Yesterday's sun cannot dry today's clothes. Author: Insight·Xu Chaomu CCTV’s hit drama “My Altay” has become popular. The fresh pictures of green grass, blue sky and white clouds, and herds of cattle and sheep are mixed with the smell of kinship, human love and the fireworks of l

entertainment 1810℃

Yesterday's sun cannot dry today's clothes. Author: Insight·Xu Chaomu CCTV’s hit drama “My Altay” has become popular. The fresh pictures of green grass, blue sky and white clouds, and herds of cattle and sheep are mixed with the smell of kinship, human love and the fireworks of l - Lujuba

Yesterday’s sun cannot dry today’s clothes.

Author: Insight·Xu Chaomu

The popular CCTV drama "My Altay" is very popular.

The fresh pictures of green grass, blue sky and white clouds, and herds of cattle and sheep, mixed with the smell of kinship, human love and the fireworks of life, soothed the hearts of countless viewers.

Yesterday's sun cannot dry today's clothes. Author: Insight·Xu Chaomu CCTV’s hit drama “My Altay” has become popular. The fresh pictures of green grass, blue sky and white clouds, and herds of cattle and sheep are mixed with the smell of kinship, human love and the fireworks of l - Lujuba

Just as the writer Li Juan wrote in the book of the same name:

The world is at hand, lying down is sleep. What you eat in your mouth is food, and your body is wrapped in clothes. Here, I don’t know what else to regret.

In Altay, the world is big and time is long, but people have become very small, and no matter how many worries and sorrows they have, they are not worth mentioning. In the

drama, the protagonist Li Wenxiu, based on Li Juan, goes to a big city to pursue her literary dream, but repeatedly runs into obstacles.

After being fired from the restaurant where she worked, she returned to her hometown frustrated and ran a canteen with her mother on the grasslands of Altay.

The boundless grassland accommodated all her uneasiness; the simple and plain life also gave her inner richness.

All her anxieties and uneasiness were cured in Altay.

When a person learns to untie his soul, he will find that life is not a set track, but a wilderness with exits everywhere.

Instead of wallowing in internal friction, it is better to blow the wind in the mountains and have free and easy dreams, and life will find a way out by itself.


The world is destined to be full of turmoil, and no one can escape the torture of internal friction.

In the play, Li Wenxiu, a Han girl, grew up with her parents in Altay, Xinjiang.

Her ideal self is a great writer who can make a living from the pen.

In reality, she is just a restaurant waiter who has not graduated from high school and works in a big city.

While carrying dishes and washing dishes, she earned dirty sixpence; while she stayed up late to practice writing and looked at the distant moon.

After struggling for more than a year, she still could not figure out how to write. She was ostracized by her colleagues and reprimanded by her manager because of her carelessness.

Once, she accidentally broke a glass in front of the guests, and the manager was so angry that she fired her on the spot.

Walking out of the restaurant, Li Wenxiu fell into great anxiety and confusion.

She blames herself for being useless, complains that life is too difficult, and is afraid that there is no place for herself in the world.

At this time, she thought of her mother, Zhang Fengxia, who ran a canteen in the grassland.

Yesterday's sun cannot dry today's clothes. Author: Insight·Xu Chaomu CCTV’s hit drama “My Altay” has become popular. The fresh pictures of green grass, blue sky and white clouds, and herds of cattle and sheep are mixed with the smell of kinship, human love and the fireworks of l - Lujuba

So, Li Wenxiu dragged her luggage and went to her mother, trying to find peace in the beauty of paradise.

But even when she arrived on the grassland, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the turmoil of the outside world, she still couldn't get rid of the torture in her heart.

She still couldn't write a satisfactory article, and it was difficult for her to adapt to the living environment of the grassland.

Seeing that she was clumsy and unable to help her mother, she asked herself in frustration: "Am I a useless person?"

And the seemingly carefree herdsmen around her were also floating in their own whirlpools. .

Su Litan, who lives near Li Wenxiu's home, feels anxious about the transition between the old and the new era.

He had been herding and hunting for most of his life, but suddenly, shotguns became taboo, and young people gave up their nomadic life one after another and went to school or work in the city.

In order to resist the panic in his heart, he secretly hid a shotgun, desperately trying to retain traces of the past.

Sulitan's eldest daughter-in-law Token is in great pain because of her hopeless married life.

She once had great expectations for marriage, but after marriage her husband was addicted to alcohol and ignored her.

After her husband died of drunkenness and freezing on the roadside, she met someone who truly cherished her and decided to remarry with her two children.

But her parents thought she was embarrassed, and her father-in-law did not agree. She could only waste her time in unwillingness and loneliness.

Sulitan's youngest son, Batai, swings back and forth between responsibility and dreams.

He wanted to go to the racecourse to be a horse trainer, but was strongly opposed by his father and was forced to stay on the grassland. Whether

would just walk away or help his father graze, he felt extremely confused.

