Stills from the movie "Ice Age". The Chinese film industry is moving towards a new era full of unlimited imagination and technological charm. The 26th Shanghai International Film Festival Science Fiction Film Week and Shanghai Science and Technology Film City Press Conference wer

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Stills from the movie 'Ice Age'. The Chinese film industry is moving towards a new era full of unlimited imagination and technological charm. The 26th Shanghai International Film Festival Science Fiction Film Week and Shanghai Science and Technology Film City Press Conference wer - Lujuba

Stills from the movie "Ice Age".

China's film industry is moving towards a new era full of unlimited imagination and technological charm. The 26th Shanghai International Film Festival Science Fiction Film Week and Shanghai Science and Technology Film City Press Conference were held yesterday in Songjiang, Shanghai.

After several years of unremitting efforts, Shanghai Science and Technology Film City has gathered a large number of key projects such as the Yangtze River Delta International Film and Television Industrial Park and Shanghai (Chedun) High-tech Film and Television Base, and launched the movies " Miracle·Stupid Child " and "" A number of "Shanghai Culture" brand masterpieces such as "Hands on ", the TV series " Blossoms " and " Beyond " have seen their brand effect, concentration, recognition and influence increase year by year. As the No. 1 project in Shanghai's construction of a global film and television creation center, Shanghai Science and Technology Film City is providing a more vivid and vivid practical example for the development of film and television industrialization and film and television modernization as a "Shanghai sample".

Gu Jianbin, member of the Standing Committee of the Songjiang District Committee and Minister of the Publicity Department, promoted Shanghai Science and Technology Film City at the meeting, introducing four aspects: the construction of the core area has entered a new era, the industrial cluster has become increasingly prosperous, the business environment has continued to be optimized, and the brand influence has been significantly enhanced. The construction and development of Shanghai Science and Technology Film City. At present, Shanghai Songjiang has 20 professional film and television shooting bases and professional studios, 45 special film and television shooting spots, and more than 8,000 film and television companies gathered here. It plans to form a "dual-core drive, four-film linkage, and eight-point drive" throughout the region. ” development pattern to create an industry-leading technology, film and television industry gathering center and a global window for Chinese and foreign film and television cultural exchanges.

In order to further streamline the working mechanism of film and television talent services, Shanghai Science and Technology Film Capital has created the "Shanghai Science and Technology Film Capital Home of Film and Television Talents" brand around the needs of film and television talents, providing policy consultation, information push and other personalized services for film and television talents developing in Songjiang. Basic services, as well as special accommodation services such as guaranteed rental housing and personalized reception for the crew, ensure that talents are attracted, retained and used effectively. At the opening ceremony, 8 companies including Palmi Link New Territories Future Community and Shanghai Science and Technology Film City Planning Exhibition Hall were awarded licenses. Dai Bo, a young scientist of

artificial intelligence and an expert in the field of AIGC digital content generation, gave a speech titled "Bravely Entering the "Ice Age" of AIGC and Movies". Starting from the movie "Ice Age", Daibo talked about how the deep integration of film art and computer science has profoundly affected today's film types and film production systems. Combining his own scientific research experience, Dai Bo also provided unique insights into how AI can help the development of the film industry chain more efficiently and comprehensively. Director, screenwriter, and producer Huang Jianxin, producer and screenwriter Wang Hongwei, film art director Huo Tingxiao, and science fiction writer Wang Jinkang all took the stage to share their feelings about the current state of science fiction film creation. Industry insiders believe that we must seize the opportunities and challenges brought by AIGC to jointly build the future digital content production method.

Yesterday afternoon, Science Fiction Film Week also held a promotion event for Shanghai Science and Technology Film City’s key projects and science fiction literature IP/film and television projects. It is reported that Shanghai Science and Technology Film City has launched a series of service platform projects in line with the development trends of the film and television industry in artificial intelligence, cloud computing and big data, emerging audio-visual and other imaging technologies, and micro-short dramas.Among them, the Shanghai Science and Technology Film City AI Creation Ecological Center uses a model that combines "computing power pool + film and television application scenarios (base)" to build Shanghai Science and Technology Film City's authoritative public service platform in the AIGC field; Shanghai Film City's one-stop hi production The service platform is a one-stop shooting service platform that integrates Shanghai Film Park, Haopu Base, Shanghai Film Technology Factory and other resources; the "Short Cat" intelligent publicity platform is a collection of policy release, industry information, copyright transactions, etc. A comprehensive service platform with all functions; a trusted digital human certification and management platform, which is based on blockchain technology and distributed digital identity technology and promotes the research, development and promotion of digital human technology; Shanghai Science and Technology Film City International Short The Drama Overseas Research Center is a practical platform that serves the production and promotion of transnational short plays created by Cangcheng National Cultural Export Base in conjunction with Huace Yangtze River Delta International Film and Television Industrial Park, Malaysian Film Trade Union, China-Canada Film Festival Alliance and other units; " The "Film and Television Copyright City Living Room" online platform is a specially developed online one-stop copyright service platform with the functions of "right confirmation and registration-monitoring and rights protection-incubation and development-transaction distribution". The launch of these projects will further assist Shanghai Science and Technology The innovative development and industrial upgrading of the film capital. In the promotion of science fiction literature IP/film and television projects,

has recommended science fiction literature IPs with high adaptation value, including " Foreign ", "Wheat Waves", "Crossing the Rings of Saturn", "Still Water", "In the North", etc., and also recommended " Science fiction film and television projects such as "When the Stars Shine", "France Sol", "Like Father and Son", "Sea of ​​Dreams" and "It's Dangerous Outside the Classroom" aim to discover young science fiction authors, promote science fiction literary works with the greatest potential for adaptation, and promote and promote excellence The transformation of science fiction IP creates a better communication platform for science fiction writers and filmmakers to join forces.

Author: Weizhong

Text: Reporter of this newspaper Weizhong Picture: Stills Editor: Shi Wei Editor: Xing Xiaofang

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