"Winds and rains cover rivers and mountains. Faith is deep in my heart, and heavy responsibilities are shouldered. With a keen eye, I can identify people and ghosts. I have liver and gallbladder, and I am willing to shed my blood with my heart..." Accompanied by the theme song co

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'Winds and rains cover rivers and mountains. Faith is deep in my heart, and heavy responsibilities are shouldered. With a keen eye, I can identify people and ghosts. I have liver and gallbladder, and I am willing to shed my blood with my heart...' Accompanied by the theme song co - Lujuba

"The wind and rain are hidden in the mountains. The faith is deep in the heart, and the heavy responsibility is shouldered. With a keen eye, I can identify people and ghosts, with a liver and gallbladder, and I am willing to pour my blood with my heart..." Accompanied by the theme song composed by Zhao Kaisheng and sung by Tao Yingyun, Tianchan Yifu Stage The curtain slowly opened. The four wooden screens reflecting the "thousands of miles of mountains and rivers" and the large screen projecting variegated images are a metaphor for the revolutionary ancestors 90 years ago who stepped in to break the darkness. For two consecutive nights from July 11th to 12th, the novella Pingtan "Thousands of Miles of Rivers and Mountains" premiered its entirety of the first and second episodes on the Tianchan Yifu Stage. This work is adapted from the novel of the same name by the famous writer Sun Ganlu. It uses all 18 martial arts such as the traditional Pingtan "talking, playing, singing and acting" to tell a thrilling and soul-stirring story about the hidden front amid the sound of the three-stringed pipa. .

'Winds and rains cover rivers and mountains. Faith is deep in my heart, and heavy responsibilities are shouldered. With a keen eye, I can identify people and ghosts. I have liver and gallbladder, and I am willing to shed my blood with my heart...' Accompanied by the theme song co - Lujuba

The light and dark are intertwined, the light and shadow flow, and the rhythm is urgent and complicated. The novel "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" tells the story of the CCP's secret agency in Shanghai that was severely damaged in 1932 and the Party Central Committee decided to rebuild top-secret communication lines. Under the background of the CCP's underground workers represented by Chen Qianli and others, on the hidden front that was beset with crises. , a life and death battle with the enemy. Not long after the novel came out, the Shanghai Pingtan Troupe began rehearsing the medium-length Pingtan. The last episode concentrated on the three characters Chen Qianli, Yi Junnian, and Ling Wen, focusing on Chen Qianli who was ordered to rush to Shanghai when he was in danger. The legendary story of outsmarting gold bars and distinguishing true and false "Xi Tzu" among the copper and iron walls. The next episode will focus on the hook of "How to save the vastness", telling the story of the enemy and ourselves fighting hand to hand, fighting wits and courage.

'Winds and rains cover rivers and mountains. Faith is deep in my heart, and heavy responsibilities are shouldered. With a keen eye, I can identify people and ghosts. I have liver and gallbladder, and I am willing to shed my blood with my heart...' Accompanied by the theme song co - Lujuba

Since the first episode was aired in November last year, the crew and creators have struck while the iron is hot, slimming down the brain-burning plot of the previous episode while paving the way for the lyrical scenes of the next episode. Continuing the "immersive" space creation in the previous episode, we continue to introduce modern theater methods in stage scheduling, using techniques such as "enemy and enemy dual time and space" and "recalling time and space" to enhance the dramatic tension and make the novel more vivid on the stage. Unique, exquisite, and even extreme, it allows the audience to feel the danger and difficulty of the "red agent" completing the mission.

'Winds and rains cover rivers and mountains. Faith is deep in my heart, and heavy responsibilities are shouldered. With a keen eye, I can identify people and ghosts. I have liver and gallbladder, and I am willing to shed my blood with my heart...' Accompanied by the theme song co - Lujuba

A 250,000-word novel with a complex plot and many characters requires two nights of Pingtan performance, which is a huge challenge for the cast and crew. After nearly a year of hard work, there have been new breakthroughs from the script adaptation to the second creation of the director and the starring role. Screenwriter Chang Yu cut out the complex and simplified it to make the plot concentrated and interlocking; director Wang Xinyi innovated in the inheritance and respected the tradition of Pingtan. The artistic characteristics are magnified; in terms of actors, Shanghai Pingtan Troupe has assembled the strongest cast of the entire troupe. The last episode gathered well-known actors such as Gao Bowen, Wu Xinbo, Jiang Xiaobo, Huang Haihua, Zhou Hui, Lu Jinhua, Lu Jiawei, Wang Cheng, and Wu Jinghui. In the next episode, new actors such as Zhu Lin, Yu Shengqi, Hou Xiaosheng, Yao Yiyi, and Du Chenzong will join in to play the roles of young Chen Qianli, Chen Qianyuan, Ye Tao, Wei Dafu, etc., allowing young people to play young roles and attract more audiences.

'Winds and rains cover rivers and mountains. Faith is deep in my heart, and heavy responsibilities are shouldered. With a keen eye, I can identify people and ghosts. I have liver and gallbladder, and I am willing to shed my blood with my heart...' Accompanied by the theme song co - Lujuba

Shanghai Pingtan Troupe has always been in the leading position in the Pingtan world in its red novella creation. At the mobilization meeting for the creation of "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" (Part 2), the group leader Gao Bowen put forward requirements for the cast and crew: "Not only singing genres, but also We need to create characters that make the audience enjoyable to listen to and moved to watch.” For this reason, professional singing design was specially introduced in this creation. During the closed rehearsal period, the actors continued to use a wide range of styles and broke the stereotypes. In addition to using Jiang Diao, Zhang Diao, Yang Diao, Xue Diao, Yu Diao, Chen Diao and many other In addition to this traditional genre, it also absorbs the singing styles and singing methods of Xiangdiao, Youdiao, Xing Yanzhi, Zhao Lifang and many other contemporary famous artists, which contributes to the expression of the characters' inner feelings.

Unlike previous Pingtan performances where one actor had to "play" multiple roles, this time the actor's role is relatively fixed, and the lighting and stage movements are closer to that of a dramatic work, making the originally relatively flat Pingtan stage three-dimensional. In order to help the actors integrate into the roles as quickly as possible, the Shanghai Pingtan Troupe's consistent tradition of "helping and guiding" played an important role. Starring actors such as Gao Bowen, Wu Xinbo, and Huang Haihua were present throughout the whole process. By accurately grasping and controlling the character's temperament, they gave "personal experience" to young actors such as Hou Xiaosheng, Yao Yiyi, and Du Chenzong, making the characters in the book more understandable and perceptible.

Author: Wang Xiaoli

Text: Wang Xiaoli Pictures: Pictures provided by Shanghai Pingtan Group Editor: Xu Yang Editor: Xing Xiaofang

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