"We really did it, we really sang out the sun!" When singer Hua Chenyu finished singing the 15-minute adaptation of "Born to the Sun" with great relief, the rain did not come as promised by the weather report, and the seaside welcomed A brilliant sunrise came, and the tens of tho

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"We really did it, we really sang out the sun!" When singer Hua Chenyu finished singing the 15-minute adaptation of "Born to the Sun" with great relief, the rain did not come as promised by the weather report, and the seaside Ushering in the brilliant sunrise, tens of thousands of fans at the scene were so moved that they burst into tears. At that moment, as a member of the behind-the-scenes project team of Hua Chenyu Mars Concert Yantai in Shandong Yanwei Tourism Distribution Center, Yang Xinyin also burst into tears - their hard planning and organization over the past six months, the hard work and efforts of all staff, everything It's all worth it. "If the fans don't see the sunrise, the concert will not be as effective as it should be."

Because of the romantic and touching sunrise on the sea, coupled with the enthusiasm of a group of energetic young people and Hua Chenyu’s stunning musical performance, this concert quickly became popular. Not only domestic cultural and tourism companies followed the hot spots, but also issued "China "The most beautiful sunrise", even foreign netizens from Thailand, the United States, Vietnam, France and other countries also lamented, "Can Chinese concerts be so romantic?"

As a venue, Libeng Island in Muping District, Yantai once dominated the hot search for planting grass. Other related data performed well as well. During the "May Day" period, Hua Chenyu's concert attracted about 130,000 music fans from all over the country to Muping. The district received a total of 629,000 tourists and achieved tourism revenue of about 160 million yuan. The operating revenue of accommodation companies above designated size in the main urban area was year-on-year. An increase of 32%.

"achieved a double harvest of economic and social benefits." Yang Xinyin told China Business News.

This is another bright spot in the prosperous performance market. Throughout this year, concerts by dozens of old, middle-aged and young stars including Jacky Cheung, Jay Chou, Eason Chan, JJ Lin, Hua Chenyu and others have taken turns in first-, second- and third-tier cities. According to data from the China Performance Industry Association, the box office of my country's large-scale concerts hit a new high of 14.6 billion yuan last year. Some research institutions predict that the scale of the performance industry this year will continue last year’s booming trend.

html May to October is the best period for performances throughout the year. The strong growth has made some local governments realize that the concert economy has become a new growth point for tourism consumption, and have introduced relevant support policies. However, it is worth noting that more performances mean that concerts will continue to be popular?

'We really did it, we really sang out the sun!' When singer Hua Chenyu finished singing the 15-minute adaptation of 'Born to the Sun' with great relief, the rain did not come as promised by the weather report, and the seaside welcomed A brilliant sunrise came, and the tens of tho - Lujuba

Innovation in immersive concerts

"Muping has held concerts before, but this is the first time for the Sunrise Concert." Yang Xinxin said.

For this concert, Hua Chenyu’s team began to select locations in more than 30 cities across the country last year, including three cities in Shandong alone.

” The key is that there are not many places that meet the conditions of being able to see the sunrise, having a wide field of vision, a large beach area, and the concert will not disturb the public. Their team came here to inspect in October last year, evaluated the sunrise effect, and initially determined Libeng Island is not a scenic spot,” Yang Xinxin said.

Libeng Island has experienced ups and downs. In the eyes of local people, it is just a base for fishing and occasional picnics. The concert stage needs to be newly built and the road into the main venue needs to be repaired. These are basic tasks. One month before the concert, the Muping District Government reached comprehensive coordination and established 18 working groups on volunteer services, safety and security, and transportation.

Hua Chenyu, who held his first seaside sunrise concert, built the "Mars Global" stand at his own expense for his Yantai Sunrise Concert. The layout of the entire venue was exquisite and the atmosphere was overwhelming.

"For the three-day concert, nearly 30,000 people entered the venue every day. Especially on the last day of the concert, there were 10,000 to 20,000 fans outside the venue. Fans had to rush to Libeng Island and take the shuttle bus to get to the venue. Convenient. In addition to 300 shuttle buses, hundreds of Muping citizens’ private cars provide free transportation,” Yang Xinyin said, “The ultimate success of everyone’s efforts depends on whether the monitors can see the sunrise multiple times. The information I got was that it might rain, but the result was a surprise. "

What's interesting is that when the "Sunrise Concert" was forwarded and commented by the media and netizens, the cultural and tourism departments in various places responded quickly and issued their own "most beautiful sunrises." "The scenery, the soundtrack is mostly Hua Chenyu's "Born to the Sun".However, the result was not the blood-soaked drama that people imagined. Yantai Cultural Tourism, a large-scale cultural tourism company, sent out the slogan "Hua Chenyu Concert" to other local cultural tourism companies and invited them to share the "China Sunrise" video.

The integration and innovation of a natural immersive concert and local cultural tourism came to a successful conclusion because of its beauty and romance. In July, Yantai will usher in the Yangma Island Music Festival.

How long will the concert economy last?

When interviewed by a reporter from China Business News, Yang Xinyin still seemed a little disappointed. "We also want to be like Zibo BBQ. The popularity can continue and let more people know how good we are in Yantai. But a concert is a concert, and it only lasts a few days."

