In "You Are More Beautiful than Starlight", the drama of guarding against fire, guarding against theft and guarding against besties is staged again. It is obvious that Shao Yichen and Ji Xing have been in love for four years, but they had no choice but to break up in the end. How

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In 'You Are More Beautiful than Starlight', the drama of guarding against fire, guarding against theft and guarding against besties is staged again. It is obvious that Shao Yichen and Ji Xing have been in love for four years, but they had no choice but to break up in the end. How - Lujuba

In " you are more beautiful than the starlight ", the drama of fire protection, theft protection and best friend protection was once again staged. It was obvious that Shao Yichen and Ji Xing had been in love for four years, but they had no choice but to break up in the end, while Ji Xing's best friend Wei Qiuzi was helpless. There is a seam of connection. I heard that the two broke up and went directly to pursue Shao Yichen. This wave of operations is really true!

At first, Shao Yichen gave people the impression that he was gentle, generous, and a good boyfriend who could wash his hands and make soup. It can be seen that Shao Yichen loves Ji Xing very much, so the question is, what caused the two to finally part ways?

In 'You Are More Beautiful than Starlight', the drama of guarding against fire, guarding against theft and guarding against besties is staged again. It is obvious that Shao Yichen and Ji Xing have been in love for four years, but they had no choice but to break up in the end. How - Lujuba

01 Ji Xing's entrepreneurship may have been the trigger for the breakup.

I always feel that if Ji Xing was still working in the original company, maybe Shao Yichen and Ji Xing would have gone all the way to marriage, but Ji Xing is a person with dreams after all. After the company was squeezed out, Ji Xing decisively chose to start a business.

When Shao Yichen, the boyfriend, heard the news, although he said that he supported his girlfriend unconditionally, the expression on his face showed that he did not want Ji Xing to start a business.

In 'You Are More Beautiful than Starlight', the drama of guarding against fire, guarding against theft and guarding against besties is staged again. It is obvious that Shao Yichen and Ji Xing have been in love for four years, but they had no choice but to break up in the end. How - Lujuba

Before Ji Xing started his own business, the two had already started discussing specific matters such as getting married and buying a house. The reason Ji Xing was still working so hard in his original company was because he wanted to make more money and buy a house in the future. I think Shao Yichen undoubtedly thinks the same way. At least at this stage, the two of them still have the same goal.

There is a scene where Shao Yichen comes back from a business trip and everyone goes to pick him up at Ji Xing's house. The good family man puts on an apron and cooks a table of food. After the meal, he also takes over the task of rinsing the bowls. It can be seen that, This is an ordinary man who likes a stable and trouble-free life.

In 'You Are More Beautiful than Starlight', the drama of guarding against fire, guarding against theft and guarding against besties is staged again. It is obvious that Shao Yichen and Ji Xing have been in love for four years, but they had no choice but to break up in the end. How - Lujuba

It can also be seen from Shao Yichen's career that as a doctor, his job is stable enough, while Ji Xing is busy starting a business, which brings many unstable factors. Although he verbally supports his girlfriend and puts his bank account I gave the card to my girlfriend to express my support. But I believe that Shao Yichen's heart is not stable. Seeing that his girlfriend is getting busier and busier and almost forgot about the fourth anniversary of their acquaintance, maybe as a boyfriend, he has a psychological gap.

Therefore, Shao Yichen decisively proposed a breakup in the end. Although from God’s perspective, it was clear that Ji Xing ended up with Han Ting, but when Shao Yichen proposed breaking up, he later became a couple with Ji Xing’s best friend. It is true that I feel very sorry for Ji Xing. The description of this paragraph in the original work is also very tear-jerking.

In 'You Are More Beautiful than Starlight', the drama of guarding against fire, guarding against theft and guarding against besties is staged again. It is obvious that Shao Yichen and Ji Xing have been in love for four years, but they had no choice but to break up in the end. How - Lujuba

02 Comparison between Han Ting and Shao Yichen

If we have to compare Han Ting and Shao Yichen, who loves Ji Xing more, I think everyone will vote for Han Ting. In addition to his handsomeness and wealth, it is also because the two of them are in Ji Xing. Different attitudes towards entrepreneurship. It can be clearly seen from Shao Yichen's expression that he is opposed to his girlfriend starting a business, but he is inconvenient to say it clearly. In the end, he had to break up to express his point of view.

In the final analysis, he is unwilling to take risks. Taking a step back, if Ji Xing had not met Han Ting and accepted his investment, then her business might have failed. In the end, she would have lost all her money. As a person in the system, stability is the key. The main theme is that if Ji Xing is really penniless one day, can Shao Yichen really bear the consequences mentally?

In 'You Are More Beautiful than Starlight', the drama of guarding against fire, guarding against theft and guarding against besties is staged again. It is obvious that Shao Yichen and Ji Xing have been in love for four years, but they had no choice but to break up in the end. How - Lujuba

On the other hand, Han Ting, although he was venomous and merciless in his words, he still supported Ji Xing's entrepreneurship unconditionally. Although there was also an element of love, when different voices appeared on the board of directors, he firmly chose to stand by Ji Xing's side. His love for Ji Xing was unquestionable.

Maybe Han Ting and Shao Yichen are in different classes, so their perceptions will be different, but I think Han Ting will firmly choose Ji Xing no matter what time, while Shao Yichen lacks some courage, and... Shao Yichen and Ji Xing have different outlooks on life. One pursues stability, while the other seeks a breakthrough in life. Therefore, the two are destined to go further and further apart.

In 'You Are More Beautiful than Starlight', the drama of guarding against fire, guarding against theft and guarding against besties is staged again. It is obvious that Shao Yichen and Ji Xing have been in love for four years, but they had no choice but to break up in the end. How - Lujuba

As for Wei Qiuzi, maybe it suits Shao Yichen's taste. The first is that he is gentle enough, and the second is that Wei Qiuzi should also be a person who pursues stability, but the most important point is that she has liked Shao Yichen from a very early age. He fell in love with Shao Yichen, and as soon as his best friend broke up with him, he immediately started pursuing the male idol. It was really like green tea.

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