The eighth live competition of "Singer 2024" came to an end last Friday night. The final ranking competition welcomed replacement singer Tan Weiwei and international chart-topping singer Rukhiya Lucia. The strong competition continued to escalate, and Rukhiya Lucia chose to chall

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The eighth live competition of "Singer 2024" came to an end last Friday night. The final ranking competition welcomed replacement singer Tan Weiwei and international chart-topping singer Rukhiya Lucia. The strong showdown continued to escalate. Rukhiya Lucia chose After challenging Sun Nan, Tan Weiwei, who made his debut, shocked the audience with his national voice and won the weekly championship.

A tidbit attracted attention. Herpes zoster is often accompanied by severe neuralgia. Na Ying went on stage despite being sick under pressure and won third place in the competition on the spot.

is halfway through the competition, and the competition for seats has become increasingly fierce. Faced with the cruel challenge, the singers have gone all out with the most sincere attitude and polished their stage works without leaving any regrets. That night, chantémoore performed the rock hit "TheBest" in a unique style. The combination of European and American thick voice and Chinese classical instruments complemented each other.

The eighth live competition of 'Singer 2024' came to an end last Friday night. The final ranking competition welcomed replacement singer Tan Weiwei and international chart-topping singer Rukhiya Lucia. The strong competition continued to escalate, and Rukhiya Lucia chose to chall - Lujuba

Na Ying expressed her heart through "Night of One Star". This romantic and affectionate song is enriched by Na Ying's interpretation. Every soaring high note seems to be telling endless longing. In the

program, #Naying cried # became a hot search topic. During the competition, Naying appeared on the stage with half of her face covered by a veil. Later, many netizens asked about her makeup that night. Later, they learned that Naying actually performed on stage while sick. The host He Jiong explained: "Na Ying got herpes zoster two days ago, around the eyes. Many netizens expressed their distress that Na Ying came on stage while sick. Just half a month ago, singer Cai Guoqing also published a post revealing that he suffered from acute herpes zoster due to weakened immunity. Herpes.

Sun Nan presented the classic Cantonese song "Speechless Gratitude" (To All), and the silky switching between Cantonese and Mandarin amazed the audience. "Prince of Love Songs" Wang Sulong once again performed "Hear the Sound of Rain". Netizens said " Taki Taki’s singing accompanies me through every rainy day."

faouzia Fanxia challenged the Chinese song "Devil from Heaven" for the first time on the stage. Her standard and fluent Chinese pronunciation shocked the audience and won warm applause and applause from the audience. Highly recognized, netizens exclaimed: "I thought the original song was played" and "I saw the sincerity of the little sister." After the last episode of

, netizens left messages, "Please kill Huang Xuan on the chair." In the first episode, Huang Xuanzhu took the advice and once again chose to sit on a chair and perform "Close to You" quietly. Yuan Yawei used her unique R&B accent to interpret "Twenty-Two". The atmosphere of youthful vitality filled the scene, and she joined impromptuly. The smooth transposition adds more layering and dynamic beauty to the song.

The eighth live competition of 'Singer 2024' came to an end last Friday night. The final ranking competition welcomed replacement singer Tan Weiwei and international chart-topping singer Rukhiya Lucia. The strong competition continued to escalate, and Rukhiya Lucia chose to chall - Lujuba

, a talented singer, joined the online camp as a fill-in singer and showed heroic momentum with the song "Orchid Flower", amidst the melodious melody resonance of traditional Chinese instruments. , the national fire is raging, leading the audience to travel through time and space, and feel the tenacity and beauty of orchids. Netizens praised "The innovative expression of folk music depends on Tan Weiwei"

At the same time, the first international chart-topping singer Rukhiya Lucia airborne. On the stage of "Singer 2024", she brought a song "all by myself", with stunning high notes that shocked people's hearts. Her high-pitched and pure voice penetrated the stage and reached deep into the hearts of the audience. Her wonderful performance not only added to the stage of "Singer 2024". The new color also shows the strength and charm of the new generation overseas

Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Zhang Nan

(Source: Yangzi Evening News)

Tags: entertainment