This is a common feeling among all concert venues, even if It is a concert that has attracted top stars such as Andy Lau and Jay Chou. If they want to last longer the full emotions of carnival, passion, touching, etc., local governments usually adopt two methods: one is to hold concerts every month; There is a connection; the second is to introduce other performing arts and sports competitions, but whether it can continue to gain popularity and produce win-win social and economic benefits is a question mark.

According to industry insiders, there are two hosting models for celebrity concerts. A common one is the guaranteed appearance fee model for stars, which means major performance companies bid for celebrity concerts and are responsible for various coordination arrangements. The stars only pay appearance fees, while box office revenue, title sponsorship and other matters are all taken care of by the performance company. The other is for the celebrity's own team to act as the organizer, without outsourcing, to pursue maximization of commercial value, and also participate in box office sharing and investment promotion, and receive profits in proportion.

"Only the ceiling-level stars dare to try the latter. There are only a handful of domestic singers who can do it." The project leader of a performing arts company that has hosted two concerts told China Business News that most stars are in guaranteed mode. . Therefore, the pressure mainly comes from major performance companies. "For example, the cost of a stadium concert by a domestic singer who can hold up to the audience is about 20 million yuan, which is about the same as the box office. The profit received by the organizer and organizer is very limited." He said.

The profit margin lies in careful budgeting, and the core is the ticket price. According to statistics from Narada Big Data Research Institute, the lowest ticket prices for well-known singers’ concerts in 2023 will be concentrated at 300 to 500 yuan, accounting for more than 76%; nearly 60% of the concerts have raised the highest ticket prices, with 1,000 to 1,500 yuan accounting for 41.94% %, and the price range of 1,500 to 2,000 yuan accounted for 33.87%.

"Last year was a special year. Concerts became the 'traffic password', but some were happy and some were sad, and each knew its own bitterness. The concerts that really made money were the concerts of the top stars. This year, Almost all first- and second-tier stars are holding concerts, and they are turning out in full force. There are many concerts, and the overall ticket price has dropped. However, it is more difficult for the organizers to make money. Some second-tier and third-tier stars sell their concert tickets at 60% to 30% off, but the celebrity appearance fee is low. How much can it be reduced?" the person in charge said.

Fortunately, consumers are still enthusiastic, because 51% of Millennials (born between 1982 and 2000) and 63% of Generation Z (born between 1995 and 2009) are more willing to spend money on concerts and On “life experiences” such as travel.

'We really did it, we really sang out the sun!' When singer Hua Chenyu finished singing the 15-minute adaptation of 'Born to the Sun' with great relief, the rain did not come as promised by the weather report, and the seaside welcomed A brilliant sunrise came, and the tens of tho - Lujuba

For some local governments, they hope to learn from Singapore’s “subsidy” experience and create a “concert and music festival city”. At the end of April, 11 departments in Taiyuan City jointly issued a document to implement "Several Measures to Support the Economic Development of Concerts (Trial)" in an effort to create an "important cultural tourism destination at home and abroad." The document shows that for concert organizers that operate legally and have independent legal person status in Taiyuan City, if the number of ticket sales in a single game is more than 30,000 (inclusive) and the ticket sales revenue is not less than 20 million yuan, a single game reward and subsidy of 800,000 yuan will be provided. .

This is the maximum subsidy amount. Although the amount is small, it can reduce the cost pressure and investment risks of concert organizers and inspire more companies to invest in the concert market.

How long will young consumers continue to be enthusiastic about concerts? Some research institutions predict that it may only last until 2025.

'We really did it, we really sang out the sun!' When singer Hua Chenyu finished singing the 15-minute adaptation of 'Born to the Sun' with great relief, the rain did not come as promised by the weather report, and the seaside welcomed A brilliant sunrise came, and the tens of tho - Lujuba

“After all, there are only about 20 singing stars that can be used in domestic entertainment, and there are not many capable young singers in domestic entertainment.The recent variety show "Singer 2024" and the PK between the two international singers in the entertainment industry have triggered discussions, which is enough to make us "sober". We need to think about, what should we do for next year’s concert? "The above-mentioned person in charge said.

Liu Deliang, a special researcher at the New Economy and New Industry Research Center of Tsinghua University, told China Business News that the cultivation of talents requires the right time, location and people, and we cannot encourage growth, but foreign models are worth learning and thinking about. "For example, Live Nation, the world's leading live entertainment company, has a full industry chain layout, including performance hosting, artist management, online ticketing business, venue operations, sponsorship advertising and other links. Our performance industry has many participants such as content parties and downstream venues, and the concentration of industry links is low, while the ticketing platform has a leading market share. In fact, all parties in the industry can realize the ability to extend the industrial chain and expand profit margins through the integration of multiple resources in the industrial chain. "

According to the announcement, Live Nation's performance market revenue in the United States in 2023 will be US$14.2 billion, which is approximately 3.2 times the estimated total box office size of the Chinese performance market (excluding tourism performances).

The problem is back to the original point, even if Leading companies have the ability to open up deep industrial chains through capital, but how many stars in the domestic entertainment industry can be called "super IP" and can continue to output representative works, appeal and influence?

(This article is from

? China Business News)

Tags: entertainment