Modern Express News (Reporter Xu Mengyun Ji Yu Text/Photo) Today in 1937, the "July 7th Incident" broke out, and a gunshot at Marco Polo Bridge kicked off the entire nation's war of resistance. 87 years have passed, and we will always remember this day. On the morning of July 7,

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Modern Express News (Reporter Xu Mengyun Ji Yu Text/Photo) Today in 1937, the "July 7th Incident" broke out, and a gunshot at Marco Polo Bridge kicked off the entire nation's war of resistance. 87 years have passed, and we will always remember this day. On the morning of July 7, the Memorial Hall for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre held by the Japanese Invaders held a ceremony to commemorate the 87th anniversary of the outbreak of the nation’s Anti-Japanese War.

Modern Express News (Reporter Xu Mengyun Ji Yu Text/Photo) Today in 1937, the 'July 7th Incident' broke out, and a gunshot at Marco Polo Bridge kicked off the entire nation's war of resistance. 87 years have passed, and we will always remember this day. On the morning of July 7,  - Lujuba


Modern Express News (Reporter Xu Mengyun Ji Yu Text/Photo) Today in 1937, the 'July 7th Incident' broke out, and a gunshot at Marco Polo Bridge kicked off the entire nation's war of resistance. 87 years have passed, and we will always remember this day. On the morning of July 7,  - Lujuba

△Activity site

Everyone in the audience stood in silence and sang the national anthem of the People's Republic of China. Afterwards, the student representatives recited anti-war poems, "I said, this is the last tear. It is a shameful thing to cry. Here are bloody corpses lying one by one, and there are piles of corpses lying there. The embers of the building..."

Modern Express News (Reporter Xu Mengyun Ji Yu Text/Photo) Today in 1937, the 'July 7th Incident' broke out, and a gunshot at Marco Polo Bridge kicked off the entire nation's war of resistance. 87 years have passed, and we will always remember this day. On the morning of July 7,  - Lujuba

△Activity site

After the September 18th Incident broke out, the 27-year-old Ba Jin wrote the song "I Said This is the Last Tears". The students' recitations, like shouting again and again, took everyone back to the war-torn era of 1937.

Xuan Yujia, a sophomore at Nanjing University of Communication, is one of the chant leaders. She thinks such an event is very meaningful. "On a day like this, as volunteers and college students, we can let more people hear our voices, and let more people remember this period of history." Xuan Yujia hopes that everyone will come to Nanjing University where the Japanese invaders Take a look at the Memorial Hall for the Victims of the Massacre. In the history book, the page that everyone turns over may very well be their life. "When visiting the memorial hall and seeing the names and photos on the photo wall of survivors, we can have a deeper understanding. "

Modern Express News (Reporter Xu Mengyun Ji Yu Text/Photo) Today in 1937, the 'July 7th Incident' broke out, and a gunshot at Marco Polo Bridge kicked off the entire nation's war of resistance. 87 years have passed, and we will always remember this day. On the morning of July 7,  - Lujuba

△Students recited

Another lead singer, Yan Zihao, also from Nanjing Communication University, said: "This poem made me feel the numerous crimes committed by the Japanese invaders in China. The intuitive feeling is anger, anger at the suffering of the Chinese people. As a contemporary college student, I deeply realize that only by learning from history can we continue peace and prevent disasters from happening again. "

After the event, from Jiangdongmen Primary School in Nanjing. Student Jia Yumo was very touched, "I will study hard from now on and contribute to the development of the motherland in the future. I also hope to become a small commentator at the memorial hall so that more people can understand this period of history." "

Modern Express News (Reporter Xu Mengyun Ji Yu Text/Photo) Today in 1937, the 'July 7th Incident' broke out, and a gunshot at Marco Polo Bridge kicked off the entire nation's war of resistance. 87 years have passed, and we will always remember this day. On the morning of July 7,  - Lujuba


On the morning of that day, there was a queue of hundreds of meters at the entrance to the memorial hall. "I really didn't expect that there would be so many visitors today." "Today is the 87th anniversary of the July 7th Incident. I came here with my children. Understand this history."

Zheng Jing, who came from Nanchang, came to line up early in the morning. She said: "As young people, we must remember this history and work hard to improve ourselves."

"I hope my son can live it. Experience the cruelty of history." On this special day, the 87th anniversary of the July 7th Incident, a family of three from Hefei, Anhui Province visited the memorial hall for the first time. Parents want their sons to learn about history up close. After the visit, in the message area at the end of the historical materials exhibition hall, his son wrote on the screen: "Never forget the past, you will be the guide for the future. Always remind yourself not to forget the national humiliation."

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