Recently, an online blogger in Pudong, Shanghai posted a short video about a car accident, which quickly attracted attention. The description of "three children died in a car accident" made many people sad. Is the car accident claimed in the video true? The Shanghai police recent

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Recently, an online blogger in Pudong, Shanghai posted a short video about a car accident, which quickly attracted attention. The description of "three children died in a car accident" made many people sad. Is the car accident claimed in the

video true? The Shanghai police recently reported this typical case of online rumors. Let’s take a look at the truth↓↓

An online video claiming that “three children died in a car accident” was a rumor

In May of this year, the Shanghai Pudong police discovered during an online patrol that Someone posted a short video of a local car accident on the Internet. The annotated text in it read: "There was a car accident on Yonghui Road, Daduan Town, Pudong New District, Shanghai. Three children were killed." The Pudong police attached great importance to the video and targeted the video. The content of the video was immediately verified.

Police officer of the Internet Security Detachment of the Pudong Branch of the Shanghai Public Security BureauGu Yuqi:We checked through the traffic police accident system and also asked the relevant responsible police officers. We found that there was no such thing as hitting three children. There must be no such incident in Shanghai recently. Such accidents happen.

Recently, an online blogger in Pudong, Shanghai posted a short video about a car accident, which quickly attracted attention. The description of 'three children died in a car accident' made many people sad. Is the car accident claimed in the video true? The Shanghai police recent - Lujuba

In order to further verify the specific situation, the police carefully analyzed the video. This video is composed of 3 pictures of the car accident scene. The publisher marked the location on it as: Yonghui Road, Daduan Town, Pudong New District, and the time of release was May this year. January 12th. Based on these two clues, the police conducted an investigation and found many suspicious points that were inconsistent with the actual situation.

Gu Yuqi, a police officer from the Internet Security Detachment of Pudong Branch of Shanghai Public Security Bureau: I immediately went to Datuan Police Station to verify the situation and found that there was no such road condition in Datuan Town, so we first ruled out that the accident occurred in Datuan Town. In addition, the video was released on May 12th, the weather was already quite hot, and the attire was not suitable for the season.

Recently, an online blogger in Pudong, Shanghai posted a short video about a car accident, which quickly attracted attention. The description of 'three children died in a car accident' made many people sad. Is the car accident claimed in the video true? The Shanghai police recent - Lujuba

Based on the above clues, the police determined that the video labeled "Three children died in a car accident in Daduan Town, Pudong New District" was an Internet rumor. The car accident in the video did not occur in Shanghai. Subsequently, the police quickly found Yu, the online blogger who published the rumor, and took her to the local police station for investigation and interrogation.

Bloggers made up rumors about a car accident in Shanghai to gain followers

Police investigation found that the rumored video posted by Yu was made up of three car accident pictures from different scenes, and she labeled the so-called "Shanghai Pudong New Area car accident" "3 "A child died" and other information are also false content without factual basis. According to the police, Yu’s purpose in doing this was to gain attention and try to make money by increasing his followers.

According to police investigation, in early May, Internet blogger Yu saw a video of a car accident, which also showed several children being knocked down. Without verification, she made up the story "Datuan Town, Pudong New District, Shanghai" There is false information that three children were killed in a car accident on Yonghui Road."

Recently, an online blogger in Pudong, Shanghai posted a short video about a car accident, which quickly attracted attention. The description of 'three children died in a car accident' made many people sad. Is the car accident claimed in the video true? The Shanghai police recent - Lujuba

Gu Yuqi, a police officer from the Internet Security Detachment of Pudong Branch of Shanghai Public Security Bureau: This video was sent to her by her netizen through WeChat. She happens to live near Daduan Town.

Recently, an online blogger in Pudong, Shanghai posted a short video about a car accident, which quickly attracted attention. The description of 'three children died in a car accident' made many people sad. Is the car accident claimed in the video true? The Shanghai police recent - Lujuba

According to Yu’s explanation, because she lives in Daduan Town, Pudong New District, in order to increase the authenticity of the video, she specially marked the location in the car accident video as “Yonghui Road, Daduan Town”. This made-up fake video As soon as it was released, it attracted more than 7,500 views, causing a bad social impact.

