Tianshan Net/Xinjiang Daily (Reported by Reporter Xie Huibian) On July 8, the reporter learned from the Xinjiang Meteorological Observatory: This week (July 8-July 14), most of Xinjiang will experience windy and rainy weather, with 2 There is a precipitation process; there is a h

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Tianshan Net/Xinjiang Daily (reported by reporter Xie Huibian) On July 8, the reporter learned from the Xinjiang Meteorological Observatory: This week (July 8-July 14), there will be wind and rain showers in most of Xinjiang, with some There were 2 precipitation events; there was 1 high temperature weather event over the weekend.

The forecast shows that from the day of the 8th to the 12th, there will be intermittent scattered storms in parts of the northern part of northern northern Xinjiang, the Tianshan Mountains and both sides, the western mountainous areas of southern Xinjiang, the northern western part of the Aksu region, the northern slopes of the Kunlun Mountains, and the northern mountainous areas of Hami City. There will be showers, moderate to heavy rain in the above-mentioned local areas, and local heavy rain in mountainous areas; northwest winds of about level 5 in some areas in the northern part of northern northern Xinjiang, western southern Xinjiang, and eastern Xinjiang, with wind force of level 9-10 at the wind outlet, and gusts of about level 11 .

From the 11th to the 12th, there was an easterly wind of level 5 in the central and eastern part of the Nanjiang Basin, accompanied by short-term sand and dust locally. From the 13th to the 15th, there were intermittent scattered showers in parts of western Southern Xinjiang and northern western Northern Xinjiang, the Tianshan Mountains, northern Bazhou, and the northern slopes of Kunlun Mountains. There were moderate to heavy rains in the above-mentioned local areas, and local heavy rains in the mountainous areas. ; There is a northerly wind of level 5 in the western part of Nanjiang, with a wind force of level 9-10 at the wind outlet, and a gust of about level 11; there is an easterly wind of level 5-6 in the central and eastern part of the Nanjiang Basin, accompanied by short-term sand and dust locally.

After the scattered precipitation ends, high temperatures will continue. It is expected that from the 9th to the 11th, high temperatures above 35°C will occur in the Southern Xinjiang Basin and most of Eastern Xinjiang. The maximum temperature in the above-mentioned local areas will reach above 37°C, and the temperature in Turpan and Hami cities will reach above 40°C; on the 13th By the 14th, there will be another high-temperature weather process on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains, the eastern part of the Aksu region, the southern part of Bazhou, and eastern Xinjiang.

Tianshan Net/Xinjiang Daily (Reported by Reporter Xie Huibian) On July 8, the reporter learned from the Xinjiang Meteorological Observatory: This week (July 8-July 14), most of Xinjiang will experience windy and rainy weather, with 2 There is a precipitation process; there is a h - Lujuba

Recently, the weather in Yining County has been fine, and local farmers are stepping up their efforts to harvest wheat. Photo by Correspondent Wu Yihong

The Xinjiang Meteorological Observatory reminds that it is necessary to focus on preventing the adverse effects of local strong convective weather, local snowmelt floods in mountainous areas, heavy rain flash floods, landslides, debris flows and other geological disasters. In addition, sustained high temperatures are not conducive to the growth of cotton bolls, red dates flowering and fruit setting, and forest fruit growth in eastern and southern Xinjiang. It is recommended to pay attention to the growth of cotton fields, strengthen water and fertilizer management, avoid drought in cotton fields, and reduce or avoid the impact of high temperature heat damage. Fruit-growing areas actively adopt measures such as orchard irrigation, water spraying on fruit trees, and foliar fertilizer spraying to prevent or reduce the impact of high temperatures on fruit growth.

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