Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but "Sauvignon Blanc 2", which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity

entertainment 4768℃

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity  - Lujuba

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity  - Lujuba

Text | Edited by An Qing

| 9527 Miao Gujun

This year’s summer season is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but " Sauvignon Blanc 2", which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market. Moreover, the popularity of the second season was considered a hit at best, and it did not catch up to the popularity of the first season.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity  - Lujuba

Under such circumstances, the audience has no drama to follow and is trapped in a drama shortage. After waiting for a long time, the CCTV drama "Dream City" came.

CCTV is the best product. Although "Dream City" is not an entertainment drama with a dominant theme, it is of excellent quality and has an online lineup. On the first day of its premiere, it became a hit drama and scored 1.6 ratings, firmly ranking first in the prime time slot.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity  - Lujuba

It can be seen that "Dream City" is very popular with the market, and it shows the aesthetics of CCTV and the quality of the TV drama in every aspect.

What's important is that the main line of "Dream City" is to pursue a career seriously, and the actors are also diligently honing their acting skills.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity  - Lujuba

Yang Shuo is no longer oily, Jiang Xin takes the battle calmly, relying on acting skills to attract fans

The main point of "Dream City" is that the male protagonist leads the team to complete the entrepreneurship in the field of big data artificial intelligence, compete with capital, and gain a firm foothold in the market .

The male protagonist played by Yang Shuo is the soul of "Dream City". The charm of the character determines whether the main plot line can retain the audience.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity  - Lujuba

While many people were worried that Yang Shuo would use too much force and show off that he is a macho and greasy man, he restrained himself a lot this time. The male coder he played was a real ordinary person. Except for the press conference in the first episode, he Wearing almost only casual clothes, Yang Shuo's slovenly appearance in daily scenes really brings out the stereotype of a coder in the audience's mind. His appearance is very personal, and his acting skills are also quite delicate.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity  - Lujuba

Jiang Xin, who faced off against Yang Shuo, made the audience sit up and take notice as soon as she went online.

In domestic dramas, the image of the heroine is actually mostly positive, but Jiang Xin is a cold and ruthless female executive from the beginning. Even if she is on a different stand from the male protagonist, she is still suppressing workers from the perspective of capital. There is a layoff scene in which the list of names is deliberately leaked, and everyone applauds the heroine's shrewdness and ruthlessness.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity  - Lujuba

In the drama "Dream City", Jiang Xin portrays the "evil capitalist". The character was not likable, and it was difficult for Jiang Xin to be recognized, but she conquered the audience with her acting skills.

She brought out the domineering aura of the heroine, and performed the cold face during the negotiation game. She wore red lips and spoke every word that puts interests first, allowing the audience to see a strong woman that is rare in domestic dramas.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity  - Lujuba

She is ambitious and even unscrupulous. Although her actions are not pleasing, her character is full of charm.

It is worth mentioning that such a big woman character finally no longer needs to be packaged as a vase. Jiang Xin in the play wears a simple commuter suit, full of elite feel, and her hair and makeup do not deliberately cater to sexy and charming big women. Label.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity  - Lujuba

Moreover, Jiang Xin's figure is still the same, with a big frame and a voluptuous body. In the camera, she is even tall and thick, with a strong back and a strong waist. Even when she is in the same frame as an actor, Jiang Xin is still broad-minded and fat. Especially when negotiating with others, Jiang Xin's general attitude is always like "If you can't understand me speaking in human language, then I can't understand." Threats and oppression with fists and feet.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity  - Lujuba

In terms of body shape, Jiang Xin has managed to maintain the persona of a ruthless female executive. As for her physical condition, Jiang Xin is also very relaxed. She does not need a skin-dermabrasion filter. When the camera is focused on her face, you can see the wrinkles on Jiang Xin's face, and the obvious traces of age.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity  - Lujuba

While most female celebrities still can't get rid of the girlish aesthetic, Jiang Xin showed her truest and most comfortable self in front of the camera. And what the heroine she plays needs is this calmness and relaxation.

Compared with Jiang Xin's waist and big arms, there are many female celebrities in domestic entertainment who have been strictly controlling their figures for a long time to cater to the deformed white and thin aesthetic. Jiang Xin like this may have also cured my aesthetic anxiety.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity  - Lujuba

Abnormal aesthetics are not advisable, high-end beauty never requires effort

Just like a real beauty does not need to cater to the aesthetics of Internet celebrities or scheming wigs, a truly courageous character and an actor with strong acting skills do not need to Maintaining an almost paranoid pursuit of physical condition.

Many sexy beauties on the screen are plump and slightly fat. As long as their temperament is online, Liu Yifei , who is over 30, can also show a broken feeling of thinness.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity  - Lujuba

However, most young actors are falling deeper and deeper under the aesthetic requirements of white, thin and young. Some are so photogenic that they are terrible, but they are still pursuing skinny beauty.

Jin Chen in " Ordinary Road " is as thin as a paper figure. She looks like a pole when standing in front of the camera. She is simply a walking skeleton. When the close-up shot is on her face, she is His face was so thin that he looked sunken, his whole body was top-heavy, and he felt like he was losing weight and had the uncanny valley effect.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity  - Lujuba

Not only that, there is also a clip of Jin Chen appearing in a swimsuit. People wearing swimsuits either have sexy curves or a well-proportioned and natural beauty, but Jin Chen is like a squashed paper man, with a terrifying ribbed chest that is shocking.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity  - Lujuba

There are many female stars like Jin Chen in the industry. Actor Zhang Tianai was once obsessed with body management. Zhang Tianai, who was on a variety show for a while, had an awl face and a snake face, and her 90-degree right-angled shoulders were so sharp that they could be She kills people with hidden weapons, and Zhang Tianai, who has become so thin, is even proudly sharing her weight loss experience, which shows how much domestic entertainment female stars pursue the aesthetics of thin and slim people.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity  - Lujuba

Female stars pursue extreme figures, and their methods of maintaining figure are even more extreme. Once Yinger also revealed on the show that she only eats grapefruit every day in order to lose weight. Sometimes when she feels gluttonous, she dips her chopsticks into a grain of Lao Gan Ma. Taste it in your mouth.

This way of losing weight is not only not tight enough, but easy to rebound, it also hurts the stomach and body. If it continues for a long time, it is no different from chronic suicide.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity  - Lujuba

Under the influence of such abnormal aesthetics and extreme weight loss methods, many ordinary girls are even more coerced by this harsh aesthetic. When female celebrities with status, fame, and wealth have to accept excessive body judgment and body anxiety, What should an ordinary girl do?

To put it bluntly, it’s not that the aesthetic of white, thin and young shouldn’t appear, it just shouldn’t become mainstream.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity  - Lujuba

Whether they are ordinary girls or female celebrities, they should have various figures and have their own style and charm. A truly high-end aesthetic requires no effort. Just like Jiang Xin in "Dream City", being fat and strong is real, but being charming is also real.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miaogujun’s summer season this year is much more deserted than in previous years. The competition has always been fierce, but 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', which was supposed to be a hit, became the only one on the market, and the second season The popularity  - Lujuba

Finally, what are your thoughts on Jiang Xin’s status in "Dream City"? Are there any other actresses in your impression who are as confident as Jiang Xin and whose acting skills are as solid as hers? Participate in the discussion in the comments and talk about your views on the aesthetics of internal entertainment abnormalities.

Tags: entertainment