On July 12, the "Lotus Blooms in Bloom, Creating the Future" - Macao youth patriotic and Macao video solicitation and screening event was launched and the signing ceremony of the memorandum of cooperation between China Central Radio and Television Station Asia-Pacific Station and

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On July 12, the 'Lotus Blooms in Bloom, Creating the Future' - Macao youth patriotic and Macao video solicitation and screening event was launched and the signing ceremony of the memorandum of cooperation between China Central Radio and Television Station Asia-Pacific Station and - Lujuba

On July 12, the "Lotus Blooms in Bloom, Creating the Future" - Macao youth patriotic and Macao video solicitation and screening event was launched and the signing ceremony of the memorandum of cooperation between China Central Radio and Television Station Asia-Pacific Station and Macau Polytechnic University was held in Macao. Wang Xiaozhen, Deputy Director of China Central Radio and Television, and Ouyang Yu, Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macau Special Administrative Region Government, delivered speeches at the event and jointly launched the collection and screening of Macau youth patriotic and Macao videos. Qi Zhuquan, a member of the editorial board of China Central Radio and Television Station, attended the event.

On July 12, the 'Lotus Blooms in Bloom, Creating the Future' - Macao youth patriotic and Macao video solicitation and screening event was launched and the signing ceremony of the memorandum of cooperation between China Central Radio and Television Station Asia-Pacific Station and - Lujuba

Wang Xiaozhen said that Macao is a successful example of "one country, two systems". China Central Radio and Television has continued to deepen cooperation with the Macao SAR government and all walks of life in Macao to tell the story of Macao, show the charm of Macao, assist Macao's development, and achieve fruitful results. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China and the 25th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland. In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of President Xi Jinping’s important speeches and instructions, the Main Station, together with the Macau Education and Youth Bureau and Macao Broadcasting and Television, jointly organized a collection and screening event for Macao youth’s patriotic and Macao videos. By linking the government, universities, media and other parties, a wide range of videos were collected and screened. Original short video works with creativity, touching stories and strong sense of science and technology allow audiences at home and abroad to fully experience the bright and colorful cultural atmosphere and prosperous development prospects of Macao in the new era, further inspiring Macao residents to love the country and Macao, and to prosper and advance together with the mainland of the motherland. heroic enthusiasm. The headquarters is willing to work closely with all walks of life in Macao and work together to inject new vitality and add new momentum to the prosperity and development of Macao, and write a new chapter in the practice of "one country, two systems" in Macao.

On July 12, the 'Lotus Blooms in Bloom, Creating the Future' - Macao youth patriotic and Macao video solicitation and screening event was launched and the signing ceremony of the memorandum of cooperation between China Central Radio and Television Station Asia-Pacific Station and - Lujuba

 △Wang Xiaozhen, Deputy Director of China Central Radio and Television Station

Ouyang Yu said that President Xi Jinping pointed out in the report of the 20th National Congress that "when young people are strong, the country will be strong." Young people are the future successors of the motherland and the new driving force for the stability and long-term development of Macao's "one country, two systems". The Macao SAR government attaches great importance to the training of young people, cultivating young people's correct outlook on life and country from many aspects, and enhancing their national pride. To this end, it has created various platforms to listen to the voices of young people and help young people display their talents. The Macao youth patriotic and Macao video solicitation and screening event expresses their most unique and true thoughts on the development of Macao society through the perspective of young people in a way that is popular with young people. At the same time, through the vast platform of China Central Radio and Television, Macao is presented to audiences at home and abroad. The vivid, real and brilliant achievements made in the 25 years since returning to the motherland. The Asia-Pacific Station of China Central Radio and Television Station and the Macau Polytechnic University signed a memorandum of cooperation. By leveraging the unique advantages of both parties to achieve win-win cooperation, they will also work together to build Macao into an international communication platform for the Portuguese language and widely disseminate the excellent Chinese culture to the outside world.

