Jimu News Reporter Zhang Ping Correspondent Liu Qiumei Intern Liu Qiuyu Xu Yue A father and daughter singing rap On May 18, the finals of the third "I am a singer" at Hubei Lesi Preschool Education Center were held. 88 students stood out from the seven kindergartens in the center

entertainment 2272℃

Jimu News reporter Zhang Ping

Correspondent Liu Qiumei

Intern Liu Qiuyu Xu Yue

Jimu News Reporter Zhang Ping Correspondent Liu Qiumei Intern Liu Qiuyu Xu Yue A father and daughter singing rap On May 18, the finals of the third 'I am a singer' at Hubei Lesi Preschool Education Center were held. 88 students stood out from the seven kindergartens in the center - Lujuba

Father and daughter singing rap

On May 18, the finals of the third "I am a singer" at the Hubei Lesi Preschool Education Center were held, with 7 kindergartens from the center The 88 "baby singers" who stood out from the competition launched the ultimate pk. Surprisingly, there were actually 3-year-old children from primary school on stage singing rap.

Jimu News Reporter Zhang Ping Correspondent Liu Qiumei Intern Liu Qiuyu Xu Yue A father and daughter singing rap On May 18, the finals of the third 'I am a singer' at Hubei Lesi Preschool Education Center were held. 88 students stood out from the seven kindergartens in the center - Lujuba

Each has its own merits

Jimu News Reporter Zhang Ping Correspondent Liu Qiumei Intern Liu Qiuyu Xu Yue A father and daughter singing rap On May 18, the finals of the third 'I am a singer' at Hubei Lesi Preschool Education Center were held. 88 students stood out from the seven kindergartens in the center - Lujuba

Each has its own merits

"Anyone who knows a little bit about music knows that rap requires a singer to have a high sense of rhythm and rhythm. It is very good for a child over 3 years old to express fluently, and he can actually rap." Huang Yizhi, the person in charge of the preschool education center, said with a smile, "It's another day of being shocked by the children."

The father's singer brought out his daughter's singer

Jimu News Reporter Zhang Ping Correspondent Liu Qiumei Intern Liu Qiuyu Xu Yue A father and daughter singing rap On May 18, the finals of the third 'I am a singer' at Hubei Lesi Preschool Education Center were held. 88 students stood out from the seven kindergartens in the center - Lujuba

This extremely young rapper is Melesi from Kunyu Prefecture, Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone Chen Yishun, a child in Class 4 of the kindergarten, is 3 years and 9 months old. This time, she made her debut on the stage with her song "Battle on the Field".

Jimu News Reporter Zhang Ping Correspondent Liu Qiumei Intern Liu Qiuyu Xu Yue A father and daughter singing rap On May 18, the finals of the third 'I am a singer' at Hubei Lesi Preschool Education Center were held. 88 students stood out from the seven kindergartens in the center - Lujuba

Beforehand, she made long-term and professional preparations - her father is a music producer and a well-known Wuhan rapper Chen Qiming. When he learned that she wanted to participate in the "I am a singer" activity in the kindergarten, her father would put down his work every day after dinner. He devoted himself to accompanying her to practice rapping, patiently taught her the rhythm, melody and lyrics of the songs, and helped her understand the charm of music in a simple and easy-to-understand way. After practicing the songs, her father took her to the recording studio to record the song accompaniment. That day, They recorded until about 10 p.m.

"Chen Yishun is still very young and it is very difficult to challenge rap, but the child is not intimidated. I see her love and persistence in music. This first stage is the most perfect." Chen Qiming said that he is proud of his daughter and also I felt strength from her.

Jimu News Reporter Zhang Ping Correspondent Liu Qiumei Intern Liu Qiuyu Xu Yue A father and daughter singing rap On May 18, the finals of the third 'I am a singer' at Hubei Lesi Preschool Education Center were held. 88 students stood out from the seven kindergartens in the center - Lujuba

The group of relatives and friends watching the game were very engaged.

Jimu News Reporter Zhang Ping Correspondent Liu Qiumei Intern Liu Qiuyu Xu Yue A father and daughter singing rap On May 18, the finals of the third 'I am a singer' at Hubei Lesi Preschool Education Center were held. 88 students stood out from the seven kindergartens in the center - Lujuba

The group of relatives and friends watching the game were very engaged.

