China News Service, Changchun, May 12 (Reporter Guo Jia) On May 12, International Nurses Day meets Mother’s Day. The reporter went to Bethune First Hospital of Jilin University and interviewed "nurse mothers" in the operating room, intensive care unit, and neonatal ward to learn

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China News Service, Changchun, May 12 (Reporter Guo Jia) On May 12, International Nurses Day meets Mother’s Day. The reporter went to Bethune First Hospital of Jilin University and interviewed "nurse mothers" in the operating room, intensive care unit, and neonatal ward to learn how they balance the sacred "dual roles" of nurses and mothers.

Yi Xuemei, who works in the second operating room, has been engaged in nursing work for 12 years. Her time is divided into one operation after another. If it's three or four lung operations, she can still get off work normally. If it's two heart operations, she won't be able to get off work until at least 7 p.m. There are many patients in the hospital, so overtime is the norm.

China News Service, Changchun, May 12 (Reporter Guo Jia) On May 12, International Nurses Day meets Mother’s Day. The reporter went to Bethune First Hospital of Jilin University and interviewed 'nurse mothers' in the operating room, intensive care unit, and neonatal ward to learn  - Lujuba

Yi Xuemei (first from the right) is guiding the new employees. Photo courtesy of Yi Xuemei

Some patients are highly stressed before surgery, with high heart rate and high blood pressure. If they cannot be relieved in time, the surgery will have to be cancelled. Nurses have a lot of work before surgery, but every time they encounter this kind of situation, Yi Xuemei will put down her work, hold the patient's hand and chat, patiently calming the patient's emotions. "Many patients have come all the way here, and I don't want to let them down." Yi Xuemei said.

A nurse’s life is irregular, and unplanned things may come to her at any time. A few years ago, Yi Xuemei's son could not understand why his mother suddenly "disappeared." This year her son is 6 years old. She tried to talk to him about work, and the little boy quickly understood. "As long as you are willing to communicate with him, he is quite willing to accept it." Yi Xuemei said, thanking her son for his support and giving her a lot of strength.

China News Service, Changchun, May 12 (Reporter Guo Jia) On May 12, International Nurses Day meets Mother’s Day. The reporter went to Bethune First Hospital of Jilin University and interviewed 'nurse mothers' in the operating room, intensive care unit, and neonatal ward to learn  - Lujuba

Bi Hainan is nursing in the ward. Photo by Guo Jia

In the cardiovascular disease diagnosis and treatment center, 38-year-old Bi Hainan is the nursing team leader of the intensive care unit, a mother of two children, and a military wife. She laughed and said that she had "stacked many layers of buffs," and each layer gave her a new level of difficulty. Her way of maintaining a balance among the three is optimism.

Bi Hainan always has a smile on her face. She is proficient in dozens of equipment in the department. When nurses encounter something they don't understand, everyone will say, "Just ask Sister Hainan." So she kept a toolbox. "Sometimes the maintenance staff can't come over so quickly, so I know how to fix it so as not to delay the patient's treatment."

Bi Hainan positioned herself as a "nanny", and the head nurse's decision was a bit low. She said that only by being down-to-earth and down-to-earth can we serve everyone better.

There are mostly elderly people in the intensive care unit, and sometimes their emotions are easily out of control, so nurses often have to be patient and provide guidance. However, this is easier said than done. "Actually, I feel aggrieved, but it's not the old man's fault that he can't control his emotions."

Bi Hainan is most afraid of two children fighting and then asking her for comment. Good temper is reserved for work, and sometimes it is inevitable to be a little impatient when dealing with it. However, she will reveal herself honestly to her children. "I am also a first-time mother and have no experience. Please be more considerate and I will change slowly." At this point, she laughed again.

In the neonatal department, the capable image of deputy head nurse Wang Yueqi is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Patients admitted to the neonatology department include premature infants who were born prematurely and were immature, term infants who are in critical condition, and newborn babies who require surgical treatment for various reasons. She has three requirements for herself: to be more caring, patient and careful in caring for newborns. "Sometimes there are seven or eight children in a house crying at the same time. What should I do? One less of these three points is not enough."

China News Service, Changchun, May 12 (Reporter Guo Jia) On May 12, International Nurses Day meets Mother’s Day. The reporter went to Bethune First Hospital of Jilin University and interviewed 'nurse mothers' in the operating room, intensive care unit, and neonatal ward to learn  - Lujuba

Wang Yueqi picked up the baby and put her to sleep. Photo by Guo Jia

Neonatology nursing work is very challenging. "Our work is changing from past experience nursing to evidence-based nursing and humanistic nursing." Wang Yueqi said that newborns cannot speak, so nurses must observe details. Only in this way can they provide doctors with rich and accurate information, and this It is necessary to keep up with cutting-edge medical trends and constantly try to translate new results into practice.

As the deputy head nurse, Wang Yueqi is always the first to learn all kinds of new knowledge, which makes her work extremely busy. As a mother, she has to take care of her children's diet, daily life and studies. In order to arrange her time reasonably, she takes care of her children from the time she gets off work until 9 p.m., and continues working after her children go to bed, so she often stays busy until very late.

Over the years, Wang Yueqi insisted on "lying and talking" with her son for half an hour every day. She said that this was a bit like "humanistic care." In the eyes of her son, she is a "gentle mother", and in the eyes of the children's parents, she is a "reliable friend." She often reminds herself that she should never think higher than the patient. The relationship between nurses and patients is essentially human and equal.

It is precisely because of the meticulous care of the nurses that miracles of life are performed every day in the neonatal department. The youngest patient successfully treated here was only 23 weeks old. After working for more than ten years, Wang Yueqi often receives messages from parents. She is always happy to learn that her children are growing up healthily.

During the interview, the reporter found that the work of nurses is busy and trivial. Nurses often say that they are "time management masters", but in fact the most common method they adopt is to extend working hours and put Bethune's spirit into every life-saving and healing operation. (End)

(China News Network)

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