Former TVB host Wen Songnan was diagnosed with rare Ewing's sarcoma in October last year and stopped working to recuperate to fight the disease. However, his condition worsened recently and he died on the afternoon of the 14th at the age of 29. Wen Songnan revealed in his su

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Former TVB host Wen Songnan was diagnosed with rare Ewing's sarcoma in October last year and stopped working to recuperate to fight the disease. However, his condition worsened recently and he died on the afternoon of the 14th at the age of 29.

Former TVB host Wen Songnan was diagnosed with rare Ewing's sarcoma in October last year and stopped working to recuperate to fight the disease. However, his condition worsened recently and he died on the afternoon of the 14th at the age of 29.      Wen Songnan revealed in his su - Lujuba

Wen Songnan revealed in his suicide note that he was admitted to the hospital with lower body paralysis on the 22nd of last month. However, Wen Songnan actually posted on the 21st of last month that he had just been discharged from the hospital, but complained that the five days in the public hospital were like being in jail.

Wen Songnan bluntly said that the five days he was hospitalized in the public hospital were like a nightmare. He pointed out that first of all, it was difficult to sleep in the public hospital because his uncle was often moaning and screaming 24 hours a day next to him.

Secondly, when he was in pain and called for help, no one could help him. He said that the nurse would only prescribe painkillers, but the reply he often received was to wait for the time for the medicine to be dispatched.

Former TVB host Wen Songnan was diagnosed with rare Ewing's sarcoma in October last year and stopped working to recuperate to fight the disease. However, his condition worsened recently and he died on the afternoon of the 14th at the age of 29.      Wen Songnan revealed in his su - Lujuba

Wen Songnan said dissatisfied: "When you are in severe pain, you find the only person who should be able to help you, and then he tells you to wait for half an hour more. I will be in severe pain for a while longer. Think about you." How does it feel? And after taking the medicine, I have to wait for at least half an hour before the medicine starts to take effect."

Wen Songnan said that fortunately he was admitted to the hospital with painkillers, and it took another hour and a half to relieve the pain. It was better to stay. At home, I sleep more comfortably.

Former TVB host Wen Songnan was diagnosed with rare Ewing's sarcoma in October last year and stopped working to recuperate to fight the disease. However, his condition worsened recently and he died on the afternoon of the 14th at the age of 29.      Wen Songnan revealed in his su - Lujuba

Wen Songnan complained again that he was rejected when he wanted to take a walk downstairs in the public park. He tried begging the nurse in charge and was finally allowed to take a 15-minute walk, but was sent back to the ward by the security guard. As a result, he could not go out. "It was like I was in jail. I could only Sleeping in that room. Actually, I just want to be able to move my legs, so I don’t feel like I’m in jail.”

In the end, Wen Songnan was hospitalized for five days, but the hospital could not find the cause of his upper right back pain, right neck pain, headache on the right side of the back of his head, weakness in chewing, and weakness in the right side of his tongue.

Former TVB host Wen Songnan was diagnosed with rare Ewing's sarcoma in October last year and stopped working to recuperate to fight the disease. However, his condition worsened recently and he died on the afternoon of the 14th at the age of 29.      Wen Songnan revealed in his su - Lujuba

Wen Songnan also complained that the court refused to take an MRI for him, but only took an X-ray and CT scan for him every other day, thinking that this would not show anything unusual at all.

He also said that every day he expected the doctor to explain the report in the morning, but the doctor would only ask him: "Does it still hurt?" "How much does it hurt now?" "Is it as painful as when I first came?"

Wen Songnan described that he could only see the doctor once a day, but the doctor seemed to be in a hurry to leave. Wen Songnan added that the hospital was short of manpower, but these days he realized that many people had said it, and even received medical care personally. It’s a cliché I’ve heard: “If you have money, you’ll get medical treatment; if you don’t have money, you’ll die.”

Former TVB host Wen Songnan was diagnosed with rare Ewing's sarcoma in October last year and stopped working to recuperate to fight the disease. However, his condition worsened recently and he died on the afternoon of the 14th at the age of 29.      Wen Songnan revealed in his su - Lujuba

Wen Songnan said that the first time he heard this sentence was when he was in severe pain and was sleeping in the hospital bed for a follow-up visit. "I already felt that I would not be able to survive more than two days, and then when I heard this sentence , the tears flowed out uncontrollably and couldn't stop at all."

He also pointed out that he was not blaming the public hospital, but blaming himself "why he was so poor", thinking that he could get appropriate treatment earlier if he went to a private hospital early in the morning.

Former TVB host Wen Songnan was diagnosed with rare Ewing's sarcoma in October last year and stopped working to recuperate to fight the disease. However, his condition worsened recently and he died on the afternoon of the 14th at the age of 29.      Wen Songnan revealed in his su - Lujuba

Finally, he said that although he had many unpleasant experiences living in a public hospital, he was grateful for the efforts of every medical staff and hoped that public hospitals could one day improve so that ordinary citizens could receive the fastest and most appropriate treatment.

Many netizens expressed that they understood his plight, and there were also people who had similar experiences to him, and hoped that he would do well.

It is a pity that Wen Songnan died of illness in the end, and I can only wish him a safe journey.

Former TVB host Wen Songnan was diagnosed with rare Ewing's sarcoma in October last year and stopped working to recuperate to fight the disease. However, his condition worsened recently and he died on the afternoon of the 14th at the age of 29.      Wen Songnan revealed in his su - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment