Cadillac Shanghai Concert Hall's public welfare brand "Music Afternoon Tea" ushered in the 2300th issue. The ELA Shanghai Friends Chamber Orchestra performed a performance with the theme of "To the Motherland" to inherit Chinese music culture. At noon on July 12, the Cadillac Sha

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Cadillac Shanghai Concert Hall's public welfare brand 'Music Afternoon Tea' ushered in the 2300th issue. The ELA Shanghai Friends Chamber Orchestra performed a performance with the theme of 'To the Motherland' to inherit Chinese music culture. At noon on July 12, the Cadillac Sha - Lujuba

Cadillac·Shanghai Concert Hall’s public welfare brand “Music Afternoon Tea” ushered in the 2300th issue. The ela Shanghai Friends Chamber Orchestra performed a performance with the theme of “To the Motherland” to inherit Chinese music culture.

At noon on July 12, Cadillac Shanghai Concert Hall’s public welfare brand “Music Afternoon Tea” celebrated its 2300th issue. The ela Shanghai Friends Chamber Orchestra performed a performance with the theme of “To the Motherland” to inherit Chinese music culture - the performers In the form of a Western classic string quartet, a series of works inspired by Chinese folk songs and operas will be performed to demonstrate the unique charm of chamber music art. At the concert, Chang Fei, a cello girl from the High School Affiliated to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and a student of Professor Li Jiwu, showed the style and potential of the new generation of musicians.

From composer Bao Yuankai's humorous and lively "Guess the Tune" to the delicate and euphemistic "Jasmine", it takes the audience to shuttle between the mountains and forests of Yunnan and the plains of Hebei; composer Zhao Guang's "Sibuanawa" combines traditional and traditional music with oriental charm. In modern times, Ake Jian and Zheng Deren's "Fan Shen Dao Qing" has given northern Shaanxi folk songs a new voice; while He Zhanhao's "Little Butterfly Lovers" and "Pingtan Caprices" show the perfect combination of national music and Western classical forms, and Ding Zhinuo's adaptation of "Love and Friendship" also conveys the joy of the Yi people in the form of a string quartet... Each track is permeated with a strong national style, demonstrating the breadth and depth of Chinese music culture.

Express the beauty of Chinese music culture in the form of a string quartet

In the development process of Chinese string quartet works, they not only draw on Western creative techniques, but also incorporate the characteristic elements of Chinese music. Some works use unique national modes, melody trends and performance techniques, such as portamento, ornamentation, etc., requiring performers to accurately grasp the charm and style of Chinese music. At the same time, some modern Chinese string quartet works are also exploring new harmonies, rhythms and structures, increasing the difficulty of performance. As the main performing group of this "Music Afternoon Tea" concert, ela Shanghai Friends Chamber Orchestra not only demonstrated its solid musical skills, but also committed to bringing the next generation of outstanding performers to the stage - cellist Chang Fei, who was born in 2010 Cooperate with the teachers to play Chinese sounds with the dancing bows and strings.

ela Associate Professor Wu Shuting, one of the founders of the Shanghai Friends Chamber Orchestra, is a member of the Shanghai "Han Quartet" and is currently the deputy director of the International Chamber Music Center of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and the deputy section chief of the Chamber Music Department of the High School Affiliated to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. She is the country’s first full-time chamber music teacher at the high school affiliated to a conservatory, and is also the course leader of Shanghai’s premium course “Basic Training for Youth String Chamber Music.” Regarding Chang Fei's performance in the "Music Afternoon Tea", Wu Shuting believed that the girl's performance was worthy of encouragement. "This repertoire is very difficult for her. Being able to put it all together has already broken through her."

Cadillac Shanghai Concert Hall's public welfare brand 'Music Afternoon Tea' ushered in the 2300th issue. The ELA Shanghai Friends Chamber Orchestra performed a performance with the theme of 'To the Motherland' to inherit Chinese music culture. At noon on July 12, the Cadillac Sha - Lujuba

Cellist Chang Fei, who was born in 2010, collaborated with teachers to play Chinese sounds amidst the flying bows and strings.

"I feel honored to be able to collaborate with three famous young performers, Wu Shuting (violin), Tian Junjun (violin), and Shi Yucheng (viola) in the form of a string quartet this time. We use music to listen and talk to each other, and in the notes I also grew up in the rhythm of the song." Chang Fei told reporters that she particularly liked "Love and Friendship" (composed by Zang Dongsheng) adapted by Shangyin Professor Ding Zhinuo, "because the harmonies of the work are very beautiful and the three-beat rhythm is very beautiful. "It has a sense of flow"; "Sibuanawa" composed by Shangyin Professor Zhao Guang is of a different style, "This is a piece of music in which each part is relatively independent, very abstract and very modern." The girl said that it was a very valuable experience to have the opportunity to participate in chamber music performance practice and at the same time play these melodies that highlight the beauty of Chinese music culture.

