On June 11, Eason Chan announced the postponement of his concert in Chongqing, saying that Eason Chan collapsed due to heatstroke and shock while playing tennis, causing his jaw to hit the ground and was injured. After the accident, Eason Chan was immediately sent to the hospital

entertainment 3928℃
html On June 11, Eason Chan announced the postponement of his concert in Chongqing, saying that Eason Chan fainted due to heatstroke and shock while playing tennis, causing his jaw to hit the ground and was injured.

On June 11, Eason Chan announced the postponement of his concert in Chongqing, saying that Eason Chan collapsed due to heatstroke and shock while playing tennis, causing his jaw to hit the ground and was injured. After the accident, Eason Chan was immediately sent to the hospital - Lujuba

After the accident, Eason Chan was immediately sent to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment. After the doctor's examination, there was a bone fracture in the cheekbone and chin skin rupture. The rupture was so deep that it reached the bone. He needed to be sutured immediately. More than 30 stitches were needed in total. "Based on the doctor's diagnosis, in order to allow the chin wound and cheekbone to fully heal, it is necessary to rest for at least three weeks. Therefore, 's six concerts in Chongqing need to be postponed to 2025. Regarding postponement and compensation arrangements, the organizer will We will announce it to you as soon as possible."

On June 11, Eason Chan announced the postponement of his concert in Chongqing, saying that Eason Chan collapsed due to heatstroke and shock while playing tennis, causing his jaw to hit the ground and was injured. After the accident, Eason Chan was immediately sent to the hospital - Lujuba

The statement also mentioned that Eason Chan's condition is stable and he needs to continue to stay in the hospital for treatment and care. Please rest assured. At the same time, the organizers also released the "Ticket Announcement" and "Compensation Announcement" for the postponement of six performances in Chongqing.

netizen commented: Oh my god, this is super serious.

On June 11, Eason Chan announced the postponement of his concert in Chongqing, saying that Eason Chan collapsed due to heatstroke and shock while playing tennis, causing his jaw to hit the ground and was injured. After the accident, Eason Chan was immediately sent to the hospital - Lujuba

On June 11, Eason Chan announced the postponement of his concert in Chongqing, saying that Eason Chan collapsed due to heatstroke and shock while playing tennis, causing his jaw to hit the ground and was injured. After the accident, Eason Chan was immediately sent to the hospital - Lujuba

Previously, on May 25, Eason Chan announced at his Hangzhou concert that ’s 101st concert that night could not be held as scheduled due to loss of voice.

Fans at the scene confirmed to reporters that Eason Chan came on stage to explain the situation at about 7:18. After he explained that he could not continue singing due to his physical condition, the person in charge of the organizer also came on stage to announce the corresponding follow-up measures.

Subsequently, Eason Chan issued an apology to fans:

On June 11, Eason Chan announced the postponement of his concert in Chongqing, saying that Eason Chan collapsed due to heatstroke and shock while playing tennis, causing his jaw to hit the ground and was injured. After the accident, Eason Chan was immediately sent to the hospital - Lujuba

html On May 26, the organizer of Eason Chan's Hangzhou concert issued the latest announcement that the remaining two Eason Chan Hangzhou concerts, which were originally postponed to Monday and Tuesday, will be held at another date.

Eason Chan also posted on Weibo, continuing to apologize for his "absence".

Please keep the heatstroke prevention guide ️

Heat stroke

is the most dangerous stage of severe heat stroke

Severe and potentially life-threatening

What is the difference between heat stroke and ordinary heat stroke?

What symptoms usually precede heat stroke?

Collect this practical post on heatstroke prevention soon↓

What are the symptoms of heat stroke?


is a disease that occurs in hot weather, high humidity, and windless environments.

Due to dysfunction of the central body temperature regulation

sweat gland failure and excessive loss of water and electrolytes

, related clinical manifestations

include harbinger of heatstroke, mild Symptoms of heat stroke and Severe heat stroke

Premonition of heat stroke

When exposed to a high temperature environment,

profuse sweating, limb weakness, dizziness,

tinnitus, thirst, headache, lack of concentration,

uncoordinated movements, etc. may occur with or without body temperature. Elevated

Mild heat stroke

The body temperature rises above 38 degrees Celsius

Symptoms such as skin burning, flushing or dehydration may occur

Severe heat stroke

According to different clinical manifestations

it can be divided into heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke

Among them, heat stroke The disease is the most serious type of heat stroke.

The mortality rate is high

Heat stroke is divided into exertional heat stroke

and non-exertional heat stroke

exertional heat stroke mostly occurs in young adults, due to prolonged Exposure to high temperature, high humidity, and windless environment may cause extreme fatigue, persistent headache, flushed or pale complexion, nausea, vomiting or fainting, confusion, etc., which may be accompanied by sweating or no sweating, followed by a rapid rise in body temperature. When the temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius or above, severe damage to the central nervous system such as delirium, drowsiness, and coma may occur.

Non-exertional heat stroke is more common among elderly and frail residents in urban areas. It generally develops slowly. The symptoms are not obvious at first and are easily ignored. After 1 to 2 days, the symptoms worsen, and confusion, delirium, coma, etc. occur. The body temperature can rise up to 40 to 42 degrees Celsius, and symptoms such as heart failure and kidney failure may occur.

What should I do if I have heatstroke?

Premonitory heatstroke and mild heatstroke

Generally, the patient can return to normal after on-site rescue.

Severe heatstroke.

Dial 120 urgently to send him to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Premonitory heatstroke and mild heatstroke can be treated as follows:

Quickly escape high temperature, high humidity, and calm wind. environment, transfer to a ventilated and cool place, lay the patient down and remove all clothing.

Quick cooling: You can spray cold water or wipe the whole body with a wet towel, fan to speed up heat dissipation, or use ice packs wrapped in towels and place them on armpits, groin and other parts with rich blood vessels and fast heat dissipation, etc. for physical cooling.

monitors body temperature: monitor body temperature every 10 minutes or continuously.

Rapid rehydration: If the person with heatstroke is awake, you can feed him light salt water or sports drinks, or take traditional Chinese medicines such as Ten Dishui and Huoxiang Zhengqi Water.

Airway protection and oxygen therapy: The head of the unconscious person should be tilted to one side, oral secretions should be cleaned up, and the respiratory tract should be kept open. Those who have the conditions can inhale oxygen to improve hypoxia.

Pay special attention to : For patients with heatstroke, general medicines for cooling are ineffective, and for patients with heat stroke, antipyretic and analgesic salicylic acid preparations are not only ineffective, but harmful. Patients with severe heat stroke should immediately call 120 and be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

How to prevent heatstroke?

It is recommended to pay attention to the weather information before traveling

Understand the extreme heat warning and safety tips of the day

When the weather is hot, try to reduce outdoor activities

Avoid being exposed to the sun for too long from 11:00 to 15:00

Or after a period of activity

Be careful to stay in the shade Rest in a place

Drink water in time to replenish water

Don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink water

Try to drink less sugary or alcoholic drinks

These drinks will not quench your thirst

On the contrary, they will cause the body to lose more fluids

Drink more and exercise appropriately Drink or lightly salted water

When traveling with children

Never leave children in parked cars

Check when leaving the car

Make sure everyone is out of the car

Source: Red Star News, @奕兴fearanddreamstour concert, @国游文化,@陈奕兴director, CCTV One, CCTV News

Editor: Lei Bin

Tags: entertainment