The movie "Customs Front" directed by Qiu Litao, with Nicholas Tse serving as action director and starring, and starring Jacky Cheung, Carrie Lam, Liu Yase, etc. is now in theaters. Now, download the "Beijing Youth Daily" APP, take a screenshot of the "Entertainment" channel home

entertainment 2864℃

is directed by Qiu Litao, Nicholas Tse serves as action director and stars, and the movie " Customs Front " starring Jacky Cheung, Carrie Lam, Liu Yase and others is now in theaters. Now, download the "Beijing Youth Daily" app and take a screenshot of "Entertainment" Channel homepage, send it to the WeChat public account "Wenhua Ke" backstage, and attach a sentence about your expectations for the movie, and you will have the opportunity to watch the movie for free.

The movie 'Customs Front' directed by Qiu Litao, with Nicholas Tse serving as action director and starring, and starring Jacky Cheung, Carrie Lam, Liu Yase, etc. is now in theaters. Now, download the 'Beijing Youth Daily' APP, take a screenshot of the 'Entertainment' channel home - Lujuba

"Customs Front" is Jacky Cheung's return to the big screen after 8 years. Jacky Cheung plays Zhang Yunnan who suffers from high-functioning depression. In the eyes of outsiders, he is a strong and trustworthy person, but inside he is full of pain and struggle. , constantly using high emotional intelligence to cover up his inner depression. At the filming scene, Jacky Cheung locked himself in the room for many hours in order to shape the character well, and did it over and over again. He refused to shoot the next scene until the explosive state of "border collapse" was perfectly presented. Nicholas Tse shared that Brother Jacky really made reference to his past experiences. He had really experienced suffocation and difficulty breathing.

In "Customs Front", Nicholas Tse also served as the "action director". The film uses "no post-production" as the core concept of action scenes. Nicholas Tse said, "If the actors do not feel the sense of crisis, the audience will not feel the tension." He insisted The action scenes are presented without the help of special effects. Scenes such as speeding car crashes, falling from high altitudes, and close-quarters combat are all real combat. In the special clips previously released by the film, everything from hanging a container that is 7 stories high to underwater with a body temperature of only 1 degree. , the climax scenes left a deep impression on the audience.

The movie 'Customs Front' directed by Qiu Litao, with Nicholas Tse serving as action director and starring, and starring Jacky Cheung, Carrie Lam, Liu Yase, etc. is now in theaters. Now, download the 'Beijing Youth Daily' APP, take a screenshot of the 'Entertainment' channel home - Lujuba

"Customs Front" is also the first real collaboration between Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung. Nicholas Tse said: "I have always liked Brother Jacky's movies, and this time we can have musical exchanges, which is a dream come true for me."

text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Xiao Yang

editor/Qiao Ying

Tags: entertainment