Recently, a TV series called "The Time Is Right" was aired, instantly triggering a drama-watching frenzy and reaching the top of the TV ratings list many times. The series stars Qin Hailu and Bao Jianfeng. Qin Hailu was not known for her looks when she debuted. Many netizens

entertainment 2411℃

Recently, a TV series called 'The Time Is Right' was aired, instantly triggering a drama-watching frenzy and reaching the top of the TV ratings list many times.      The series stars Qin Hailu and Bao Jianfeng. Qin Hailu was not known for her looks when she debuted. Many netizens - Lujuba

Recently, a TV series called "The Time Is Right" was aired, instantly triggering a drama-watching frenzy and reaching the top of the TV ratings list many times. The

series stars Qin Hailu and Bao Jianfeng . Qin Hailu was not known for her appearance when she debuted. Many netizens thought she was very good-looking and her facial features were more aggressive, but This time, her performance in the drama was surprisingly good, and she did not even lose to the heroine Liu Yifei of another popular drama "The Story of a Rose", stealing Liu Yifei's limelight.

Recently, a TV series called 'The Time Is Right' was aired, instantly triggering a drama-watching frenzy and reaching the top of the TV ratings list many times.      The series stars Qin Hailu and Bao Jianfeng. Qin Hailu was not known for her looks when she debuted. Many netizens - Lujuba

After watching her wonderful performance in the new drama, I realized what real high-end beauty is. Her eyes are lively and dramatic, which makes the whole character more three-dimensional. She also combines the two settings of housewife and urban strong woman. Very well done.

The male lead Bao Jianfeng is also a famous actor. Although he is now middle-aged, his acting skills have not deteriorated and he still acts like anything.

Recently, a TV series called 'The Time Is Right' was aired, instantly triggering a drama-watching frenzy and reaching the top of the TV ratings list many times.      The series stars Qin Hailu and Bao Jianfeng. Qin Hailu was not known for her looks when she debuted. Many netizens - Lujuba

However, in addition to the strong personal charm of the two male and female protagonists, this work has also caused some doubts, and this doubt is mainly aimed at some suspended details in the play.

1. The daughter’s “jealousy” scene in the domestic drama Tai Susu

There is a scene in the drama where the male and female protagonists embrace each other. The heroine Xu Meng’an, played by Qin Hailu, hugs Li Lin, played by Bao Jianfeng, tightly. At this time, When Xu Meng'an and Li Lin's daughter returned home, she was stunned when she saw the scene in front of her. She pursed her lips and looked jealous. Finally, she simply rushed up and hugged her father. Xu Meng'an was also stunned when she saw this scene. , then walked forward and hugged his daughter. In this way, the three of them hugged each other like a stack of Arhats.

Recently, a TV series called 'The Time Is Right' was aired, instantly triggering a drama-watching frenzy and reaching the top of the TV ratings list many times.      The series stars Qin Hailu and Bao Jianfeng. Qin Hailu was not known for her looks when she debuted. Many netizens - Lujuba

Such a scene has been criticized by many netizens in the comment area. Many netizens said that this is just the imagination of the screenwriter. After all, there are too few family relationships like this nowadays, especially since the daughter in the play is set as a junior high school student. , is no longer an ignorant child, a normal junior high school girl will know how to avoid suspicion, and will no longer be jealous because her mother loves her father, but this drama shows it in an exaggerated way.

Recently, a TV series called 'The Time Is Right' was aired, instantly triggering a drama-watching frenzy and reaching the top of the TV ratings list many times.      The series stars Qin Hailu and Bao Jianfeng. Qin Hailu was not known for her looks when she debuted. Many netizens - Lujuba

And in the end, the scene of Xu Meng'an, Li Lin, and her daughter hugging each other like Jenga was ridiculed by many people as the "famous threesome scene."

2. Suspension and failure of suspended details

In addition to the threesome scene that has been criticized, the suspended details in the play have also been criticized by many people.

Recently, a TV series called 'The Time Is Right' was aired, instantly triggering a drama-watching frenzy and reaching the top of the TV ratings list many times.      The series stars Qin Hailu and Bao Jianfeng. Qin Hailu was not known for her looks when she debuted. Many netizens - Lujuba

Perhaps the screenwriter was afraid that the overall plot line of this TV series would be too flat, so he forcibly added some exciting plots, which increased the pressure faced by the male and female protagonists: middle-aged people are facing a second child, and they have to pay high monthly mortgage payments. , and an eldest daughter is already in junior high school.

Perhaps for the screenwriter, this design has strong dramatic tension and attracts the audience to continue watching. However, due to the strong conflict between economic conflict and fertility anxiety, it makes people feel that the overall logic of the plot is a bit untenable. Stop it, this also brings some doubts to the show.

Recently, a TV series called 'The Time Is Right' was aired, instantly triggering a drama-watching frenzy and reaching the top of the TV ratings list many times.      The series stars Qin Hailu and Bao Jianfeng. Qin Hailu was not known for her looks when she debuted. Many netizens - Lujuba

Especially in the play, there are three important female characters. Some have given birth, some are about to give birth, and some are pregnant with the second child, and everyone around them seems to have become objects, surrounding the second child. , the three words are always attached to the second child. Even Xu Meng'an's sister-in-law has high hopes for this child, hoping that this child can open up branches and leaves for their family.

Recently, a TV series called 'The Time Is Right' was aired, instantly triggering a drama-watching frenzy and reaching the top of the TV ratings list many times.      The series stars Qin Hailu and Bao Jianfeng. Qin Hailu was not known for her looks when she debuted. Many netizens - Lujuba

Some netizens said that this is because the screenwriter does not understand that life is too suspended and emphasizes the theme of second children all the time. In fact, in real life, there will not be so many nosy relatives. In reality, everyone is doing their own thing. The screenwriter's setting did not show the core of urban life well.

Recently, a TV series called 'The Time Is Right' was aired, instantly triggering a drama-watching frenzy and reaching the top of the TV ratings list many times.      The series stars Qin Hailu and Bao Jianfeng. Qin Hailu was not known for her looks when she debuted. Many netizens - Lujuba

I have to say that as an urban drama, the most important thing is to have a sense of reality, because urban life is what everyone experiences every day. Once the suspension is excessive, it is easy to make people lose their temper, especially in urban dramas. The audience is relatively broad, and it is more important to focus on being based on reality to avoid failures.

Of course, there are not many good urban dramas nowadays. Although "The Time Is Right" is not perfect, it is still very good overall. I hope the crew will work harder to pay attention to details.

Tags: entertainment