On July 12, the 'Lotus Blooms in Bloom, Creating the Future' - Macao youth patriotic and Macao video solicitation and screening event was launched and the signing ceremony of the memorandum of cooperation between China Central Radio and Television Station Asia-Pacific Station and - Lujuba

 △Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao Special Administrative Region Government, Ouyang Yu

This video solicitation and screening event is guided by the Department of Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao Special Administrative Region Government and the Publicity and Culture Department of the Liaison Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Macao. China Central Radio and Television Station Asia-Pacific Station, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Program Center and It is co-sponsored by the Education and Youth Development Bureau of the Macau SAR Government and Macau Radio and Television Co., Ltd. The screening focuses on the development achievements and wonderful stories and touching moments of Macao since its return to the motherland 25 years ago, and encourages teachers, students, youth associations, etc. in Macao universities, middle schools and primary schools, youth associations, etc. to base themselves on Macao, use new technologies and innovative expressions, and create "idea + art + technology" innovation The integrated high-quality video works vividly tell the story of Macao’s successful implementation of “One Country, Two Systems”. The event is divided into two stages: July 12 to October 31 for the collection period, and November 1 to December 31 for the exhibition period. Excellent works will be broadcast on mainstream media platforms in Hong Kong and Macao such as China Central Radio and Television and Macao Broadcasting Corporation.

On July 12, the 'Lotus Blooms in Bloom, Creating the Future' - Macao youth patriotic and Macao video solicitation and screening event was launched and the signing ceremony of the memorandum of cooperation between China Central Radio and Television Station Asia-Pacific Station and - Lujuba

Cao Yi, webmaster of the Asia-Pacific Station of China Central Radio and Television Station, and Yan Zhaoji, president of Macau Polytechnic University, signed the "Memorandum of Cooperation between China Central Radio and Television Station Asia-Pacific Station and Macau Polytechnic University" on behalf of both parties.The two parties will take this opportunity to promote the station's media advantages in news reporting, international communication, program creation, technological innovation, media integration, etc., and Macau Polytechnic University's talent training, international think tanks, machine translation and artificial intelligence application technology and other disciplines. The advantages are organically integrated, and we are jointly committed to cultivating new Portuguese-speaking international communication talents, promoting the in-depth application of cutting-edge technology in the audio and video field, and helping Macao better integrate into the overall development of the country.

The China Central Radio and Television Station Asia-Pacific Station is the regional coordinating management organization of the China Central Radio and Television Station in the Asia-Pacific region. It is headquartered in Hong Kong. It is the overseas station of the China Central Radio and Television Station with the largest number of sites, the widest coverage, and the largest population and languages. Macau Polytechnic University is a public, multi-disciplinary and applied university in Macau. It takes "rooted in Macau, backed by the motherland, facing the world and striving to be first-class" as its educational purpose. It has 6 schools including applied sciences, language and translation, art and design. Academy.

Wang Quanjie, Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Program Center of China Central Radio and Television Station, Zhang Guofei, Director of the Literary and Arts Program Center, Ho Yushan, Director of the Office of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao Special Administrative Region Government, Ding Shaoxiong, Acting Director of the Education and Youth Development Bureau, Zheng Jiming, Acting Director of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, Macao Broadcasting Luo Chongwen, Chairman of the Executive Committee of Television Co., Ltd., Li Peilin, President of the Chinese Cultural Exchange Association, Chen Hong, Representative of the National People's Congress and President of the Macao Chinese Education Association, Wan Sucheng, Director of the Publicity and Culture Department of the Liaison Office of the Central Government in Macao, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Macao Special Administrative Region Counselor Lin Ruhai, Director of the Consular Department of the Office of the Commissioner, attended the event. Heads of relevant departments of the Macao SAR Government, the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao SAR, China Central Radio and Television Station, as well as guest representatives from all walks of life in Macao attended the event.

 (Photography: Zhang Jinjia)

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