Yesterday's sun cannot dry today's clothes. Author: Insight·Xu Chaomu CCTV’s hit drama “My Altay” has become popular. The fresh pictures of green grass, blue sky and white clouds, and herds of cattle and sheep are mixed with the smell of kinship, human love and the fireworks of l - Lujuba

Anxiety, fear, confusion, pain... Internal friction is a mental drudgery that no one can escape.

Think about ourselves, isn’t this the case?

Some people are too nervous inside. They not only want to live their own lives, but also care about the outside world, wandering between dreams and reality;

Some people are always addicted to the past, refuse to face the present, chew on the past over and over again, and infinitely magnify their emotions;

Some people like to compare with others, and when they see others living better than themselves, they will feel frustrated and constantly put pressure on themselves;

There are also people who are used to worrying unfoundedly. Even though nothing has happened, they think of a series of troubles, and the more they think about it, the more scared they become.

There is a saying: If the heart has no place to rest, it will be a wanderer wherever it goes.

Mental internal friction is like a big net that isolates you from the real world, immersing you in the crisis of your own imagination and making it difficult to move forward.

You will be full of doubts about yourself, brooding about the past, feeling uneasy about the future, and spending your energy on emotional ups and downs.

No matter where you go or where you are, you will never be able to obtain true tranquility unless you calm down the inner turmoil.


What crushes you is not the mountains outside, but the straw in your heart.

There is a view in cognitive psychology: What affects you is not the event itself, but your interpretation and association of the event.

This means that most sufferings in the world are not enough to crush people.

is the entanglement, pessimism and negativity in your heart, which leads you step by step into a desperate situation.

Only those who know how to reduce the burden on their souls and relax their nerves can escape the quagmire of internal friction.

For example, in "My Altay", Li Wenxiu's mother Zhang Fengxia.

After Li Wenxiu returned home, she and Zhang Fengxia slept on a flimsy bed, but the bed suddenly collapsed in the middle of the night.

Wenxiu was at a loss, but Zhang Fengxia continued to sleep with her head covered, muttering: "It's not like the sky is falling, can it affect my sleep?"

Li Wenxiu took her grandma to the county town to buy things, but due to another moment of negligence, she suffered Alzheimer's disease Grandma lost it.

She apologized to Zhang Fengxia with self-reproach, and Zhang Fengxia waved her hand: "I often lose her, and I just have to pick her up again."

Li Wenxiu often felt that she was useless, and asked Zhang Fengxia: "Am I useful?" "

Zhang Fengxia pointed to the grassland and said to her: "What do you mean by usefulness? Look at the trees and grass on this grassland. If someone eats it and uses it, it is called useful. If no one uses it, it will just stay on the grassland. It’s also very good.”

Yesterday's sun cannot dry today's clothes. Author: Insight·Xu Chaomu CCTV’s hit drama “My Altay” has become popular. The fresh pictures of green grass, blue sky and white clouds, and herds of cattle and sheep are mixed with the smell of kinship, human love and the fireworks of l - Lujuba

Zhang Fengxia’s calm and relaxed feeling was not nourished by a comfortable environment.

On the contrary, she should have shed endless bitter tears after being displaced for half her life.

Born in Jiangsu, she responded to the country’s call and joined the Xinjiang Construction Corps when she was young, and married her husband from the Northeast.

From then on, she followed her husband and mother-in-law to the grassland, earning money to support the family by working everywhere.

Unexpectedly, her husband died unexpectedly five years ago, and fate left her daughter and sick mother-in-law to take care of her alone.

She could only try her best to make a living, selling fungus, pouring soap, and opening a canteen. She had been affected by the weather of the years early.

In order to make more money, she has to work hard to adapt to the nomadic life and follow the herders to move to remote summer pastures to open a shop.

But she can think openly and let go, and doesn't take anything personally.

Once, when she went out to buy sheep, she happened to save Gao Xiaoliang, who came to Xinjiang to make money but was deceived.

Gao Xiaoliang stayed in the name of love, promising to give her a better life and take her out of the grassland.

As a result, when she asked Gao Xiaoliang to go to the county town to deliver goods, the other party took away a large sum of money and never came back.

Wenxiu complained about her, and others sympathized with her, but she quickly turned the page and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, you can still find a man if you don't have one."

Yesterday's sun cannot dry today's clothes. Author: Insight·Xu Chaomu CCTV’s hit drama “My Altay” has become popular. The fresh pictures of green grass, blue sky and white clouds, and herds of cattle and sheep are mixed with the smell of kinship, human love and the fireworks of l - Lujuba

She still hummed a little tune to do business, and left after she was done. Two bottles of beer were chilled by the river, and then I had a good night's sleep.

No matter how bumpy the day, she can get through it brilliantly; no matter how bad the experience is, she will not dwell on it.

As Feng Tang said: "I am happy when I don't think too much. In other words, happiness means not thinking too much."

People are not afraid of encountering bad things, but they are afraid of dwelling on bad things for too long and thinking too much. many.

Thoughts that continue to ferment in your mind will drain your energy, overdraw your mind, and even lead you into a more terrifying abyss.

Life is like a boat on the sea. As you go, you will inevitably encounter wind, waves and reefs.

The more you think in the bad direction, the easier it is for you to go into a dead end and be tricked by negative thoughts.

