After reading the script of "Dog Formation", actor Wang Yiquan's first reaction was, "It's like seeing Guan Hu, who I met 30 years ago. In my mind, he looks like a young man with long hair and shawl. You must move forward and don't look back." "On June 13th, at the Shanghai premi

entertainment 5784℃

After reading the script of 'Dog Formation', actor Wang Yiquan's first reaction was, 'It's like seeing Guan Hu, who I met 30 years ago. In my mind, he looks like a young man with long hair and shawl. You must move forward and don't look back.' 'On June 13th, at the Shanghai premi - Lujuba

After reading the script of " Dog Formation ", actor Wang Yiquan's first reaction was, "It's like seeing Guan Hu, who I met 30 years ago. In my mind, he looks young, with long hair and shawl. I must move forward. Don't look back." On June 13, at the Shanghai premiere of the movie "Dog Formation", director Guan Hu said, "The camera can't just be set up in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. "Dog Formation" brings another kind of life experience to Erlang. A tragic love affair with Putao is a story, but we just want to return to real life. Life has an array, and how can we break it at the first glance? "

After reading the script of 'Dog Formation', actor Wang Yiquan's first reaction was, 'It's like seeing Guan Hu, who I met 30 years ago. In my mind, he looks like a young man with long hair and shawl. You must move forward and don't look back.' 'On June 13th, at the Shanghai premi - Lujuba

" Dog Array" creative team

After reading the script of 'Dog Formation', actor Wang Yiquan's first reaction was, 'It's like seeing Guan Hu, who I met 30 years ago. In my mind, he looks like a young man with long hair and shawl. You must move forward and don't look back.' 'On June 13th, at the Shanghai premi - Lujuba

"Dog Array". "Dog Formation" and the Shanghai audience

"Dog Formation" tells the story of Erlang (played by Eddie Peng), who was released from prison on parole, returns to his hometown and interacts with all kinds of people. Some people are working hard to help, while others are carefully guarding against him. Forced to make a living, Erlang joins the dog hunting team and accidentally rescues a black dog that has been labeled "rabies". The interpersonal network surrounding Erlang is also a description of all living beings in the era. The confidant Putao ( Tong Liya ) who passed by Erlang is free and easy and tenacious, and the friend Nie Shili ( Zhouyou ) who stays with Erlang regardless of gains and losses. , showing true and pure friendship.

Not long ago, "Dogs" won the best film in the "Un Certain Regard" section of the Cannes International Film Festival. Jury chairman and director Xavier Dolan said, "The film has amazing poetry, imagination and superb direction. "Powerful." At the Shanghai premiere, actor Qi Xi praised "Dogs" for its warmth and depth, which was "hard to express in words." International filmmaker Marco Muller said that "Dogs" deserves the award and is a film that can impress audiences at home and abroad. Director Xu Zhanxiong, who participated in the filming of the film, also came to the scene. "Only the big screen can fully unleash the charm of "Dog Formation"."

After reading the script of 'Dog Formation', actor Wang Yiquan's first reaction was, 'It's like seeing Guan Hu, who I met 30 years ago. In my mind, he looks like a young man with long hair and shawl. You must move forward and don't look back.' 'On June 13th, at the Shanghai premi - Lujuba

The black dog's acting skills in the film are catching up with those of humans

After reading the script of 'Dog Formation', actor Wang Yiquan's first reaction was, 'It's like seeing Guan Hu, who I met 30 years ago. In my mind, he looks like a young man with long hair and shawl. You must move forward and don't look back.' 'On June 13th, at the Shanghai premi - Lujuba

Tong Liya asked for makeup to preserve the spots on her face

After reading the script of 'Dog Formation', actor Wang Yiquan's first reaction was, 'It's like seeing Guan Hu, who I met 30 years ago. In my mind, he looks like a young man with long hair and shawl. You must move forward and don't look back.' 'On June 13th, at the Shanghai premi - Lujuba

Peng Yuyan has a lot of motorcycle scenes

After reading the script of 'Dog Formation', actor Wang Yiquan's first reaction was, 'It's like seeing Guan Hu, who I met 30 years ago. In my mind, he looks like a young man with long hair and shawl. You must move forward and don't look back.' 'On June 13th, at the Shanghai premi - Lujuba

Zhang Yiguo in "Dog Formation"

After reading the script of 'Dog Formation', actor Wang Yiquan's first reaction was, 'It's like seeing Guan Hu, who I met 30 years ago. In my mind, he looks like a young man with long hair and shawl. You must move forward and don't look back.' 'On June 13th, at the Shanghai premi - Lujuba

Yuan Hong guest star in "Dog Formation" 》

After reading the script of 'Dog Formation', actor Wang Yiquan's first reaction was, 'It's like seeing Guan Hu, who I met 30 years ago. In my mind, he looks like a young man with long hair and shawl. You must move forward and don't look back.' 'On June 13th, at the Shanghai premi - Lujuba

Jia Zhangke guest-starred in "Dogs"

producer and chief producer Liang Jing revealed that when Peng Yuyan premiered in Cannes, she "cryed after seeing three or four scenes." Tong Liya also shed tears when watching the movie in Cannes, "for Chinese films that are recognized by the world. I am proud of the recognition from the filmmakers.”

