The original work written in this article is different from the TV series. Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined. The family that select

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The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.

Shen Lin finally graduated from a confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined. The family chosen by

Shen Lin has a wealthy family, lives in a mansion, and drives a Mercedes-Benz. It requires that the confinement nanny must be no less than thirty-five years old and have no less than a high school education. She must also pass a master's fortune telling to see if the horoscopes match. The employer chosen by

was named Ding. Shen Lin originally thought that this was the beginning of a new career, but she did not expect that it would be the biggest nightmare in Shen Lin's career.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba3-year-old gave birth to a son

The housewife of the family where Shen Lin came happened to be an old acquaintance and former colleague.

What's more important is that the two have a grudge, because Shen Lin was the human resources director of the company before, and Bai Hanning was fired by Shen Lin. It was the company's decision to fire her, but Bai Hanning originally vented his grievances on Shen Lin. On Lin.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

And before leaving her job, she also said harsh words. The original work wrote:

She remembered that she once held her chin high and said, "I hope you work until you die, and I will go home and enjoy the happiness." She couldn't help but sigh. After all, it is better to work for the boss than to work for her husband. work to earn a living.

However, since Shen Lin came to the Ding family, she found that Bai Hanning's life working for her husband was not so happy.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

Bai Hanning is forty-three years old. She is considered an advanced mother after giving birth to three children. Her first two children were girls, and the third child was a son.

Yes, she gave birth to her third child just to give birth to a son. In fact, deep down she didn’t want to have a child. She even didn’t want to have a second child, but she still gave birth because her long-term parasitic life had changed her.

wrote in the original work:

She didn’t want to give birth to her third child. She was already so old and her health was not very good. Going even further, she didn't want to have a second child. But the weight of the three children was as heavy as a mountain, and she was about to suffocate.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

Bai Hanning also graduated from a prestigious university. He was also very capable in the workplace and reached the position of director just like Shen Lin.

She lost her job, largely because her husband's family forced her to go back to have a second child. But she didn't expect that after resigning, she was forced to have a third child after her second child.

The reason is very simple, that is, the Ding family must have a son and a grandson, so if the third child is not a son, her husband's family will continue to force Bai Hanning to have a son. Even if Bai Hanning cannot give birth to a son, her husband will find someone else outside. A woman gives birth to a son.

was forced to have no choice but to become a mother of three children at the age of forty-three.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

The original work wrote:

Bai Hanning suddenly said: "This bastard lied to me to have three children, saying that after giving birth, he would live in a confinement center with a price of 100,000 yuan a month. After giving birth, he told me that the company was in trouble and he had no money. Anyway, it was all She has three children and is very experienced. It’s enough to find a confinement nanny and his mother. The patriarchal bastard took me to the photo studio to check the sex at four months of pregnancy. "

Bai Hanning just gave birth. She was depressed and would often hide in the bathroom alone and cry for an hour. Her state was very similar to postpartum depression.

And she felt that all the people in the world who gave birth to a second child were doing it to have a son. She even felt that Shen Lin had a second child just to have a son.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

However, although she gave birth to a son at home, she had little status because her life was too suffocating.

However, with Shen Lin's careful care, Bai Hanning's body recovered a lot, and her true nature was gradually exposed. She became emotionally unstable and began to slowly make things difficult for Shen Lin.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

Shen Lin was bullied

The reason why Bai Hanning suffered from postpartum depression was because she really had no status in her husband's family, and she couldn't even decide what she wanted to eat during confinement.

Her mother-in-law made things difficult for her and did not allow her to eat what she wanted, but her husband turned a blind eye.

During this period, all of Bai Hanning's unhappiness was seen by Shen Lin. In the early stage, she would confide in Shen Lin because of her low mood.

But later on, she became more and more excessive, because she felt that after Shen Lin saw all her misfortunes, she would make things more difficult for Shen Lin to express her status.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

The original work writes:

Bai Hanning is so contradictory that Shen Lin cannot like her. Or maybe Bai Hanning also realized that it was very dangerous to let his former colleague and now confinement nanny get a glimpse of his softest side.

