwei found a way out for herself.

Huang Weiwei decisively joined Ji Xing and left Guanghua gracefully.

Ji Xing regards Huang Weiwei as a friend, but Huang Weiwei regards Ji Xing as a backer and wants to take advantage of the situation.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Xiao Zuo made a mistake in operating the printer and the machine broke down. While others in the company were busy solving the problem, Huang Weiwei was leisurely putting on makeup in the office.

This detail is enough to show that Huang Weiwei does not really want to help Ji Xing.

is also Ji Xing's friend. Li Li went on a business trip to borrow the machine in person, but Huang Weiwei only blamed Xiao Zuo.

A true friend can share joys and sorrows. He will not dislike you when you fail; he will not be jealous when you succeed.

Li Li is such a friend.

And Huang Weiwei is just a superficial friend.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

The printer broke down. Han Yuan rushed to see Ji Xing's jokes. Why did the news spread so quickly?

It is very possible that Huang Weiwei was the one who passed the news to Han Yuan.

Huang Weiwei is the spy placed by Han Yuan next to Ji Xing. Only when Han Yuan grasps Ji Xing's handle can she have the right to speak against Han Ting.

Li Li mentioned that the Dongyi Medical Technology Department is directly led by Han Yuan, and Huang Weiwei has friends in the Dongyi Medical Technology Department, so everything makes sense.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Su Zhizhou meets true love

Su Zhizhou, the partner, is also "unreliable".

Su Zhizhou coaxed Ji Xing to start a business together and agreed to provide funds, but Su's father only gave him a broken warehouse.

Ji Xing is busy with Xingchen’s financing and business. There was a problem with the

machine, and Su Zhizhou didn't even have a solution. It was Ji Xing who took the lead to reverse the crisis.

Su Zhizhou grew up in a wealthy family. He was so well protected by his parents that he did not know the difficulties of starting a business.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Li Li, on the other hand, has strong work ability and high emotional intelligence. She soon became Xingchen's right-hand man.

Seeing the gap between Su Zhizhou and Li Li, he knew that Li Li would never like Su Zhizhou.

In Li Li's eyes, Su Zhizhou is just a young boy, and she likes mature and attractive men.

Xiao Yixiao is Li Li's ideal type.

It’s just that Li Li’s native family was too poor. After her parents divorced, her mother often instilled in her a negative view of marriage and love, which led to Li Li being prejudiced against men.

Therefore, after Li Li and Xiao Yixiao had a one-night stand, they did not dare to establish a relationship and pretended that they could "take it and let it go".

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Xiao Yixiao was sincerely attracted to Li Li.

Xiao Yixiao helped Li Li solve problems many times, which made Li Li increasingly dependent on him.

Behind Xiao Yixiao, there is also family pain.

Xiao Yixiao has a daughter. He has experienced a failed marriage. It is not easy to muster the courage to get married again.

Xiao Yixiao and Li Li still need to get along before they can truly accept each other.

Wei Qiuzi finally confessed to Shao Yichen: 'I want to be with you all the time.' Wei Qiuzi went to cook for Shao Yichen, and even mentioned Ji Xing deliberately, just to test Shao Yichen and see if Shao Yichen still loved Ji Xing.      In order to get Shao Yichen, Wei Qiuzi... - Lujuba

Although Su Zhizhou did not win Li Li's heart, he found someone who suited him. In the original book "You Are More Beautiful than Starlight", Su Zhizhou and Xiaoying were boyfriend and girlfriend, and their relationship was very stable.

The most rare thing in life is to meet the person you like and are suitable for you.

The wrong person will be separated, but the right person will definitely come to you.

Tags: entertainment