On the evening of September 14, the original magical acrobatic drama "Big Sea and Little Sea" premiered at the Nantong Grand Theater. "Big Sea and Little Sea" takes a fantasy journey about courage and growth as the main line. It tells the touching story of a young seaside boy nam

entertainment 1730℃

On the evening of September 14, the original magical acrobatic drama 'Big Sea and Little Sea' premiered at the Nantong Grand Theater. 'Big Sea and Little Sea' takes a fantasy journey about courage and growth as the main line. It tells the touching story of a young seaside boy nam - Lujuba

html On the evening of September 14th, the original magical acrobatic drama "Big Sea and Little Sea" premiered at the Nantong Grand Theater.

"Big Sea and Little Sea" takes a fantasy journey about courage and growth as the main line, telling the touching story of a young seaside boy named Xiaohai who faced ocean pollution and resolutely stepped forward to save marine life. The play not only shows the growth and responsibility of young Xiaohai, but also deeply praises the power of family, friendship, courage and ideals, and deeply reflects the shared destiny and interdependence between humans and the ocean.

"It's still very educational." Citizen Chen Pengfei and his family of four enjoyed the premiere together. As a father of two children, he believes that the kind and brave qualities of Xiao Hai (name of the protagonist) in the play are the best education for his children.

"In recent years, Rudong has actively carried out ecological restoration of degraded marine wetlands and optimized the ecological environment of wetlands, which has brought rich creative inspiration to this drama." Screenwriter Feng Bilie said that this year coincides with the 20th anniversary of the birth of Chinese acrobatic drama. This play pursues breakthroughs in creative expression, cultural connotation and public aesthetics. It hopes to integrate acrobatic art into the times, use artistic aesthetic methods to inspire and guide people to yearn for and pursue lofty realms, and write a new chapter in the "drama era" of acrobatics.

On the evening of September 14, the original magical acrobatic drama 'Big Sea and Little Sea' premiered at the Nantong Grand Theater. 'Big Sea and Little Sea' takes a fantasy journey about courage and growth as the main line. It tells the touching story of a young seaside boy nam - Lujuba

Nantong Youth Acrobatic Troupe was founded in 1957 and is a first-class troupe in Jiangsu Province. In recent years, the Nantong Youth Acrobatic Troupe has adhered to the artistic concept of "pursuing excellence and shaping classics", pursuing new heights of artistic advancement, catering to the new needs of market development, and insisting on using acrobatic language to tell the story of Rudong and display the image of Rudong.

"The original magical drama "Big Sea and Little Sea" is another excellent work created by the troupe and the national creative team, and it is also a masterpiece as a gift to the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China." Han Yue, the chief producer of the show, said .

Lu Hang, deputy secretary of the branch party group of the Chinese Acrobats Association, believes that the play fully demonstrates contemporary Chinese values ​​​​and the concept of marine environmental protection, and hopes that the creative team will polish it into a landmark work that can be "sung loudly, retained, and spread widely". Demonstrating "the acrobatics of the world as the sound of the east".

The play plans to start a national tour on New Year's Day next year - the first anniversary of the implementation of my country's newly revised Marine Environmental Protection Law, and organize a campus charity performance on World Ocean Protection Day on June 5 next year.

Author: Yan Lei Fan Jiangfeng

Text: Yan Lei Fan Jiangfeng Picture: Xu Congjun Editor: Fu Xinxin Editor: Fan Bing

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