People often don't cherish such softness, but just want to take advantage of the opportunity to gain something, so she deliberately reminded Shen Lin in this way:

Since you have entered such a private space like mine and seen all my unhappiness, I will Find compensation on the other hand to remind you that there is an order of superiority and inferiority, and there is a difference between master and servant. No matter how unhappy my life is, I am still a head taller than you.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

For this reason, Bai Hanning deliberately refused to let Shen Lin eat any good food, and even refused to let her eat enough. Sometimes Shen Lin was too tired to hold the child, but she could only endure it.

The nanny at home couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to help Shen Lin hold the child and let her eat. When Bai Hanning saw it, he immediately yelled at her, saying that Shen Lin was lazy and even threatened the nanny.

As a result, Shen Lin gradually couldn't sleep for four hours a day at Ding's house, and she couldn't even eat enough. Moreover, as time went by, her hands and waist also hurt.

But even so, Shen Lin persisted in order to survive.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

Shen Lin can eat all these hardships, but Shen Lin is very unlucky. The original work of


Shen Lin lamented that she was so lucky. In her first job, she got the most fearful thing about a mother who has no breast milk, being caught in the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, being a doormat, and being sexually harassed by the male master. Big gift package.

What disgusted Shen Lin the most about these three "gift packages" was the sexual harassment she suffered from the male owner.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

The problem is that Bai Hanning does not dare to talk about her husband. She will only say that Shen Lin seduced her husband. This makes Shen Lin dumb and unable to speak out about the pain of Coptis chinensis without evidence.

But Shen Lin was not that easy to bully. She went back on vacation half a month later. She originally wanted to tell her husband that she had been sexually harassed by her husband, but she found that it was not easy for her husband, so she did not tell her. Instead, she thought about it during this period. Find a way to get yourself out.

So when Shen Lin returned to Ding's house again, she saw Ding Songtao still sitting alone in the living room drinking at night. This time she chose to take the initiative to seduce Ding Songtao.

then deliberately led him to say things that harassed him. In fact, Shen Lin recorded the audio behind his back.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

The original work wrote:

Bai Hanning was surprised that Shen Lin suddenly changed from her usual gentleness and became so strong. She was stunned, looked at Shen Lin up and down, and said: "Why do you say that my husband sexually harassed you?"

Shen Lin said: "Yesterday Didn't you see it?"

Bai Hanning sneered: "I think you are seducing him."

Shen Lin took a breath. She originally wanted to resolve the matter peacefully without breaking up. She said sharply: "Your husband has the head of a deer and the eyes of a rat, and you are the only one who can open your mouth and spread your legs to have sex with such an old and ugly man. Do you think everyone is as lewd as you, and you don't have anything?" Do you want to pick?"

Bai Hanning was shocked by her fierce attack. After reacting, his face turned red and he cursed with all his strength: "You are an old woman. The only reason why you are willing to let me treat you is that you are old. That's enough. Old.

I sympathize with you that at this age you still have to sell your labor to earn a living. A low-class woman like you has no appearance and talent. What on earth is worth harassing by my husband? "

Shen Lin Yiyang? Hand, play the recording just now on the phone. Just now, she put her mobile phone on the stove in advance, covered it with a rag, and recorded the entire conversation between her and Ding Songtao. The recording was very clear. Bai Hanning stared and leaned on the bed without moving to listen to it.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

Shen Lin threatened Ding Songtao and Bai Hanning, not only to let her resign, but also to settle one month's salary and give her good reviews.

Otherwise, the recording will be sent to her company and her husband's mailbox, which will be made public, and Bai Hanning will lose face.

Shen Lin was actually scared, so she threatened them with the child.

Shen Lin never thought about harming the child, she just wanted to use the child to protect herself. After all, they were outnumbered.

