Twenty years after it was first published, the novel "Zhu Xian" became a hot search on Weibo. On May 13, Xiao Ding, the original author of "Zhu Xian", announced that he had completed the first revision of "Zhu Xian" in many years, significantly revising the storyline and readjust

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20 years after

was first published, the novel "Zhu Xian" became a hot search on Weibo. On May 13, Xiao Ding, the original author of "Zhu Xian", announced that he had completed the first revision of "Zhu Xian" in many years, significantly revising the storyline and readjusting the finale. This means that the importance of Baguio, one of the original protagonists of the novel, has been greatly reduced, and the dispute between the two heroines in the novel that has lasted for many years has been concluded. This move caused dissatisfaction among a large number of book fans, and the terms "Zhu Xian Baguio" and "Zhu Xian heroine Lu Xueqi" became hot searches.

Twenty years after it was first published, the novel 'Zhu Xian' became a hot search on Weibo. On May 13, Xiao Ding, the original author of 'Zhu Xian', announced that he had completed the first revision of 'Zhu Xian' in many years, significantly revising the storyline and readjust - Lujuba

△Stills from the animated version of "Zhu Xian", picture/Zhu Xian Animation Official WeChat account

"Fan Xue" or "Fan Yao"?

The 20-year dispute between red and white roses

The novel "Zhu Xian" came out in 2003. It is one of the top online novels in the first generation and is also the youthful memory of many book fans. In the primitive era when online novels were in the ascendant, "Zhu Xian" was unique. It combined the fascinating plot of traditional martial arts novels with the beautiful writing style of romance novels, and was hailed as "the masterpiece of fairy novels." Subsequently, "Zhu Xian" was continuously adapted into games, TV shows, movies, and animations, and the popularity of the work spanned twenty years.

Twenty years after it was first published, the novel 'Zhu Xian' became a hot search on Weibo. On May 13, Xiao Ding, the original author of 'Zhu Xian', announced that he had completed the first revision of 'Zhu Xian' in many years, significantly revising the storyline and readjust - Lujuba

△"Zhu Xian" animated version poster, picture/Zhu Xian Animation official Weibo

"Zhu Xian" has been popular for 20 years, and book fans have been fighting for the two heroines for 20 years. "Zhu Xian" tells the story of the growth experience of Zhang Xiaofan, an ordinary boy at the foot of Qingyun Mountain. The two heroines Baguio and Lu Xueqi both had a major influence on him. Judging from the ending of the novel, Lu Xueqi plays the most role among all the female characters, throughout the story, and finally comes together with Zhang Xiaofan. If in other novels, there is no dispute that Lu Xueqi came out of the world coldly and accompanied the male protagonist all the time. Female protagonist configuration.

But there is another character with a very outstanding personality in "Zhu Xian" - Baguio. She is an eccentric demon sect witch. She was also Zhang Xiaofan's heartthrob when he was young. She devoted herself to Zhang Xiaofan without reservation, and finally had the first time. In the battle between good and evil, he blocked Zhang Xiaofan's sword and died. Although it only appears in less than one-third of the novel, the rest of the novel almost revolves around the male protagonist Zhang Xiaofan trying every possible means to resurrect Baguio. Baguio, who dares to love and hate, and protects the male protagonist wholeheartedly until death, is an indelible white moonlight in the hearts of many book fans.

Twenty years after it was first published, the novel 'Zhu Xian' became a hot search on Weibo. On May 13, Xiao Ding, the original author of 'Zhu Xian', announced that he had completed the first revision of 'Zhu Xian' in many years, significantly revising the storyline and readjust - Lujuba

△ Stills of "Qingyun Zhi", Zhao Liying plays Baguio, Yang Zi plays Lu Xueqi, picture/Qingyun Zhiguan Wei

Perhaps due to lack of writing power at the time, the author Xiao Ding did not give "Zhu Xian" a perfect ending, but left There are many "pitfalls". In terms of setting, Baguio can almost be regarded as the main driving force for advancing the plot of the novel. At the end of the novel, after Zhang Xiaofan and Lu Xueqi join hands to eliminate demons and defend the Tao, Baguio, who has been longed for by countless readers, has not yet been resurrected, leaving only a corner of green clothes. As early as the serialization of the novel, readers were arguing over who was the real heroine. In the Internet age, the debate has become more intense.

The emergence of various derivative works of "Zhu Xian" has intensified this "battle between red and white roses". Every adaptation will face a question: Should Baguio be resurrected? Resurrection would violate the ending of the novel, and Baguio's story line would be too short; without resurrection, the male protagonist's major actions in the novel would lose their footing. In 2016, the TV series "Qing Yun Zhi" adapted from "Zhu Xian" was launched. Baguio, played by Zhao Liying, was adapted into the first heroine. The "Fanyao" party was delighted, but the "Fan Xue" party was strongly dissatisfied. Every film and television adaptation since then has been accompanied by a lot of controversy.