Last year, Chang Fei, who was still a sixth-grade student at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, participated in the complete rehearsal and performance of the musical "Spring Shanghai 1949" produced by Shanghai Conservatory of Music without affecting cultural and professional classes. She also accomplished many outstanding things Performance of solo cello part. As the youngest member of the crew at the time, Chang Fei said that participating in the big band rehearsals was very rewarding."The overall style of the music of "Spring Shanghai 1949" is very grand, and there are many changes in the style of each aria. The cello part I play needs to echo the violin, and I also need to work closely with other parts in the band, following my brothers and sisters. Studying together, we learned a lot of ensemble skills.”

Use the sound of the piano, staffs and brushes to express your inner voice

Chang Fei is currently majoring in cello at Shangyin High School. She is currently studying under the cellist Professor Li Jiwu. At the same time, she is also interested in composition. Associate Professor Li Bochan studied composition, and the girl has accumulated nearly ten original works of her own. Not long ago, Chang Fei also performed her Mongolian-style work "Four Seasons of the Grassland" on the "Musical Afternoon Tea" stage of the Shanghai Concert Hall, expressing her impression of the spring, summer, autumn and winter of the grassland. This piece It also won the love of many listeners in the audience. Chang Fei can not only compose music, but also loves to draw. When composing the melody of "Four Seasons of the Grassland", she also drew a picture - a large green grassland with a blue sky above it, and scattered sheep in the middle of the picture. There is a group of people, and there is a lush tree in the distance, and there is a girl playing the cello under the tree.

Cadillac Shanghai Concert Hall's public welfare brand 'Music Afternoon Tea' ushered in the 2300th issue. The ELA Shanghai Friends Chamber Orchestra performed a performance with the theme of 'To the Motherland' to inherit Chinese music culture. At noon on July 12, the Cadillac Sha - Lujuba

Chang Fei not only plays the cello and composes music, but also likes to draw. This is the Mongolian grassland in her painting.

"I learn composition to help me play the cello more emotionally; when I compose a piece of music, I often accompany it with a picture I have drawn. In my opinion, playing the cello, composing and painting are all It’s to express your inner voice,” Chang Fei said.

In her spare time, she especially likes to visit art museums. Recently, Chang Fei was deeply impressed by Monet's works. She observed that the brushstrokes and lines of Monet's paintings bring different feelings when viewed up close and from a distance. "The dotted brushstrokes in some paintings present a sparkling visual effect. When I play Debussy's cello works, I sometimes need to use bow jumping techniques. The harmony of the music is complex and beautiful, and the artistic conception is far-reaching. , It’s like telling a story under the hazy moonlight... All of this makes me feel that art and music are connected, and that impressionist painters and composers are also connected.”

Watching exhibitions, thinking, and creating, lingering in the art museum. In the splendid paintings, the thoughts and thoughts are transformed into the vivid notes in Chang Fei's pen. After watching Van Gogh's "Starry Night Over the Rhone," she wrote a song called "Rhône Rhapsody" and played her thoughts on the cello. The fast notes at the beginning of the work are like Van Gogh's powerful brushstrokes, expressing the deep mystery and unpredictability of the night. The quiet and beautiful Adagio that follows is like depicting the reflection of the stars in the sky and the lights on the shore... Cello It is the instrument closest to the human voice, and the girl wanted the cello to express the ever-changing colors deep in her heart.

Cadillac Shanghai Concert Hall's public welfare brand 'Music Afternoon Tea' ushered in the 2300th issue. The ELA Shanghai Friends Chamber Orchestra performed a performance with the theme of 'To the Motherland' to inherit Chinese music culture. At noon on July 12, the Cadillac Sha - Lujuba

Information pictures of Chang Fei's performance.

In recent years, Chang Fei has participated in a number of international performance and composition competitions and achieved excellent results. "But I know very well that competition is only part of it. The reason why I want to play the cello and compose music is to convey what I want to say to everyone." At the age of 11, Chang Fei composed a piece called "be myself (become myself)”. "Being myself and a person who expresses freely in the music world, I believe that my piano sound will have unlimited possibilities in the future."

Author: Jiang Fang

Text: Jiang Fang Pictures: Photos provided by interviewees Editor: Xu Yang Responsibility Editor: Xing Xiaofang

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