In the end, Shen Lin left the Ding family smoothly. Although it was in the middle of the night, Shen Lin felt extremely relaxed. She thought that leaving her job at midnight would be a good start.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

Bai Hanning's sorrow

Shen Lin came out of Ding's house, and she escaped from the suffocating mansion.

But Bai Hanning was trapped in that cage his whole life.

The reason why Bai Hanning embarrasses Shen Lin is not only because Shen Lin saw her unbearable side, but also because Bai Hanning's sense of presence in front of her mother-in-law and husband is too low. She can only use her sense of presence in front of Shen Lin to show that she is a woman. The status of master.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

Although Bai Hanning has a big living room and a flat floor with four bedrooms and two living rooms, his status in the family is very humble and he can't even decide what he wants to eat.

And she and her husband have long been strangers.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

The original work writes:

Shen Lin has clearly seen the relationship between Bai Hanning and Ding Songtao.

Ding Songtao comes back very late every day. Even if he is at home occasionally, he and Bai Hanning hardly communicate, and their eyes rarely meet.

If they hadn't had three children, this couple, who were strangers to each other, would have divorced long ago.

Ding Songtao did not separate from Bai Hanning after she gave birth to a child. It is very likely that they had separated long ago.

How this child was conceived is suspicious.

Bai Hanning has no sense of presence in front of her husband, so she shows off her authority in front of confinement nanny and nanny.

However, if their relationship breaks down like this, why do the couple have to fight for a third child?

is really confusing. Moreover, they were both in their forties and desperately wanted to have a son, but after the son was born, Bai Hanning didn't seem to have much affection for him.

Ding Songtao almost never hugged him, and he was not even like other fathers. No matter how late he came back, he would quietly walk to the crib and stare at his face with affectionate and contented eyes. It's like this son doesn't exist.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

It can be seen from the above that the relationship between Ding Songtao and Bai Hanning has broken down long ago. If they had not given birth to this son, they would not live under the same roof.

Faced with the son and grandson he longed for, not only Ding Songtao, the father, was indifferent, but even the child's grandmother did not hold her grandson very much.

The only time Ding Songtao held a child was to take advantage of Shen Lin. How ironic this was.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

The original work writes:

In this family, the two noisy daughters are the only life. The most precious son seems to be just a symbol of authority, existing only to carry on the family line. They only love their abstract sons and grandsons, but they cannot love this fresh and tender, living and concrete baby.

In the Ding family, this son is just a tool to carry on the family line.

This child seems to be a symbol of authority in the family, but in fact no one likes him. What adults like is just a symbol of continuing the family line.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

wrote in the original work:

was born in such a twisted family, and was born with the strange burden of passing on the family line. This child will not be happy when he grows up. It's not just his parents and grandma who don't love him?

His two sisters also rejected him very much.

Maybe they have already felt that with this younger brother, they are only marginal characters in the eyes of their parents and have become water thrown away in advance.

So Bai Hanning lives in this suffocating mansion. Her husband does not love her, her mother-in-law dislikes her, her son is troublesome, and her daughter is a throwaway water.

What a deformed family this is. Will children who grow up in such a mansion be happy?

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

Bai Hanning is not Shen Lin. She can no longer leave this mansion. Years of being supported by a noble lady and years of social derailment have made her hide in this mansion for the rest of her life.

She will not put down her dignity and start a new life like Shen Lin, nor will she have the courage to leave that mansion and start over.

So she was destined to stay in that suffocating mansion for the rest of her life. It was too frustrating for such a rich wife.

It's not just that. When Shen Lin asked for her salary, Bai Hanning couldn't even get the thousands of dollars in salary, and she didn't have a penny in her mobile phone.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

Every time she spent a penny, she had to reach out and ask her husband for it. She lived like a "lady dog". Although it sounds ugly, it is very realistic and miserable.

So women should learn from Shen Lin, be able to take things up and let them go, and have the courage to face life. Don't be a woman like Bai Hanning, who has no status in the family or even a penny.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.