Major revision after 20 years:

Fan Xue confirmed the official match, Baguio was finally eliminated

html On May 13, Xiao Ding announced that he had completed the revised version of "Zhu Xian". In addition to "filling in the holes", Xiao Ding said: "This revision has strengthened some characters, slightly weakened some characters, and greatly weakened one character." In the eyes of book fans, the one that has been weakened is Baguio, one of the heroines. In addition, the extra chapter "Hongluan Smile" was revised and included in the main text of "Zhu Xian" and serves as the finale. This means the complete end of the 20-year dispute between red and white roses.

Twenty years after it was first published, the novel 'Zhu Xian' became a hot search on Weibo. On May 13, Xiao Ding, the original author of 'Zhu Xian', announced that he had completed the first revision of 'Zhu Xian' in many years, significantly revising the storyline and readjust - Lujuba

Netizens revealed that the reduced content of the revised version contains a large number of plots related to the relationship between the protagonist Zhang Xiaofan and Baguio, including Zhang Xiaofan seeing Baguio's figure from the full moon well, Zhang Xiaofan's line "I will be with Baguio for the rest of my life", and In the ending, there are the golden bells and green clothes corners that symbolize Baguio, etc.

In 2022, Xiao Ding launched the "Zhu Xian" extra "Red Luan Smile", which set a lifelong relationship for Lu Xueqi and Zhang Xiaofan in the story. At that time, it aroused strong dissatisfaction among Baguio fans, accusing Xiao Ding of "losing fans" and even insulting Xiao. Ding himself. Afterwards, Xiao Ding unfollowed Zhu Xian Chaohua and all accounts related to Baguio. The ending of "Hong Luan Smile" means that Xiao Ding has concluded that Lu Xueqi is the only female protagonist.

Baguio fans claim to have been abused at an epic level

Fans of Lu Xueqi sent 10,000 red envelopes to celebrate

As soon as the news of "Xiao Ding's revision of Zhu Xian" was released, it quickly became a hot search, followed by two incompatible entries, "Zhu Xian Bi" "Yao" and "Fairy Killer Lu Xueqi" were also on the list.

Twenty years after it was first published, the novel 'Zhu Xian' became a hot search on Weibo. On May 13, Xiao Ding, the original author of 'Zhu Xian', announced that he had completed the first revision of 'Zhu Xian' in many years, significantly revising the storyline and readjust - Lujuba

Baguio fans cannot accept Xiao Ding’s changes at all. Some people say that deleting Baguio will shake the story line of the original work. Baguio is the biggest highlight and the most memorable character in "Zhu Xian". Mentioning "Zhu Xian" Everyone’s first reaction is Baguio.

Twenty years after it was first published, the novel 'Zhu Xian' became a hot search on Weibo. On May 13, Xiao Ding, the original author of 'Zhu Xian', announced that he had completed the first revision of 'Zhu Xian' in many years, significantly revising the storyline and readjust - Lujuba

Twenty years after it was first published, the novel 'Zhu Xian' became a hot search on Weibo. On May 13, Xiao Ding, the original author of 'Zhu Xian', announced that he had completed the first revision of 'Zhu Xian' in many years, significantly revising the storyline and readjust - Lujuba

Some people say that "Zhu Xian" originally relied on the dual heroine setting to break out of the industry. Xiao Ding himself benefited a lot from the role of Baguio and ate up all the dividends. Deleting Baguio is an epic level of abuse for fans.

Twenty years after it was first published, the novel 'Zhu Xian' became a hot search on Weibo. On May 13, Xiao Ding, the original author of 'Zhu Xian', announced that he had completed the first revision of 'Zhu Xian' in many years, significantly revising the storyline and readjust - Lujuba

For Lu Xueqi’s fans, this revision is like a day when the clouds have cleared and the moon has cleared, rectifying Lu Xueqi’s name. Some people think that Baguio was originally the female supporting character, and Lu Xueqi was the only heroine. Baguio fans forced it to become a double heroine.

Twenty years after it was first published, the novel 'Zhu Xian' became a hot search on Weibo. On May 13, Xiao Ding, the original author of 'Zhu Xian', announced that he had completed the first revision of 'Zhu Xian' in many years, significantly revising the storyline and readjust - Lujuba

The "Lu Xueqi fan page" with 103,000 fans announced the distribution of 10,000 yuan in red envelopes to celebrate the revision of "Zhu Xian" and Lu Xueqi's "redress of injustice."

For many fans of "Zhu Xian", Lu Xueqi and Baguio are not only vivid characters, but also a memory of their youth. Perhaps after the revision of "Zhu Xian", the identities of Lu Xueqi and Baguio as the heroines will no longer be controversial, but the white moonlight and cinnabar mole in the hearts of fans will not disappear. Should the author deny some fans' love for Baguio? Or should we defend Lu Xueqi’s identity as the rightful owner? Let’s talk about your views on the revision of “Zhu Xian”.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Zhou Dun comprehensive report

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