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Old movie episodes in memory

Author: Ren Chuanhua

"Send to you" "I was walking along the tree-lined path in the early morning, and the movie " Furious Tide" came from the mobile phone of the old man who was walking vigorously from the opposite side. The episode "Farewell" in "". Listening to this familiar song, my heart instantly felt ripples.

Advertising cooperation: 0719-4228215 News hotline: 0719-4224351 Listen to Zhushan, listen to the story of Zhushan. We will share a story with you to leave a memory. Dear listeners, hello everyone. The title of the article I am sharing with you today is: Old Movie Interludes in M - Lujuba

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Beautiful music lingers in the air, inadvertently touching the softest heart, awakening my inexplicable emotions that have been buried for a long time. The late 1970s to the early 1980s was the most glorious time for Chinese movies. It was a time when the whole country was passionate about movies. At that time, it was very fashionable and happy to go to the cinema. As an indispensable green leaf to set off the movie, the movie interlude is perfectly integrated with the movie picture and adds to the film's icing on the cake. Some classic movie songs are not only sung to this day, but their influence sometimes far exceeds the film itself.

At that time, people gathered around the blackboard notice board in front of the non-staple food company at Chengguan Street every day, and the cinema became the busiest activity center in the county. During the day, the cinema ticket window is crowded with people buying tickets. The exquisite and eye-catching movie posters with rich pictures and texts attract passers-by to stop and admire. The comic book stall on the steps in front of the theater was full of children reading the comic books. As night falls, the lights in front of the theater are brightly lit, and the stalls selling popsicles, snacks, melon seeds, and peanuts are bustling with activity. Outside the theater is bustling with people, and the theater is full of seats.

Advertising cooperation: 0719-4228215 News hotline: 0719-4224351 Listen to Zhushan, listen to the story of Zhushan. We will share a story with you to leave a memory. Dear listeners, hello everyone. The title of the article I am sharing with you today is: Old Movie Interludes in M - Lujuba

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I remember when I was studying in school, whenever my classmates were finishing get out of class or queuing up to buy food in the cafeteria, beautiful songs would be played in the school radio room. The film "Sweet Career" interlude "Our life is full of sunshine", the film " black triangle " theme song "The spring water in the border is clear and pure", the film "Red Peony" interlude "The Peony Song", the film "Little Flower" interlude Movie songs such as "My sister sheds tears when she asks for her brother" echoed in the campus and accompanied me through the most youthful years of my life.

Musician Xian Xinghai said: "Music is the greatest happiness in life, music is a clear spring in life, and music is a melting pot that cultivates one's temperament." Beautiful musical interludes are paired with ups and downs of the movie story, and the movie and the song complement each other. The episode "Missing Comrades" in the movie "Visitors from the Iceberg" sings out the awe-inspiring righteousness and lofty ideals and beliefs, as well as brotherhood and comrades-in-arms with a beautiful and smooth melody. The movie "Homecoming Like an Arrow " has the episode "The Wild Goose Flying to the South", the movie " Red Sun " has the episode "Who wouldn't say good things about my hometown", the movie " Railway Guerrillas " has the episode "Playing My Beloved Pipa" Some of the movie interludes are cheerful and fresh, some are melodious, some are clear and sweet, some are poignant and moving, some are exciting and exciting, and some are soul-stirring, popular and enduring. This is the unique charm brought by movie interludes.

Advertising cooperation: 0719-4228215 News hotline: 0719-4224351 Listen to Zhushan, listen to the story of Zhushan. We will share a story with you to leave a memory. Dear listeners, hello everyone. The title of the article I am sharing with you today is: Old Movie Interludes in M - Lujuba

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That era was also an era of shining stars in film music creation. A large number of outstanding composers emerged, such as Wang Lu, Wang Liping, Shi Guangnan, Gu Jianfen, and Shi Lemeng. They were skilled in composing and had beautiful melodies. My favorite is Lei Zhenbang, the famous film composer who composed the music for the films " Five Golden Flowers ", " Liu Sanjie " and "Visitors on the Iceberg". At the same time, a large number of film song singers who are familiar and loved by the public have appeared, such as Li Guyi, Zheng Xulan, Yu Shuzhen, Zhu Fengbo, Jiang Dawei, etc. Their singing styles are fresh, sweet in tone and highly contagious. Diversified film music meets the needs of audiences of different film styles and cultural levels. At that time, there were many newly shot anti-espionage films such as "The Dark Triangle", "The Spies of Donggang", "The Fog of Goddess Peak" and "Blue Shield", which were both plentiful and beautiful, making people feel overwhelmed.In 1979, when the movie "The Gunshots of the Secret Bureau" was screened in Changchun Film Studio, people in the streets happily discussed the plot and characters in the film after dinner. I remember that when the movie "Shaolin Temple" was released in 1982, the movie theme song "Shaolin, Shaolin, how many heroes come to admire you" was played in front of the county theater. To the melody of the music, the crowds surged and people poured in. The grand occasion of crowding into the theater is still unforgettable.

Advertising cooperation: 0719-4228215 News hotline: 0719-4224351 Listen to Zhushan, listen to the story of Zhushan. We will share a story with you to leave a memory. Dear listeners, hello everyone. The title of the article I am sharing with you today is: Old Movie Interludes in M - Lujuba

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In the 1980s, movies entered the carnival era. Some foreign translated films entered China one after another and caused a sensation in movie viewing. The music and interludes of some films were heard all over the country. For example, the Japanese movie " hunts " has the episode "Du Chiu's Song", the episode "Witness" has the episode "The Straw Hat Song", the Indian movie "Caravan", the French movie "Zorro", the former Yugoslav movie "Walter Defends Sarajevo", Formerly a film insert in the German film "The Handsome Boy". The most unforgettable thing is the theme song of the Mexican movie "Yesenia". The melody is beautiful and makes people think.

In your spare time, make a cup of green tea, search for classic old movie episodes on your computer, enjoy the flowing notes alone, let the fragrance of tea penetrate into your heart, and let your heart be immersed in the strong and mellow wine of movie songs, accompanied by Melody embarks on a dream journey.


Advertising cooperation: 0719-4228215 News hotline: 0719-4224351 Listen to Zhushan, listen to the story of Zhushan. We will share a story with you to leave a memory. Dear listeners, hello everyone. The title of the article I am sharing with you today is: Old Movie Interludes in M - Lujuba

Ren Chuanhua, a native of Zhushan, works for Shiyan Branch of Hubei Salt Industry Group Co., Ltd. Member of Shiyan Writers Association. In recent years, his prose and poetry have been published in newspapers and magazines such as "China Salt Industry", "Workers", "Hubei Salt Industry", "Shiyan Writer", "Shiyan Evening News" and so on.


Advertising cooperation: 0719-4228215 News hotline: 0719-4224351 Listen to Zhushan, listen to the story of Zhushan. We will share a story with you to leave a memory. Dear listeners, hello everyone. The title of the article I am sharing with you today is: Old Movie Interludes in M - Lujuba

Li Danyang, reporter at Zhushan County Media Center.

Editor/Zeng Jing Lu Bo Jincao

First trial/He Rongjing Second trial/Dong Qian Final trial/Chen Biming

Source/Zhushan County Media Center

Tags: entertainment