Shen Lin finally graduated from a confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined. The family chosen by

Shen Lin has a wealthy family, lives in a mansion, and drives a Mercedes-Benz. It requires that the confinement nanny must be no less than thirty-five years old and have no less than a high school education. She must also pass a master's fortune telling to see if the horoscopes match. The employer chosen by

was named Ding. Shen Lin originally thought that this was the beginning of a new career, but she did not expect that it would be the biggest nightmare in Shen Lin's career.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba3-year-old gave birth to a son

The housewife of the family where Shen Lin came happened to be an old acquaintance and former colleague.

What's more important is that the two have a grudge, because Shen Lin was the human resources director of the company before, and Bai Hanning was fired by Shen Lin. It was the company's decision to fire her, but Bai Hanning originally vented his grievances on Shen Lin. On Lin.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

And before leaving her job, she also said harsh words. The original work wrote:

She remembered that she once held her chin high and said, "I hope you work until you die, and I will go home and enjoy the happiness." She couldn't help but sigh. After all, it is better to work for the boss than to work for her husband. work to earn a living.

However, since Shen Lin came to the Ding family, she found that Bai Hanning's life working for her husband was not so happy.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

Bai Hanning is forty-three years old. She is considered an advanced mother after giving birth to three children. Her first two children were girls, and the third child was a son.

Yes, she gave birth to her third child just to give birth to a son. In fact, deep down she didn’t want to have a child. She even didn’t want to have a second child, but she still gave birth because her long-term parasitic life had changed her.

wrote in the original work:

She didn’t want to give birth to her third child. She was already so old and her health was not very good. Going even further, she didn't want to have a second child. But the weight of the three children was as heavy as a mountain, and she was about to suffocate.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

Bai Hanning also graduated from a prestigious university. He was also very capable in the workplace and reached the position of director just like Shen Lin.

She lost her job, largely because her husband's family forced her to go back to have a second child. But she didn't expect that after resigning, she was forced to have a third child after her second child.

The reason is very simple, that is, the Ding family must have a son and a grandson, so if the third child is not a son, her husband's family will continue to force Bai Hanning to have a son. Even if Bai Hanning cannot give birth to a son, her husband will find someone else outside. A woman gives birth to a son.

was forced to have no choice but to become a mother of three children at the age of forty-three.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

The original work wrote:

Bai Hanning suddenly said: "This bastard lied to me to have three children, saying that after giving birth, he would live in a confinement center with a price of 100,000 yuan a month. After giving birth, he told me that the company was in trouble and he had no money. Anyway, it was all She has three children and is very experienced. It’s enough to find a confinement nanny and his mother. The patriarchal bastard took me to the photo studio to check the sex at four months of pregnancy. "

Bai Hanning just gave birth. She was depressed and would often hide in the bathroom alone and cry for an hour. Her state was very similar to postpartum depression.

And she felt that all the people in the world who gave birth to a second child were doing it to have a son. She even felt that Shen Lin had a second child just to have a son.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

However, although she gave birth to a son at home, she had little status because her life was too suffocating.

However, with Shen Lin's careful care, Bai Hanning's body recovered a lot, and her true nature was gradually exposed. She became emotionally unstable and began to slowly make things difficult for Shen Lin.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

Shen Lin was bullied

The reason why Bai Hanning suffered from postpartum depression was because she really had no status in her husband's family, and she couldn't even decide what she wanted to eat during confinement.

Her mother-in-law made things difficult for her and did not allow her to eat what she wanted, but her husband turned a blind eye.

During this period, all of Bai Hanning's unhappiness was seen by Shen Lin. In the early stage, she would confide in Shen Lin because of her low mood.

But later on, she became more and more excessive, because she felt that after Shen Lin saw all her misfortunes, she would make things more difficult for Shen Lin to express her status.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

The original work writes:

Bai Hanning is so contradictory that Shen Lin cannot like her. Or maybe Bai Hanning also realized that it was very dangerous to let his former colleague and now confinement nanny get a glimpse of his softest side.