Gu Yuqi, a police officer from the Internet Security Detachment of the Pudong Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau: Because she feels that self-media can make money now. She is unemployed and has nothing else to do at home. She usually browses self-media as a way to make money. Tools for making money.

In response to Yu’s illegal act of fabricating and spreading online rumors, the Shanghai Pudong Police, in accordance with the 25th provision of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People’s Republic of China, imposed administrative penalties on the online blogger Yu. In addition, due to the timely handling by the police, the online rumor video involved in the case did not cause widespread dissemination and forwarding.

The fake video publisher's rumor-mongering routine

A video of a car accident that happened in a different place was paired with a text that had no factual basis by an online blogger named Yu, and it turned out to be a car accident that happened in Pudong New Area, Shanghai.In the text annotation of this rumored video, Yu also deliberately combined keywords such as "car accident", "three children died", "working for a living" and "tragedy" together in order to attract attention.

Reporter analysis found that the online blogger Yu’s rumor-mongering routine can be roughly divided into the following steps:

The first step , first select the eye-catching content "A car accident caused the death of three children" as the theme;

The second step , Add the real location and road name to the annotation text of the video to increase the credibility of the rumored video;

The third step is to fabricate "adults work for a living, and children go home alone from school", which caused the car accident The logic of being hit is used to win the sympathy and attention of netizens.

Finally, a rumored video with no basis in fact was fabricated and posted online.

News link: These are all rumors

In addition to the typical case of Internet rumors just revealed, what other recent rumors have been concocted by Internet bloggers in order to gain traffic and attract attention? Let’s uncover the truth together and crush the rumors↓↓

1. One or two hundred people in Zaozhuang, Shandong were quarantined for eating beef and mutton? rumor!

html On June 21, Zheng, an online blogger in Tengzhou City, Zaozhuang, Shandong Province, posted information on his personal self-media account, "One or two hundred people ate beef and mutton, and they were all quarantined for unknown diseases." These rumors quickly attracted attention after being released, with more than 79,000 views in 11 hours.

Tengzhou police found after investigation that Zheng deliberately fabricated and published relevant false information in order to gain attention. According to Article 25 of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China, Tengzhou police detained Zheng administratively for 5 days and fined him 500 yuan for spreading rumors and disrupting public order.

2. "A ninety-year-old man was abandoned by his children and has been wandering and begging for many years until he is skin and bones"? rumor!

A post recently circulated on the Internet titled "A 90-year-old man was abandoned by his children in Dafeng Street, Xindu District, Chengdu. He has been homeless and begging for many years and has become a 'skin and bones'", which attracted the attention of netizens. After verification by the police in the jurisdiction, the source of the picture in the post was a video of a foreign blogger rescuing foreign homeless elderly people.

The police found out that on June 24, in order to attract traffic and gain attention, the online blogger Zhang fabricated and published this false post at home with the help of an AI program. According to the provisions of Article 5, Zhang will be punished with administrative detention in accordance with the law.

3. Is there a "charity team" that raises 2 billion to treat 20,000 blind children in Tibet? Scam!

Recently, someone set up a "charity team" in the name of "raising a donation of 2 billion yuan to treat 20,000 blind children in Tibet" and recruited people to join through multiple social software to raise funds. After verification, the fundraising information was found to be false.

The Tibet Autonomous Region Internet Information Office and the Tibet Autonomous Region Civil Affairs Department issued a statement stating that the Tibet Autonomous Region Charity Federation has never released or authorized any organization or individual to release such information and raise funds. If you encounter a similar situation, you can call the Autonomous Region Civil Affairs Department for verification.

(CCTV reporters Zhang Gang, Yu Xiang, Wang Wei, Song Jianming and Zhang Ming)

Tags: entertainment