There are a lot of things going on in the entertainment industry these days. Among them, Li Xueqin's fraud scandal is quite fierce. It is true that you should be careful when eating this melon. After all, Li Xueqin has not responded yet. It is all relevant insiders who have come

entertainment 9386℃

There are a lot of things going on in the entertainment industry these days. Among them, Li Xueqin’s fraud scandal is quite serious. It is true that you should be careful when eating this melon. After all, Li Xueqin has not yet come out with a response. It is the relevant insiders who have come forward. To reprimand, Li Xueqin should come forward and clarify as soon as possible anyway, otherwise it would not be a good thing if the trouble continues.

There are a lot of things going on in the entertainment industry these days. Among them, Li Xueqin's fraud scandal is quite fierce. It is true that you should be careful when eating this melon. After all, Li Xueqin has not responded yet. It is all relevant insiders who have come  - Lujuba

In addition, recently, the youngest daughter of mainland male artist Lu Yi, Xiao Yezi, was involved in a bullying incident. Indeed, this is also unexpected. Anyway, it was on the hot search, which shows that this time is still quite noisy. Warmly.

Perhaps it was because the incident became more and more serious that teacher Lu Yi had to respond to the bullying incident of his youngest daughter, Xiao Zizi, last night. Unexpectedly, it was better not to respond, but this response was This triggered a large number of netizens to attack, and a large number of netizens even criticized Teacher Lu Yi for "lax tutoring".

So what was Lu Yi’s response?

There are a lot of things going on in the entertainment industry these days. Among them, Li Xueqin's fraud scandal is quite fierce. It is true that you should be careful when eating this melon. After all, Li Xueqin has not responded yet. It is all relevant insiders who have come  - Lujuba

The picture above is teacher Lu Yi’s response to the bullying incident of his little daughter on social platforms. It can be summarized as follows:

. Two children recorded a video together with the special effects of a short video. During this period, the special effects of one child disappeared, and Xiao Ye found it funny. , and posted, “My little sister’s nose has always been so funny!”

2. My daughter, Xiao Zizi, unintentionally attacked her friend’s appearance. It was purely a joke between two children.

3. It was deliberately used by malicious people for hype, thereby expanding the influence of public opinion. This move undoubtedly caused great psychological harm to Xiao Yezi and his friends.

4. I hope that my family will not receive too much attention, and I don’t want some people to maliciously misinterpret this matter, and I don’t want my daughter to suffer too much harm because of this matter.

There are a lot of things going on in the entertainment industry these days. Among them, Li Xueqin's fraud scandal is quite fierce. It is true that you should be careful when eating this melon. After all, Li Xueqin has not responded yet. It is all relevant insiders who have come  - Lujuba

Soon after Lu Yi published this explanation, the comment area naturally aroused heated discussions among countless netizens and fans. It can be seen that most of the fans still strongly support Lu Yi’s views and bluntly said, "This is how the Internet is. "People with ulterior motives just like to cause trouble." "What are the intentions of people who buy hot searches? Whoever bought them is too bad and will not end well."

There are a lot of things going on in the entertainment industry these days. Among them, Li Xueqin's fraud scandal is quite fierce. It is true that you should be careful when eating this melon. After all, Li Xueqin has not responded yet. It is all relevant insiders who have come  - Lujuba

Obviously there are a lot of discordant voices in the comment area, but we can’t seem to see it anymore, because it can be seen from Lu Yi’s comment area that he has blocked more than 30 users who made malicious comments. It is estimated that these netizens should be in the comment area. Maybe they made different voices, or maybe some black fans deliberately messed up the comment section, which led to them being blocked by Lu Yi.

So, are more netizens supporting Teacher Lu Yi this time, or are there more objections?

There are a lot of things going on in the entertainment industry these days. Among them, Li Xueqin's fraud scandal is quite fierce. It is true that you should be careful when eating this melon. After all, Li Xueqin has not responded yet. It is all relevant insiders who have come  - Lujuba

In fact, this question is easy to answer. You can find the truth from the comment areas of other bloggers. Sure enough, other bloggers also expressed their opinions on the bullying incident of Xiao Yezi, and the voices in the comment area are obviously very different from Lu Yi's comment area. What a difference.

For example, some netizens said, "The last sentence is so good. It was obviously her daughter who provoked others first, but she made her daughter the victim." This comment also attracted many comments from netizens, and they all obviously agreed. of.

There are a lot of things going on in the entertainment industry these days. Among them, Li Xueqin's fraud scandal is quite fierce. It is true that you should be careful when eating this melon. After all, Li Xueqin has not responded yet. It is all relevant insiders who have come  - Lujuba

There is also this "Can posting in every video be considered a joke? Don't wash it, it is too obvious to attack the appearance. Lu Yi's response and no response are the same."

Obviously in the eyes of this netizen, Lu Yi's response It doesn't make any sense. On the contrary, it only contributes to the popularity of the bullying incident. At the very least, one should take the initiative to contact the victim and sincerely apologize to them.

There are a lot of things going on in the entertainment industry these days. Among them, Li Xueqin's fraud scandal is quite fierce. It is true that you should be careful when eating this melon. After all, Li Xueqin has not responded yet. It is all relevant insiders who have come  - Lujuba

What I didn’t expect was that the suspected victim came forward and broke the news, saying that your daughter was attacking me with my appearance on the Internet, attacking every video. I already told her in a private message, but she actually told me to delete it myself!

In addition, the victim also said that Xiao Yezi also said that his video was very pornographic and speechless.

This is the basic process of Lu Yi’s daughter’s bullying incident. Anyway, judging from the current situation, teacher Lu Yi’s youngest daughter, Xiao Yezi, is indeed in a little trouble.

There are a lot of things going on in the entertainment industry these days. Among them, Li Xueqin's fraud scandal is quite fierce. It is true that you should be careful when eating this melon. After all, Li Xueqin has not responded yet. It is all relevant insiders who have come  - Lujuba

Of course, all of this is the opinion of netizens on the Internet. As for the truth of the bullying incident, we are still not sure. We also hope that netizens will pay attention to their words. Personally, I am still willing to believe in Teacher Lu Yi’s tutor. After all, Lu Yi is The reputation in the industry is obvious to all, what do you think?

Tags: entertainment