People often don't cherish such softness, but just want to take advantage of the opportunity to gain something, so she deliberately reminded Shen Lin in this way:

Since you have entered such a private space like mine and seen all my unhappiness, I will Find compensation on the other hand to remind you that there is an order of superiority and inferiority, and there is a difference between master and servant. No matter how unhappy my life is, I am still a head taller than you.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

For this reason, Bai Hanning deliberately refused to let Shen Lin eat any good food, and even refused to let her eat enough. Sometimes Shen Lin was too tired to hold the child, but she could only endure it.

The nanny at home couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to help Shen Lin hold the child and let her eat. When Bai Hanning saw it, he immediately yelled at her, saying that Shen Lin was lazy and even threatened the nanny.

As a result, Shen Lin gradually couldn't sleep for four hours a day at Ding's house, and she couldn't even eat enough. Moreover, as time went by, her hands and waist also hurt.

But even so, Shen Lin persisted in order to survive.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

Shen Lin can eat all these hardships, but Shen Lin is very unlucky. The original work of


Shen Lin lamented that she was so lucky. In her first job, she got the most fearful thing about a mother who has no breast milk, being caught in the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, being a doormat, and being sexually harassed by the male master. Big gift package.

What disgusted Shen Lin the most about these three "gift packages" was the sexual harassment she suffered from the male owner.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

The problem is that Bai Hanning does not dare to talk about her husband. She will only say that Shen Lin seduced her husband. This makes Shen Lin dumb and unable to speak out about the pain of Coptis chinensis without evidence.

But Shen Lin was not that easy to bully. She went back on vacation half a month later. She originally wanted to tell her husband that she had been sexually harassed by her husband, but she found that it was not easy for her husband, so she did not tell her. Instead, she thought about it during this period. Find a way to get yourself out.

So when Shen Lin returned to Ding's house again, she saw Ding Songtao still sitting alone in the living room drinking at night. This time she chose to take the initiative to seduce Ding Songtao.

then deliberately led him to say things that harassed him. In fact, Shen Lin recorded the audio behind his back.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

The original work wrote:

Bai Hanning was surprised that Shen Lin suddenly changed from her usual gentleness and became so strong. She was stunned, looked at Shen Lin up and down, and said: "Why do you say that my husband sexually harassed you?"

Shen Lin said: "Yesterday Didn't you see it?"

Bai Hanning sneered: "I think you are seducing him."

Shen Lin took a breath. She originally wanted to resolve the matter peacefully without breaking up. She said sharply: "Your husband has the head of a deer and the eyes of a rat, and you are the only one who can open your mouth and spread your legs to have sex with such an old and ugly man. Do you think everyone is as lewd as you, and you don't have anything?" Do you want to pick?"

Bai Hanning was shocked by her fierce attack. After reacting, his face turned red and he cursed with all his strength: "You are an old woman. The only reason why you are willing to let me treat you is that you are old. That's enough. Old.

I sympathize with you that at this age you still have to sell your labor to earn a living. A low-class woman like you has no appearance and talent. What on earth is worth harassing by my husband? "

Shen Lin Yiyang? Hand, play the recording just now on the phone. Just now, she put her mobile phone on the stove in advance, covered it with a rag, and recorded the entire conversation between her and Ding Songtao. The recording was very clear. Bai Hanning stared and leaned on the bed without moving to listen to it.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

Shen Lin threatened Ding Songtao and Bai Hanning, not only to let her resign, but also to settle one month's salary and give her good reviews.

Otherwise, the recording will be sent to her company and her husband's mailbox, which will be made public, and Bai Hanning will lose face.

Shen Lin was actually scared, so she threatened them with the child.

Shen Lin never thought about harming the child, she just wanted to use the child to protect herself. After all, they were outnumbered.

In the end, Shen Lin left the Ding family smoothly. Although it was in the middle of the night, Shen Lin felt extremely relaxed. She thought that leaving her job at midnight would be a good start.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

Bai Hanning's sorrow

Shen Lin came out of Ding's house, and she escaped from the suffocating mansion.

