Recently, the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions, Shanghai Emergency Bureau, and Shanghai Municipal Health Commission jointly issued the "Decision on the Commendation of Advanced Collectives and Outstanding Individuals in the 2022-2023 National "Ankang Cup" Competition (Shanghai

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Recently, the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions, Shanghai Emergency Bureau, and Shanghai Municipal Health Commission jointly issued the "Decision on Commending Advanced Groups and Outstanding Individuals in the 2022-2023 National "Ankang Cup" Competition (Shanghai Division), Yangpu District 14 groups and 2 individuals were commended!

Shanghai Dongxin Electric Power Engineering Installation Co., Ltd. (for twenty consecutive years), Shanghai Qiaosheng Trading Real Estate Co., Ltd. (for eleven consecutive years), and Shanghai Yangpu Landscaping Construction and Maintenance Co., Ltd. (for five consecutive years) have maintained the national "Ankang Cup" Honorary title for the winning unit of the competition. Another 13 units and individuals won advanced honors in the 2022-2023 Municipal Ankang Cup Competition.

Shanghai Dongxin Electric Power Engineering Installation Co., Ltd.

Since participating in the national "Ankang Cup" competition in 2003, Shanghai Dongxin Electric Power Engineering Installation Co., Ltd. has maintained the honorary title of winning unit in the national "Ankang Cup" competition for 20 consecutive years.

Recently, the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions, Shanghai Emergency Bureau, and Shanghai Municipal Health Commission jointly issued the 'Decision on the Commendation of Advanced Collectives and Outstanding Individuals in the 2022-2023 National 'Ankang Cup' Competition (Shanghai - Lujuba

Over the past twenty years, Dongxin Company has continuously deepened the "Ankang Cup" competition activities, incorporated the "Ankang Cup" activities into the business development track, determined work plans, deployed specific activities, and carefully organized and implemented them. Through continuous publicity, education and training, the company lets every employee understand the "Ankang Cup" activity, firmly establishes the concept of "Ankang", and keeps the alarm bell ringing. The active participation of cadres and employees laid a solid foundation for the "Ankang Cup" competition.

Company formed the "Five Ones" Work Method for Safety Production in the practice of the "Ankang Cup" competition, and achieved remarkable results during the implementation process. First, there is no shortage of system regulations related to employee health and safety. The company revise various safety management systems every year and form a series of safety production management systems, regulations, and work instructions. Second, no penny should be less in capital investment related to the health and safety of employees. The company invests large sums of money every year to maintain occupational health and safety. Third, no training and education related to employee health and safety must be omitted. The company's health education targets different targets and uses a variety of methods to ensure that no one is missed. Fourth, inspection and supervision related to the health and safety of employees must not be relaxed for a moment. The company strictly controls, closely integrates self-discipline and supervision, and establishes a three-level safety net inspection and supervision mechanism. Fifth, no hidden dangers related to the health and safety of employees are left unattended. The company attaches great importance to construction site safety management and prevents mistakes from happening.

Shanghai Qiaosheng Commercial Real Estate Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Qiaosheng Commercial Real Estate Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in real estate development, government project construction, damaged house reinforcement and repair, land clearance management, asset management and expropriation base management, etc. It is a member of Yangpu Urban Investment Group Affiliated state-owned enterprises.

Recently, the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions, Shanghai Emergency Bureau, and Shanghai Municipal Health Commission jointly issued the 'Decision on the Commendation of Advanced Collectives and Outstanding Individuals in the 2022-2023 National 'Ankang Cup' Competition (Shanghai - Lujuba

Since participating in the "Ankang Cup" competition in 2012, the company has continued to use competition activities as a carrier to strengthen safety awareness, improve management systems, standardize operating procedures, and innovate competition formats. The foundation of safety management has become more solid and outstanding. In " On the basis of the "One, Two, Three, Four, Five" Ankang Cup competition promotion model, we will continue to explore new ideas, new methods and new ways to practice the Ankang Cup competition, and continue to increase the focus of work on front-line construction site teams to carry out work in The red flag team for the "Ankang Cup" competition at the construction site was established as the main line and achieved remarkable results. There has not been a single safety accident for many years. So far, it has won the 11th consecutive title of the winning unit in the national "Ankang Cup" competition.

Shanghai Yangpu Landscaping Construction and Maintenance Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Yangpu Landscaping Construction and Maintenance Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in landscaping project construction, greening maintenance management and technical services, greening project design, etc., and is responsible for public green spaces in Yangpu District, The maintenance and management of street trees and parks in the area is a backbone state-owned enterprise affiliated to Yangpu Urban Investment Group.

Recently, the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions, Shanghai Emergency Bureau, and Shanghai Municipal Health Commission jointly issued the 'Decision on the Commendation of Advanced Collectives and Outstanding Individuals in the 2022-2023 National 'Ankang Cup' Competition (Shanghai - Lujuba

html For more than 0 years, the company has continued to use the Ankang Cup competition year as a carrier, taking "five measures simultaneously and four comprehensive drives" as the main starting point, focusing on working hard and making a fuss about the effectiveness of competition activities to ensure that the Ankang Cup competition is promoted in a solid and orderly manner in the company. Through the organic combination of the Ankang Cup competition activities and the company's safety production work, an interlocking work promotion model is formed, which provides a strong guarantee for the company's annual safety production goals.The company has maintained the honorary title of winning unit in the national "Ankang Cup" competition for five consecutive years, which has effectively promoted the sustainable development of the company.

The honor list is here

Yangpu and these units and individualsare honored!

Recently, the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions, Shanghai Emergency Bureau, and Shanghai Municipal Health Commission jointly issued the 'Decision on the Commendation of Advanced Collectives and Outstanding Individuals in the 2022-2023 National 'Ankang Cup' Competition (Shanghai - Lujuba

Congratulations to the collective and individuals who have been commended! will continue to work hard, always be new, will create a good safe production environment, and will help Yangpu develop high quality.

Source: Shanghai Yangpu

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