The domestic suspense drama "Untold" has come to its final episode. The drama tells the story of a secret operation many years ago. The veteran policeman Zheng Ying accidentally disappeared and her life and death were unknown. The young undercover policeman Gao Yang (played by Ou

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's domestic suspense drama "Untold" has reached its final episode. The drama tells the story of a secret operation many years ago, in which veteran policeman Zheng Ying disappeared unexpectedly and her life and death were unknown. Young undercover policeman Gao Yang ( Ouhao ) lurked A story about finding the truth within a criminal group and narrowly escaping death.

Unlike many suspense dramas where the villain is hidden, "The Untold" plays a "clear card" right from the beginning, and each character quickly shows their identity and position. For example, the heroine knows Gao Yang's identity in the second episode. Undercover status.

For Ou Hao, playing an undercover policeman is a fatal attraction. “Playing a policeman who has been playing the role of a bad guy has a certain complexity in the film, which is another challenge for me. It is also an experience of acting in a film. Two different lives, I also find it very interesting. "

The domestic suspense drama 'Untold' has come to its final episode. The drama tells the story of a secret operation many years ago. The veteran policeman Zheng Ying accidentally disappeared and her life and death were unknown. The young undercover policeman Gao Yang (played by Ou - Lujuba

Ou Hao plays the undercover policeman Gao Yang.

Beijing News: What kind of person is Gao Yang in your mind?

Ou Hao: Director once talked to me and felt that Gao Yang was a very distressed person. Indeed, he encountered many misfortunes. His father was killed when he was a child, but the murderer could not be caught. When he grew up, he became a policeman to perform tasks. The process of the task When his adoptive father was killed again, he faced the pain of losing his loved ones again and again, and this pain was getting deeper. His master was the person he trusted the most, but in the end, he found out that the master had hidden something from him. For a moment, he felt that Gao Yang was a very lonely existence. Also, when he was undercover, he lived a life of walking on thin ice. He was always tense to play the role of another person. He even dared not sleep properly at night, fearing that he would talk in his sleep and reveal his identity. After understanding what happened to him, I felt that Gao Yang had a very strong heart. Even if it took 20 years, he would still find out the truth and bring the murderer to justice.

Beijing News: Gao Yang’s fighting ability is very strong in this drama. What kind of training did you do for the fighting part? Were all the scenes shot live?

Ou Hao: The beating of is a real beating, the fall is a real fall, and the pain in the end is really painful. Before filming, I talked with my opponent's actors and director. We all hope to present a more realistic effect. Since we want to do it, we must not be afraid of pain and injury. We also need to give the characters the most realistic reaction, especially this kind of blow. For me, in a drama, only when I actually hit my body, feel the pain, and my subconscious expressions, reactions and movements are the most real. Only then can the audience be convinced by my performance after watching it. For example, for a relatively simple action like punching and blocking, if you hold back your energy when doing it, then the whole action may make people feel light and weak when viewed in the camera, like a fighting scene. It doesn’t feel very enjoyable to watch. Before each fight scene, we will polish it repeatedly, and we will try each action repeatedly to become proficient in the movements, in order to protect everyone's safety.

Beijing News: Everyone thinks that Gao Yang has different ways of attacking different targets in his fighting scenes. For example, he is ruthless at gangster gatherings, and he is more methodical when chasing suspects. Is that so?

Ou Hao: As Gao Hu (the name used by Gao Yang’s undercover agent), he actually faces a group of desperadoes who lick blood from their swords. To gain a foothold among them, he needs to have an aura that can intimidate others and ruthlessly Spicy or fierce, these are all ways he blends into the villain. When chasing a suspect, he actually has no structure, because at this time he is more focused on results. His goal is very simple, I want to catch this person, so I take action quickly and accurately. Whatever I can grab can be a weapon. For example, in the scene with Huang Bingde, I was choked by my opponent and couldn't let go. I just wanted to catch him.

Beijing News: Gao Yang is an undercover policeman. What do you think is the most important characteristic of such a character?

Ou Hao: undercover policeman, because his identity has always been a hidden line. The most important thing is to always distinguish between when it is Gao Yang and when it is Gao Yang who plays Gao Hu.As Gao Yang, you are righteous and delicate, eager to find the truth and look forward to the dawn. As Gao Yang, who plays Gao Hu, you have to restrain all your temperament and aura to play a person who is not afraid of death but doesn’t want to die either and is in a dangerous zone. A desperado who survived, so after being buried alive and pulled out, his first reaction should be fear, but what he was afraid of was not Liu Qing, but the fear of death, so after he calmed down and faced Liu Qing He looked directly at him without any flinching or escaping.

The domestic suspense drama 'Untold' has come to its final episode. The drama tells the story of a secret operation many years ago. The veteran policeman Zheng Ying accidentally disappeared and her life and death were unknown. The young undercover policeman Gao Yang (played by Ou - Lujuba

Gao Yang was buried alive and then pulled out.

Beijing News: Gao Yang has experienced a change in status from just graduating from the police station to being an undercover agent for many years. Is this drama going to be shot smoothly or in a jump shot? How to grasp the stages and rhythm of Gao Yang's character changes?

Ou Hao: We shot by leaps and bounds. I think Gao Yang's status changes during the timeline presented in our entire series are divided into several stages. The first stage is when his father lost his father and was adopted by Zheng Ying, and he wanted to grow up quickly and find out the truth; the second stage It is for the sake of justice that he chooses to go undercover and infiltrate the enemy. At this stage, he is just like what the lines say. He dares not relax for a moment and must always remind himself that he is Gao Hu; the third stage is the dim dormancy. He stayed in a dark environment for six years, always drifting, as if his residence was not a house but a fishing boat; the fourth stage was waiting, waiting for the day when the truth came out and the knot of his heart was unraveled, although some things happened in the middle. He had doubts and doubts, but he never gave up his mission and chased the murderer. He hoped that "daybreak" would come; the last stage was relief, when everything had settled.

Beijing News: What do you think is the most difficult part for you to play Gao Yang in this drama?

Ou Hao: In addition to the complexity of the undercover mission itself, also needs to grasp some psychological emotions, because the cases he is investigating not only include the mystery of his biological father’s murder, but also the mystery of his adoptive father’s disappearance, and his most trusted master. It seems that there is something hidden from him, and the murder of his biological father is inextricably linked to his adoptive father and master. On one side is his biological father, and on the other side is his adoptive father and master who raised him and led him. How should he deal with this? This kind of emotional entanglement also needs to be considered.

Beijing News reporter Zhang Kunyu

editor Tong Na

proofreader Li Lijun

Tags: entertainment