Behind the wonderful performance of the children, every family attaches great importance to it. Many families even set up "project groups" for this purpose.

Chen Yixing, a child in the first class of Melos Green East County Kindergarten in Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone, won the third prize in the middle class group in the second "I Am a Singer" finals in October last year. This time he was a little pressured to participate. In order to help him turn pressure into motivation, the parents divided the labor a month and a half ago: his father is responsible for selecting songs and choreographing movements, his mother is responsible for selecting competition clothes and correcting pitch, and grandma serves as the "project manager" and reminds him of singing training every day. , clock in. "I have the most important task this time. The first thing is to choose a song. I have to choose a song that can not only reflect the child's spiritual outlook but also bring out the characteristics of his voice quality. After much struggle, I chose "Chinese" because the child is patriotic and likes sports. When choreographing the movements It blends into Chinese Kung Fu, which makes him feel very powerful and he likes it very much.”

Jimu News Reporter Zhang Ping Correspondent Liu Qiumei Intern Liu Qiuyu Xu Yue A father and daughter singing rap On May 18, the finals of the third 'I am a singer' at Hubei Lesi Preschool Education Center were held. 88 students stood out from the seven kindergartens in the center - Lujuba

Every program is very thoughtful

Jimu News Reporter Zhang Ping Correspondent Liu Qiumei Intern Liu Qiuyu Xu Yue A father and daughter singing rap On May 18, the finals of the third 'I am a singer' at Hubei Lesi Preschool Education Center were held. 88 students stood out from the seven kindergartens in the center - Lujuba

Every program is very thoughtful

The parents of Hu Chenyi, a second-year child in Taohuayuan Kindergarten in Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone, also come together. Mom chooses clothes, and dad chooses songs and plays for the baby. Make a daily practice plan. "At first, my child could not find the right point in the music and liked to sing along with his own rhythm. He needed many reminders to slowly understand it. But with continuous practice, he can keep up with the accompaniment and sings very well! Keep challenging yourself, The sense of accomplishment gained after hard work is the most valuable thing for children."

Only the third session of the contestants has doubled

"On May 20, 2023, we held the first 'I am a singer' charity event, with two to three hundred children participating. After that, we held competitions every semester and participated. There are more and more contestants. Now in the third session, the number of contestants has reached five to six hundred."Huang Yizhi said that as the influence of the activity has grown, its significance has long exceeded the original intention of the kindergarten to "show the achievements of kindergarten music education." Many children have discovered love, improved self-confidence, and relationships with their families during the activity. We are getting closer and closer. "There is a family who has prepared a slogan for their children to participate in the competition, 'A new look, the whole family goes out and goes all out; the emphasis is on the process, the emphasis on feelings, the emphasis on participation.' I was very moved when I learned about it. This is what we Hope to see. "

Jimu News Reporter Zhang Ping Correspondent Liu Qiumei Intern Liu Qiuyu Xu Yue A father and daughter singing rap On May 18, the finals of the third 'I am a singer' at Hubei Lesi Preschool Education Center were held. 88 students stood out from the seven kindergartens in the center - Lujuba

Mother-daughter dialogue

"My daughter is about to graduate from kindergarten. I am very happy that she can invite me to compete with her. We train together every week. I also ordered the dress two months in advance. "Yin Yuejiao, the mother of Yin Zexi, a child in the third class of Gushangju Kindergarten in Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone, said that this time she and her daughter chose "Mother and Daughter's Dialogue" together. "The child will grow up slowly, and she will no longer be like now. If she needs me like this, she will definitely have gaps and misunderstandings with me, but I hope that one day in the future, when she feels wronged or depressed, she can remember that her mother once sang such a song with her, and she can share her thoughts with me. Talk', remember the phrase 'love is eternal' in the lyrics. I also hope that I can always remember these pictures, always remember to give my child more time, more space and more understanding, and spend my whole life accompanying her as she grows. "She said.

(picture provided by the correspondent)

(source: Jimu News)

Tags: entertainment