Like Guo Lanying, her singing has inspired generations, but she has never been famous, and suffered from illness in her old age.

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When it comes to Chinese movie episodes, there are so many nice songs, countless. But there are two songs among them, which can be said to be the most widely spread and the most influential. They have inspired many generations of Chinese.

of these two songs, one is the episode "My Motherland" from "Shangganling". The other song of

is the episode "Heroes Anthem" from "Heroes Children".

We all know that "My Motherland" was sung by the older generation of singer Guo Lanying in my country, and it is one of her representative works.

Like Guo Lanying, her singing has inspired generations, but she has never been famous, and suffered from illness in her old age. - Lujuba

Guo Lanying is a household name in our country. From the eighty-year-old to the few-year-old children, who has not been moved by her sweet singing?

But when it comes to the original singer of "Heroes", I am afraid not everyone knows it?

Like Guo Lanying, her singing has inspired generations, but she has never been famous, and suffered from illness in her old age. - Lujuba

used to find the original singer of this song through the media in the 1990s and enthusiastic fans and listeners.

But at that time, the original singer did not come forward to admit, why is this? The reason is quite embarrassing.

Until later, the conductor Hu Defeng who had participated in the recording of the song "Heroes" revealed the truth: The original singer of "Heroes" was Zhang Yingzhe, the solo actor of the Kongzheng Song and Dance Troupe.

Like Guo Lanying, her singing has inspired generations, but she has never been famous, and suffered from illness in her old age. - Lujuba

But when fans and audiences look for her, why is she not willing to admit it? Let's listen to Yaqing slowly.

Zhang Yingzhe was born in 1928, and he was different from the others because of his big voice.

She served as the director of the Fushun Urban Women's Rescue Association in 1946, and joined the People's Liberation Army in 1947. He became a member of the Propaganda Brigade of Liaoning Military Region because of his good singing and singing.

Zhang Yingzhe is tall. In her words, "people are big and big." And her style of doing things is also very popular, like a young man, very energetic.

And her singing voice, just like hers, looks very high-pitched and heroic. Therefore, she is especially suitable for singing the magnificent, heroic "big song".

is a song like "We Walk on the Road", which was sung by Zhang Yingzhe at the very beginning. Later, it was changed to a chorus: "We are walking on the road, full of spirits and fighting spirit..."

I think in the "Red May Singing Competition", many friends have sang this song, right?

Zhang Yingzhe became a singer in the Kongzheng Art Troupe after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and later served as the deputy head. In 1960, she became the national March 8th red flag bearer. With his loud voice and superb singing skills, he became the deputy director of the Beijing Institute of Vocal Music.

And how did Zhang Yingzhe become the singer of "Heroes" in "Heroes"?

It was 1964. After the lyricist Gongmu and the songwriter Liu Chi created the "Anthem of Heroes", in order to fully express the emotion of the song, they had sought out many singers to try the song.

According to Hu Defeng, who was the captain and conductor of the chorus in the General Political and Cultural Works Troupe, at that time, in order to find the most suitable person to sing the "Heroes", a special selection team was established and many actors were recruited to record. But these people left after recording, and no one knows who will be selected in the end.

Zhang Yingzhe is the same.

When she received the recording task of "Heroes", she was very excited. Because before that, she had read Ba Jin's novel "Reunion" and liked it very much and was very moved. After getting the song sheet of "Heroes", I was deeply affected by the heroic sentiment conveyed in the song.

However, although the filming of the film had been completed at that time, it was impossible to see it in advance as a singer. So Zhang Yingzhe can only use his brain to imagine some moving scenes while singing this song.

​​Zhang Yingzhe entered the recording studio only after many singers tried to sing. At this time, a picture appeared in her mind: thick smoke, my heroic volunteer soldier Wang Cheng, guarded the position with his own flesh and blood, and composed a "heroic hymn"...

Zhang Yingzhe finished it soon Recording work.

She completely immersed herself in the role, sang passionately, full of power, and achieved it in one go.

She is sure that she has performed her best.

but did you adopt yourself in the endShe didn’t know the version.

Later, after repeated consideration by the songwriter and the director of the movie "The Sons and Daughters of Heroes", it was finally confirmed that the version sung by Zhang Yingzhe was the most suitable, so it was so decided.

does not have Zhang Yingzhe's name on the subtitle list of the movie.

Zhang Yingzhe was also watching a movie, when he heard the song "Heroes Anthem" come out, and heard his own voice, he was surprised: Oh, I sang it. At that time, the singers of

hardly had the idea of ​​fame and fortune. Otherwise, how could such a good opportunity to become famous? This matter is going to be put now, those stars, don't know how to take the opportunity to hype.

and Zhang Yingzhe turned around and forgot about it.

so many people, audiences and listeners, don't know who the original singer of "Heroes Anthem" is.

Then, when people publicly searched for Zhang Yingzhe through the media, why didn't she stand up to solve the mystery?

is because Zhang Yingzhe at that time suffered from various diseases and was in poor health, and she was used to low-key, so she did not admit it after seeing this report.

Actually, Zhang Yingzhe’s body has not been very good. She suffers from tuberculosis and often coughs up blood. But as long as there are performances, she will be there. And the actors at that time were not as pretentious as some stars now. At that time, singers were able to sing solo, duet, chorus, and chorus, so sometimes it was common to be on stage several times a night.

Zhang Yingzhe’s daughter once recalled that when she was very young, her mother was either performing or in hospital. She had a total of 29 severe bleeding and passed by with death many times.

Therefore, although she was a tall man when she was young, in her later years, she suffered from various diseases. For a long time, she has been living in the Air Force General Hospital.

In 2004, 76-year-old Zhang Yingzhe finally met Liu Shangxian, who played Wang Fang in "Heroes". The two "Wang Fang" appeared on the stage of the 6th CCTV Military Song Contest Awards Gala together.

When they hugged each other tightly, many audiences finally saw the true face of the singer Zhang Yingzhe who sang "Heroes".

At this moment, it was too late.

On May 30, 2005, my country's outstanding soprano singer Zhang Yingzhe died of illness at the age of 77.

Before he was alive, Zhang Yingzhe had one thing, which was a pity. That is, after the recording of "Heroes", the movies were released. She met Liu Chi, and Liu Chi said that when her version was set, there was still a lot of controversy. Zhang Yingzhe asked if he was too heroic? Liu Chi said yes, it would be better if he was more lyrical when he sang. As soon as Zhang Yingzhe heard this, he immediately woke up: Yes, if he was more tender and richer in some places, wouldn't it be more perfect? It's a pity that the movie has already been released, and it is too late to change it.

For a long time, the song "Heroes", like "My Motherland" sung by Guo Lanying, has been widely sung as the song that best reflects the Chinese spirit. But for a long time, people didn't know who the singer of this song was, which was a pity.

Today, when I talked about the name Zhang Yingzhe, everyone’s ears must have once again sang the song of "Banyan Billowing Heroes..." right? In addition to "Heroes", Zhang Yingzhe has also sang many songs such as "Turnover Dao Qing", "We Are Walking on the Road", "Qingyuan Spring Snow", "I Fly in the Sky of the Motherland", etc. Do you like it very much?

Tags: movie