Cover news reporter Su Yu "We have seen a group of outstanding and young actors emerge from the Hundred Flowers Award nomination list. They have all created very good characters in their works and set an example for the growth of young people." For Wang Junkai, Yi Yang Qianxi and

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cover news reporter Su Yu

"We have seen that a group of outstanding and young actors have emerged in the Hundred Flowers Award nomination list. They have all created very good characters in their works and set an example for the growth of young people." For Wang Junkai , Yi Yang Qianxi and other young actor nominations, Yin Hong, vice chairman of the China Film Association and professor at the School of Journalism and Communication of Tsinghua University, told the cover news reporter.

Cover news reporter Su Yu 'We have seen a group of outstanding and young actors emerge from the Hundred Flowers Award nomination list. They have all created very good characters in their works and set an example for the growth of young people.' For Wang Junkai, Yi Yang Qianxi and - Lujuba

Yin Hong, Vice Chairman of China Film Association and Professor of School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University. Photography by cover news reporter Su Yu

html On July 2, the press conference for the 37th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Awards series was held in Beijing. This series of Hundred Flowers Awards events will be held in Chengdu, Sichuan from August 2nd to 4th. Yin Hong announced the nomination list for this year's Hundred Flowers Awards at the meeting. Wang Junkai, Zhu Yilong, Andy Lau , Zhang Yixing, and Yi Yang Qianxi were nominated for Best Actor.

According to reports, the series of activities of this Hundred Flowers Award include six main contents including the opening ceremony, nominee recognition ceremony, award ceremony, forum, film festival, and film artists visiting the grassroots. The opening ceremony, with the theme of "Flowers abound in the official city, and hundreds of flowers bloom in Chengdu", will showcase filmmakers' narrations, cultural programs and opening film screenings in sub-venues to create a wonderful dialogue between filmmakers and the audience.

nominated films "Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom"

"Settled" in Chengdu Open and Compatible

The films nominated for the Film Award of this Hundred Flowers Award include " Thousand Miles Home ", " Chang'an Thirty Thousand Miles ", Volunteer Army: Heroes Attack " Conferred Gods" Part One: Chaoge Fengyun " and "Article 20". In an exclusive interview with a cover news reporter, Yin Hong said that the themes and types of nominated works are diverse, which also reflects the audience's love for all types of films.

Cover news reporter Su Yu 'We have seen a group of outstanding and young actors emerge from the Hundred Flowers Award nomination list. They have all created very good characters in their works and set an example for the growth of young people.' For Wang Junkai, Yi Yang Qianxi and - Lujuba

Poster of the movie "Volunteers: Attack". Data map

"In terms of subject matter, it is 'Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom', which is also in line with the positioning of the Hundred Flowers Award. There are works with major revolutionary historical themes, such as "Volunteers: Heroes Attack", and there are also works with realist themes, such as "Article 20 " Hot " etc. "Yin Hong said that today's movies are not only big-investment, high-standard, and genre-focused works that are recognized by the audience, but also works that focus on reality and can resonate with the audience.

This year's Hundred Flowers Awards series of events "settled" in Chengdu. The organizing committee said that Chengdu is an open and inclusive city, and movies are the artistic symbols of modern civilization. Inviting film workers to follow the Hundred Flowers Awards into Chengdu is exactly the hope of ancient Shu culture Interweaving and colliding with light and shadow technology, pyrotechnics and fashion sense, it cultivates an upward and optimistic, open and compatible cultural attitude, and continuously expands the vision and pattern of film development.

Poster for the movie "Article 20". Data picture

Yin Hong said that the Hundred Flowers Award was born for popular films and is also a festival for carnival. Chengdu is a "city of happiness", and movies are a cultural carrier that brings happiness to everyone. The two can complement each other and achieve win-win results. "I believe that the film market will become more lively because of the Hundred Flowers Awards event in Chengdu. I hope that holding the Hundred Flowers Awards event in Chengdu will arouse more social attention and hope that more Chengdu citizens will participate."

Summer movie schedule is "hot"

ai cannot be replaced Film and Television Creation

According to data from the National Film Administration, the box office of "May Day" movies reached 1.527 billion yuan, and the number of moviegoers was 37.77 million, both exceeding the same period last year. How do you view the box office results of the May Day holiday? Yin Hong said that the Chinese film market is still in the process of recovery. Although it has achieved good results in the first half of the year, it has not yet reached the most ideal state. "We also believe that the Hundred Flowers Award for Popular Films will help popularize Chinese films in the summer season. Because dozens of films are released in the summer season, with a large number and complete varieties, it is expected to become even more popular."

Cover news reporter Su Yu 'We have seen a group of outstanding and young actors emerge from the Hundred Flowers Award nomination list. They have all created very good characters in their works and set an example for the growth of young people.' For Wang Junkai, Yi Yang Qianxi and - Lujuba

The movie "Fengshen Part 1" "Chao Ge Fengyun" poster.Data map

In February this year, the artificial intelligence research company openai released the artificial intelligence text generation video large model sora. The system can quickly produce one-minute videos that can present multiple characters, specific types of actions, and themes. and complex scenes with accurate detail in the background. In March, a feature-length science fiction film "Our Terminator Reset" produced by AI premiered offline in the United States.

As AI technology continues to change, what challenges and opportunities does the film industry face? Yin Hong believes that artificial intelligence is inevitable to change the film and television industry, but artificial intelligence has been just a tool for quite some time. AI cannot replace film and television creation. The development of film and television still requires people's creative thinking and creative abilities. "Creativity-based and technology empowerment are important paths for the future development of artificial intelligence in the film and television industry."

Movie "withdrawal" will not become the norm

"Going overseas" to find the greatest emotional common denominator

Movies are an important part of my country's cultural industry , "going abroad" of Chinese films has a subtle promotion effect on telling Chinese stories and displaying China's image. Yin Hong said that the overall quality of Chinese films has been greatly improved. Facing the complex international situation, it is very important to find a way to convey the common values ​​of mankind in Chinese movies.

Cover news reporter Su Yu 'We have seen a group of outstanding and young actors emerge from the Hundred Flowers Award nomination list. They have all created very good characters in their works and set an example for the growth of young people.' For Wang Junkai, Yi Yang Qianxi and - Lujuba

Poster for the movie "A Thousand Miles Homeward Bound". Data map

“While based on the local area, we also pay attention to the global context of cultural diversity, find the greatest emotional common denominator with overseas audiences, achieve resonance with story content and values, and allow people from all over the world to understand China through diverse Chinese stories. "Yin Hong said.

reporters noticed that eight films were released during the Spring Festival this year, including " Mr. Red Carpet " and four other films. Will withdrawals become the norm in the film and television industry?

Yin Hong said that movie withdrawals will not become the norm in the future, and there are some occasional withdrawals, which is normal. "In the process of recovering the film market, many films are looking for their own schedules, and some of them are not positioned accurately enough. Now the entire film industry is working hard to find a suitable schedule for the films and minimize the phenomenon of withdrawals. Impact on the market ”

Tags: entertainment