Jimu News Review Wu Shuangjian Intern Han Jiaxuan On July 3, the official WeChat public account of the School of Archeology and Museum of Peking University released Zhong Fangrong’s speech as the undergraduate graduate representative at the 2024 graduation ceremony of the School

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Jimu News Review Wu Shuangjian

Intern Han Jiaxuan

html On July 3, the official WeChat public account of Peking University School of Archeology and Museology released Zhong Fangrong’s speech as the undergraduate graduate representative at the 2024 graduation ceremony of Peking University School of Archeology and Museology. In her speech, Zhong Fangrong looked back on what she had experienced and learned during her four years in college. The warm daily life in Yanyuan and the valuable experience of internship in Linzi allowed her to continuously acquire knowledge and gain growth during her youthful journey. (According to The Paper News on July 4)

Jimu News Review Wu Shuangjian Intern Han Jiaxuan On July 3, the official WeChat public account of the School of Archeology and Museum of Peking University released Zhong Fangrong’s speech as the undergraduate graduate representative at the 2024 graduation ceremony of the School  - Lujuba Zhong Fangrong spoke as a representative of the undergraduate graduates of the School of Archeology and Museum of Peking University (Photo source: Official WeChat public account of the School of Archeology and Museum of Peking University)

In July 2020, Zhong Fangrong, a left-behind girl in the countryside, scored 676 in the college entrance examination , ranked fourth in liberal arts in Hunan Province, and decided to apply for the unpopular archeology major of Peking University, which aroused heated discussion in the society. In an interview with the media, Zhong Fangrong said frankly that she made this decision because she loves history and was deeply moved by the story of "Dunhuang Daughter" Fan Jinshi. Regarding the concerns from the outside world about the limited employment and low income of archeology majors, she showed maturity and determination beyond her years, saying that she "takes money very lightly."

After Zhong Fangrong’s deeds attracted attention, the official archaeological institutes of nine provinces jointly took action to package and mail unique cultural relics files, books and gifts from their respective provinces to her. The package weighed a full fifty kilograms, which attracted the envy of netizens.

Four years later, this Peking University girl who was once given a large gift package by the archaeological circle ushered in her undergraduate graduation moment and delivered a speech as the representative of undergraduate graduates at the 2024 graduation ceremony of the School of Archeology and Museology of Peking University.

"The exploration and efforts in archaeological studies in the past few years, and every excavation and discovery during the internship, have given us a deeper understanding of archeology, history and the world." Zhong Fangrong said in his speech, "We will never forget each other. The new surprises discovered during the day-to-day work of excavation at the site, and the unforgettable intimacy of the indoor cleaning under the lights are the tacit understanding that we laughed through, and it also became the foundation for our professional study.”

Over the past four years, Zhong Fangrong has worked diligently. When she was a sophomore, she was invited to participate in CCTV's "Chinese Archaeological Conference". In the program, she learned archaeological knowledge at her fingertips and radiated confidence from the inside out. Returning to school, she stood in front of her classmates with a more mature attitude, sharing her challenging campus life. Whenever she talks about her chosen major, Zhong Fangrong's eyes can't help but shine with satisfaction and happiness. This is the best interpretation of her choice without regrets and her deep love for it now.

"This journey will lead to tomorrow. I wish the students will embrace the curiosity and courage during the journey, explore the unknown, and realize their ideals." With the end of the graduation ceremony, Zhong Fangrong is about to embark on a new journey of life, continuing to use wisdom and Talented people work hard in the vast world of archeology and contribute to revealing the mysteries of human history.

"Curiosity and courage will guide the way forward, and persistence and struggle will illuminate the way forward." Zhong Fangrong's story inspires every young person who is or is about to embark on the journey of life: as long as you have dreams, have the courage to explore, and perseverance, you can achieve success. Bloom the most dazzling light in the journey of life.

We look forward to seeing more outstanding young people like Zhong Fangrong shine in their respective fields and jointly write the glorious chapter of the times.

(Source: Jimu News)

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