July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie "Wild Child" starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.

entertainment 7713℃

July has just begun, and summer movies have become a monster again. The movie "Wild Child " starring , Wang Junkai, and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

The anxious attitude of "Wild Child" also attracted the attention of viewers and netizens, who began to speculate on the reasons for its withdrawal. Some netizens reported that it was because of the sensitive subject matter of the movie, and others speculated that the plot was inappropriate, but it didn't seem reasonable. If the subject matter is not suitable, it will not be approved in the first place. If there are problems with the plot, how can it start selling tickets?

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

What’s interesting is that the film studio didn’t give a clear reason. They only said that the release was canceled due to later progress issues. However, this movie has been controversial since the trailer was released.

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

It is reported that "Wild Child" is adapted from the reported real incident "Wandering Brothers", and the protagonist of the movie "Ma Liang" is the person involved in the incident. Judging from the movie's synopsis, the main tone of the movie seems to be the warmth and redemption of life. Ma Liang, played by Wang Junkai, is a thief brother who lives alone and wanders, and the main point of controversy lies in Ma Liang.

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

When promoting the film, the producers focused on the hardships of the protagonist without the love of his parents. Minors without ID cards cannot register or work, which is very distressing for netizens. Some people in the comment area even began to feel sorry for this "thief" brother. The hot comments have hundreds of thousands of likes.

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

But you can go to other clinics to see a doctor without an ID card. If it is really life-threatening, you don’t need an ID card to see an emergency room. But in the promotional clip, the protagonist just hugged his brother and left the hospital. The caption was "Who really cares about us?" The nurse didn't listen to him when he was called later.

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

According to netizens, the prototype is a 21-year-old adult. His ID card was forgotten at home when he left home. It is not that he does not have an ID card, and he should have the right to apply for it himself. However, it seems that in order to portray the "tragic fate" of the protagonist, the filmmakers made a statement that "you can't work without an ID card, and you will have it when you are sentenced" , which directly intensified the conflict and was seriously inconsistent with the real story.

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

In fact, the movie’s prototype character “Ma Liang” was already controversial. After discovering his problem in reality, the relevant departments provided him with help and even sent him home, where he was allowed to work normally. But he couldn't adapt, so he came out to commit crimes again, and even made accomplices to sell the stolen goods.

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

But in the movie, Ma Liang's image seems to be portrayed as "perfect", and even misleads the audience into thinking that he steals things just because he doesn't want to go hungry. But in the actual case, Ma Liang was actually stealing, including many valuable items such as mobile phones and computers, and his younger brother was not completely uninvolved.

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

The criminal behavior of the prototype can be said to be certain, but the experience may be a little pitiful, but some netizens said that he still has a sister, why can her sister persist in that home, but he chose to wander, even after being helped to return home? Choosing to steal is a controversial aspect of the prototype character.

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

However, judging from the trailer released by the movie, it focuses on Ma Liang’s hard life after becoming a homeless man. Even the promotion focuses on a “miserable sale”, which seriously affects the judgment of netizens. If the original film follows this routine, then what will happen next? After it is released during the summer vacation with many students, it is likely to affect the thoughts and outlook of young people.

July has just begun, and summer vacation movies have become a monster again. The movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai and others was just released during the day, but was hurriedly withdrawn at night. Even the theaters that had already sold it directly refunded the tickets.    - Lujuba

Looking at it this way, the withdrawal of "Wild Child" is not unjust. I also hope that the film crew can use their brains when promoting it. It is normal for the film to focus on social issues, but the direction should not go astray. Adaptation is not random editing. Don’t always ignore reality for so-called dramatic effects.

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Tags: entertainment