The really wise thing to do is to stop internal friction, let yourself go, and cut off the distracting thoughts that become more and more confusing.

When your heart relaxes, those seemingly insurmountable chasms become insignificant shoals.


Settle your mind in the present moment, and all internal conflicts will disappear.

Zhang Fengxia's free and easy attitude was like a key, opening the shackles in Li Wenxiu's heart.

Li Wenxiu relaxed his tense nerves, let go of the frustration at work, and the fatigue brought back from the city was also gone.

Originally, she only wanted to save some money and go to a big city to write, but in the end she chose to move to a summer ranch with Zhang Fengxia.

Summer Ranch has pleasant scenery, but the terrain is complicated, cars cannot drive in, and there is no electricity. It takes several days to ride a horse from the nearest county seat.

In this nearly isolated place, Li Wenxiu forgot the trivial matters of the world and the passage of time, and immersed himself in the most authentic life.

When the weather is fine, she and the Kazakh girls go to the river to wash clothes or attend dances held by locals.

When it rains continuously, she sits in the tent and writes quietly while listening to the natural white noise.

Yesterday's sun cannot dry today's clothes. Author: Insight·Xu Chaomu CCTV’s hit drama “My Altay” has become popular. The fresh pictures of green grass, blue sky and white clouds, and herds of cattle and sheep are mixed with the smell of kinship, human love and the fireworks of l - Lujuba

Before he knew it, Li Wenxiu’s inner anxiety, frustration and hesitation all disappeared.

She originally thought that only by going to a big city with a strong cultural atmosphere and with the support of sufficient material conditions could she focus on writing.

Unexpectedly, living in nature and using birch bark instead of paper, she could still continue to write, and even write better than before.

She also learned to enjoy the moment to the fullest. She drank a bowl of hot milk tea when she was hungry, and fell asleep on the grass when she was sleepy.

Go to the forest to listen to the gurgling streams, the chirping of insects and birds, and watch the young men galloping on horses and the herds of cattle and sheep in the wilderness...

Yesterday's sun cannot dry today's clothes. Author: Insight·Xu Chaomu CCTV’s hit drama “My Altay” has become popular. The fresh pictures of green grass, blue sky and white clouds, and herds of cattle and sheep are mixed with the smell of kinship, human love and the fireworks of l - Lujuba

Every wonderful moment captured with her senses has become the inspiration for her writing. Endless material.

And the clever words she wrote were recognized by well-known writers and published in magazines and newspapers.

Li Wenxiu, who was cured by Altay, also taught the herdsmen to get out of internal strife and live in the present.

She told Sulitan that tradition is not static, only constant change is the same.

She encouraged Token that no matter whether he could remarry or not, he should stop complaining and live a good life every day.

She also said to Batai: "We are only twenty years old and have no idea what life we ​​really like, so why not give it a try?"

So Sulitan sold half of his cattle and sheep and tried to herd alone; Ken was able to remarry and take his children to study in the county town.

Ba Tai also went to the racecourse to train horses and saw the outside world. He returned to the grassland three years later.

The philosopher Wittgenstein said: Only those who live in the present are the happiest people.

Most people's internal friction often comes from thinking too much and doing too little; they can't get rid of the past and worry too much about the future.

But when you focus on the present, live in this moment, most of the anxiety and irritability in your heart will disappear.

Perhaps, trapped in high-rise buildings, it is difficult for us to find an open and peaceful soul habitat like Altay.

But as long as your mind calms down, Altay is everywhere and there are peach blossoms everywhere.

When you are upset, go to the pavilion in the community to enjoy the breeze; when you are exhausted, go for a walk in the nearby park; when you are depressed and pessimistic, read a book in your room...

You can't keep the past, and you won't be able to catch it tomorrow, so why not Clear away the anxiety and entanglements, calm down and seize today.

Treat yourself like a tree, step firmly into the soil, grow in life, and enhance your inner energy with rich experiences.

For all the problems that cannot be figured out, cannot be understood, and cannot be solved, you can find the answers in the growing rings.

In the play, a writer asked Li Wenxiu what he had experienced in Summer Ranch.

She thought for a while and answered word by word: "To love, to live, to get hurt."

Yesterday's sun cannot dry today's clothes. Author: Insight·Xu Chaomu CCTV’s hit drama “My Altay” has become popular. The fresh pictures of green grass, blue sky and white clouds, and herds of cattle and sheep are mixed with the smell of kinship, human love and the fireworks of l - Lujuba

Life is lived, not imagined, and all worries come from the chaos in our hearts.

Living a serious life is the exit from complicated difficulties and a good medicine for internal friction.

Many times, the things you are struggling with may not be important. The things you are worried about will not happen at all, and the things you are anxious about can always be solved smoothly.

What consumes you is never the external situation, but the mental cage you set for yourself.

In the days to come, stop torturing yourself, put down your distracting thoughts about personnel matters, and take off the heavy shackles.

Like , don’t worry, don’t be afraid, adapt to things. How broad your heart is, how broad your life will be.

Tags: entertainment