But Bai Hanning was trapped in that cage his whole life.

The reason why Bai Hanning embarrasses Shen Lin is not only because Shen Lin saw her unbearable side, but also because Bai Hanning's sense of presence in front of her mother-in-law and husband is too low. She can only use her sense of presence in front of Shen Lin to show that she is a woman. The status of master.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

Although Bai Hanning has a big living room and a flat floor with four bedrooms and two living rooms, his status in the family is very humble and he can't even decide what he wants to eat.

And she and her husband have long been strangers.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

The original work writes:

Shen Lin has clearly seen the relationship between Bai Hanning and Ding Songtao.

Ding Songtao comes back very late every day. Even if he is at home occasionally, he and Bai Hanning hardly communicate, and their eyes rarely meet.

If they hadn't had three children, this couple, who were strangers to each other, would have divorced long ago.

Ding Songtao did not separate from Bai Hanning after she gave birth to a child. It is very likely that they had separated long ago.

How this child was conceived is suspicious.

Bai Hanning has no sense of presence in front of her husband, so she shows off her authority in front of confinement nanny and nanny.

However, if their relationship breaks down like this, why do the couple have to fight for a third child?

is really confusing. Moreover, they were both in their forties and desperately wanted to have a son, but after the son was born, Bai Hanning didn't seem to have much affection for him.

Ding Songtao almost never hugged him, and he was not even like other fathers. No matter how late he came back, he would quietly walk to the crib and stare at his face with affectionate and contented eyes. It's like this son doesn't exist.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

It can be seen from the above that the relationship between Ding Songtao and Bai Hanning has broken down long ago. If they had not given birth to this son, they would not live under the same roof.

Faced with the son and grandson he longed for, not only Ding Songtao, the father, was indifferent, but even the child's grandmother did not hold her grandson very much.

The only time Ding Songtao held a child was to take advantage of Shen Lin. How ironic this was.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

The original work writes:

In this family, the two noisy daughters are the only life. The most precious son seems to be just a symbol of authority, existing only to carry on the family line. They only love their abstract sons and grandsons, but they cannot love this fresh and tender, living and concrete baby.

In the Ding family, this son is just a tool to carry on the family line.

This child seems to be a symbol of authority in the family, but in fact no one likes him. What adults like is just a symbol of continuing the family line.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

wrote in the original work:

was born in such a twisted family, and was born with the strange burden of passing on the family line. This child will not be happy when he grows up. It's not just his parents and grandma who don't love him?

His two sisters also rejected him very much.

Maybe they have already felt that with this younger brother, they are only marginal characters in the eyes of their parents and have become water thrown away in advance.

So Bai Hanning lives in this suffocating mansion. Her husband does not love her, her mother-in-law dislikes her, her son is troublesome, and her daughter is a throwaway water.

What a deformed family this is. Will children who grow up in such a mansion be happy?

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

Bai Hanning is not Shen Lin. She can no longer leave this mansion. Years of being supported by a noble lady and years of social derailment have made her hide in this mansion for the rest of her life.

She will not put down her dignity and start a new life like Shen Lin, nor will she have the courage to leave that mansion and start over.

So she was destined to stay in that suffocating mansion for the rest of her life. It was too frustrating for such a rich wife.

It's not just that. When Shen Lin asked for her salary, Bai Hanning couldn't even get the thousands of dollars in salary, and she didn't have a penny in her mobile phone.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      Shen Lin finally graduated from the confinement nanny training institution and was an outstanding student, but her subsequent career life was not as smooth as she imagined.      The family that select - Lujuba

Every time she spent a penny, she had to reach out and ask her husband for it. She lived like a "lady dog". Although it sounds ugly, it is very realistic and miserable.

So women should learn from Shen Lin, be able to take things up and let them go, and have the courage to face life. Don't be a woman like Bai Hanning, who has no status in the family or even a penny.

How can such a noble lady and such a mansion be happy?

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