"Dog Formation" is set in the northwest. The entire film fully demonstrates the wild and lonely temperament of the Gobi through a large number of long shots and long shots. The whole crew carried out the "reality" to the end and spent two months building the zoo. The three-acre kennel alone has more than 20 staff members.

After reading the script of 'Dog Formation', actor Wang Yiquan's first reaction was, 'It's like seeing Guan Hu, who I met 30 years ago. In my mind, he looks like a young man with long hair and shawl. You must move forward and don't look back.' 'On June 13th, at the Shanghai premi - Lujuba

Guan Hu asked "Dog Formation" to restore life

Peng Yuyan shaved his head and hunched his back to get closer to the characters, "The strong sun will crack the scalp, and wind and sand, heavy rain, and sunshine appear alternately on the same day. The director didn't talk much on set, And I kept changing the performance state, just like participating in a fantasy journey. The camera lens was placed far away, giving us a lot of room for subconscious performance. "

The scene of Erlang catching the black dog in the film, because Due to natural light, the shooting took 20 mornings. "We were rehearsing before the shooting. The director was very patient and firmly believed that the sparks between animals and people would definitely appear." In order to cultivate a tacit understanding with Black Dog, Peng Yuyan spent half of the time before joining the set. Yue then trained with the dog Xiao Xin and adopted Xiao Xin after the filming. He said frankly, "Xiao Xin has exchanged energy with him and is reluctant to leave."

Peng Yuyan also practiced motorcycle stunts hard, riding a motorcycle up steps, flicking, lifting the front of the car, and turning around on the spot. Sometimes he would even dream about it, "Motorcycle stunts are difficult to control, more difficult than imagined." During the filming, there was one Difficult actions that require professional stunt actors to complete, Peng Yuyan insists on challenging himself, "I must complete it myself and make a breakthrough."

Talking about the free and easy-going Grape, Tong Liya said that "there is a sense of fate", and the characteristics of this character are very similar to her own , "Everyone wants to move forward."Guan Hu’s goal for makeup creation is not to be “down-to-earth”, but to “truly become a person in the environment.” Putao followed the circus around and performed everywhere. She was a free and easy-going girl. When setting the makeup, Tong Liya took the initiative to appear in the photo without makeup and suggested that "the spots on the face should be kept and the false eyelashes should be crooked." Tong Liya said with a smile, "The first day I met Peng Yuyan on the set, I didn't recognize him at all." In the

film, the scene where Putao touches the tiger's butt left a deep impression on the audience. Before the shooting, Guan Hu told Tong Liya for safety reasons, "It doesn't matter if you stay far away." But when it came time for the official shooting, Tong Liya directly touched the tiger's butt. She thought, "This is what Grape is going to do."

Nie Shili, played by Zhou You, is an ordinary person who keeps his dreams deep in his heart. He gave up his musical ideal and chose to live a stable life as a chef. Zhou You said with a smile that after joining the group, it felt like he was in class. "The schedule is very full. I learn Bianshao in the morning, dialect at noon, and guitar in the afternoon." Zhou You's style and living habits are becoming more and more "Northwestern-style". He wears costumes directly after filming, so that he was not recognized by the staff several times, so he was "stopped outside the set." Wang Yiquan, who plays the role of police officer Liu, added that he and Peng Yuyan were not recognized when they went out to eat noodles. "No one thought we were foreigners."

After reading the script of 'Dog Formation', actor Wang Yiquan's first reaction was, 'It's like seeing Guan Hu, who I met 30 years ago. In my mind, he looks like a young man with long hair and shawl. You must move forward and don't look back.' 'On June 13th, at the Shanghai premi - Lujuba

Traveling around the "Dog Formation"

Life is all about arrays, do you have the courage to break the array? And out? Just as the "array" in the movie's title means, Erlang, who returned home, was trapped in an array "full of prejudice". After encountering the black dog who survived tenaciously and resisted bravely, Erlang, who was infected by this spirit, changed from "cowardly" to "wild", from swallowing his temper at the beginning to bloody resistance in the later stage.

Guan Hu said, "Life is a wilderness, not a track," which is very consistent with the sense of power that the movie wants to convey. It also encourages the audience, "Don't stay on the track, go to the wilderness!" Liang Jing said, "A person will encounter many things in his life. The opportunity to start again, I hope everyone can seize the opportunity to start again and find a new self.”

Tags: entertainment