There is no doubt that "Singer 2024" is already a phenomenon-level program that is popular at home and abroad. As soon as the second issue started, it immediately became a hot topic. On social platforms, the degree of discussion among netizens can be imagined. In terms of ratings

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There is no doubt that "Singer 2024" is already a phenomenon-level program that is popular at home and abroad. As soon as the second issue started, it immediately became a hot topic. On the

social platform, the degree of discussion among netizens can be imagined.

There is no doubt that 'Singer 2024' is already a phenomenon-level program that is popular at home and abroad. As soon as the second issue started, it immediately became a hot topic. On social platforms, the degree of discussion among netizens can be imagined. In terms of ratings - Lujuba

In terms of ratings, it firmly ranks first in its time period. Compared with the second-placed "Running Season 12", there is a huge gap. For a long time before this, the ratings of Mango Channel had not exceeded 1 for a long time. This unprecedented wealth was still created by oneself.

There is no doubt that 'Singer 2024' is already a phenomenon-level program that is popular at home and abroad. As soon as the second issue started, it immediately became a hot topic. On social platforms, the degree of discussion among netizens can be imagined. In terms of ratings - Lujuba

Back to the show itself, after the first episode was broadcast and sparked heated discussions on the Internet, the singers obviously took it seriously and have been working hard to prepare for it this week. For example, Rainie Yang "punished" herself to practice singing at home.

However, in this episode, she sang JJ Lin 's "Song for No One", which can be said to have overturned and caught people off guard. The bass at the beginning of the first sentence collapsed immediately. The clear and clear treble, which was originally very representative, did not take advantage of it, and finally turned into a weird breathy sound.

There is no doubt that 'Singer 2024' is already a phenomenon-level program that is popular at home and abroad. As soon as the second issue started, it immediately became a hot topic. On social platforms, the degree of discussion among netizens can be imagined. In terms of ratings - Lujuba

When I listen to her singing, I used to "kneel down when I open my mouth", but now I am "the last one when I open my mouth". was nervous on stage, and the song selection was inappropriate. In the end, he finished sixth and was eliminated.

There is no doubt that 'Singer 2024' is already a phenomenon-level program that is popular at home and abroad. As soon as the second issue started, it immediately became a hot topic. On social platforms, the degree of discussion among netizens can be imagined. In terms of ratings - Lujuba

To be honest, Rainie Yang has always had a filter. Her songs such as "Left Side" and "Take Me Away" used to be the playlists in the headphones that were constantly looped. I have participated in various music competitions over the years and my performance has always been very good.

didn't expect that a live broadcast program would make her seem like a different person.

The seventh place is second-hand rose.

There is no doubt that 'Singer 2024' is already a phenomenon-level program that is popular at home and abroad. As soon as the second issue started, it immediately became a hot topic. On social platforms, the degree of discussion among netizens can be imagined. In terms of ratings - Lujuba

Although people often say, "No one can listen to second-hand roses if you are not sick," but from the past stage, the very rustic and dramatic performance is still very interesting.

But this time on the stage of "Singer 2024", I always felt very out of place. Secondhand Rose sang "Ode to Sister-in-law" in this performance. Netizens commented: seems to be sending sister-in-law away.

There is no doubt that 'Singer 2024' is already a phenomenon-level program that is popular at home and abroad. As soon as the second issue started, it immediately became a hot topic. On social platforms, the degree of discussion among netizens can be imagined. In terms of ratings - Lujuba

What’s even more funny is that netizens took a screenshot of Diplodocus ’s expression, and the description of his inner activities at that time was so talented!

There is no doubt that 'Singer 2024' is already a phenomenon-level program that is popular at home and abroad. As soon as the second issue started, it immediately became a hot topic. On social platforms, the degree of discussion among netizens can be imagined. In terms of ratings - Lujuba

ranked seventh in this competition and was eliminated together with Rainie Yang.

Wang Sulong sang "Flesh and Blood" in this performance. As a producer and singer-songwriter, he naturally adapted the song.

There is no doubt that 'Singer 2024' is already a phenomenon-level program that is popular at home and abroad. As soon as the second issue started, it immediately became a hot topic. On social platforms, the degree of discussion among netizens can be imagined. In terms of ratings - Lujuba

He said that he is not a very sentimental person and would be afraid of too strong feelings, even if it is family affection. I chose this song mainly to sing to my mother. In the middle, I joined in and said what I wanted to say to my mother.

But such a very sincere song has directly made the "unsounding" topic on the hot search have its owner.

There is no doubt that 'Singer 2024' is already a phenomenon-level program that is popular at home and abroad. As soon as the second issue started, it immediately became a hot topic. On social platforms, the degree of discussion among netizens can be imagined. In terms of ratings - Lujuba

In the past few years, every time a singer releases a new song or album, the topic "bad" always easily appears on the hot search list, but usually it only contains these two words. You have to read the relevant content discussions to know who it is. It’s rare to have the singer’s name directly mentioned like this.

However, this entry has become "Wang Sulong's performance". Some netizens witnessed the switch in one second, which was also miraculous.

There is no doubt that 'Singer 2024' is already a phenomenon-level program that is popular at home and abroad. As soon as the second issue started, it immediately became a hot topic. On social platforms, the degree of discussion among netizens can be imagined. In terms of ratings - Lujuba

As a musician, Wang Sulong has created many hit songs, but as a singer, there is still a certain gap between his singing level and the big vocals. It sounds nervous and the voice is quite dry, but somehow it's not much different from non-live broadcast. What's going on?

In this game, Na Ying won the second place, the 20-year-old teenager Fan Xia won the first place, and the previous first place Shantimo got the third place.

There is no doubt that 'Singer 2024' is already a phenomenon-level program that is popular at home and abroad. As soon as the second issue started, it immediately became a hot topic. On social platforms, the degree of discussion among netizens can be imagined. In terms of ratings - Lujuba

The top three singers have very nice voices and singing. However, the biggest problem this season is that although this live broadcast format is innovative and popular, none of the songs can be added to the playlist.

As a TV viewer, I was not there and could not feel it. My only joy was watching netizens complain.


Author: Liuliu

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