Original title: A woman made up a "painful love drama" and her male netizen died in love. A woman was sentenced to bear minor liability for compensation for violating public order and good customs and making subjective mistakes. According to this newspaper (reporter Zhou Ruiping,

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Original title: A woman made up a 'painful love drama' and her male netizen died in love. A woman was sentenced to bear minor liability for compensation for violating public order and good customs and making subjective mistakes. According to this newspaper (reporter Zhou Ruiping, - Lujuba

Original title: A woman made up a "painful love drama" and her male netizen died in love. A woman was sentenced to bear secondary liability for violating public order and good customs and had subjective faults.

According to this newspaper (Reporter Zhou Ruiping, Correspondent Zhang Junjie), a man fell into a story made up by a female netizen and played multiple roles. Unaware of the "painful love drama", he felt guilty and took poison to die in love. After her parents learned the truth, they took the female netizen to court to seek compensation. Recently, the People's Court of Wuwei City, Anhui Province made a judgment on this bizarre dispute over the rights to life, body, and health, and found that the defendant Chen was secondary responsible for Wang's death.

In February 2022, 20-year-old Wang met the woman Chen through an online dating software. The two developed a good impression of each other through frequent online chats and gradually developed into an online relationship. Chen, nicknamed "Good Girl", is actually a divorced and remarried woman. She packages herself online as a "white, rich and beautiful" person who is young and beautiful, has a wealthy family and has a successful career. She claims to be the vice president of a company. Manager, family is rich, etc. The two parties maintained close online chats until September of the same year. When Wang made a request for an offline meeting, the two parties agreed to meet in Hefei on October 11, 2022.

Seeing that the meeting time was approaching, on the afternoon of October 10, "good girl" Chen stopped replying to Wang's messages. Fearing that the truth would be exposed, Chen made up the lie that the "good girl" died in a car accident on the way to buy a gift for Wang, and asked netizen Xiong to inform Wang of the "car accident." Xiong was afraid that something would happen, so he refused to tell his lie and quit the chat. Chen then used false identities such as "Passer A" and "Passer B" to fabricate lies to prove that "Chen was in a car accident". At the same time, he also fabricated superstitious lies such as lingering ghosts through WeChat chats to exaggerate how the "good girl" treated Wang. The love was sincere, and intensive WeChat chats were conducted to test whether Wang really loved the "good girl", etc., which made Wang gullible and felt deeply guilty. Wang felt sorry for Chen who had suddenly "passed away" and sent a photo of himself buying pesticides to "passerby B" (actually someone pretended to be Chen) with the intention of committing suicide. Out of fear, "Passenger B" tried to persuade Wang many times to "don't do anything stupid", but Wang still committed suicide by taking pesticides one day in mid-October. Although he was discovered by his family and sent to the hospital, he died after resuscitation failed.

Wang’s parents learned that Chen’s fictitious “love drama” caused their son’s death by taking poison, so they filed a lawsuit with the court and requested that Chen be ordered to compensate Chen for a total of 1.08 million yuan in compensation for medical expenses, death compensation, spiritual consolation and other losses. Yu Yuan.

After being summoned by the court, the defendant Chen failed to appear in court without justifiable reasons, and the court heard the case in absentia in accordance with the law.

After hearing, the court held that the deceased Wang, as a person with full capacity for civil conduct, had the cognitive ability of a normal adult and should have a full understanding of the harmful consequences of taking poison, so Wang himself should bear the main responsibility. The series of behaviors committed by the defendant Chen during the "online dating" process with Wang clearly exceeded the understanding and tolerance of the public and violated public order and good customs. According to Article 1005 of the Civil Code, "If a natural person's rights to life, body, or health are infringed upon or are in other critical situations, organizations or individuals with legal obligations to seek help shall promptly provide rescue." In the dangerous situation of showing suicidal psychological expectations, Chen should have the obligation to provide relief and truthfully tell the truth for his previous inappropriate behavior in fictional editing. Although Chen tried to comfort him many times, he ultimately failed to truthfully tell Wang the truth. Therefore, Chen's inaction is illegal. Chen also had subjective faults. After Chen made up the lie about the death of the "good girl", he could have ended his relationship with Wang. However, in order to satisfy his abnormal emotional selfish desires, he continued to treat Wang from the perspective of others under multiple pseudonyms. It was obviously a mistake for someone to conduct a test. His repeated fabrication of the cause of "death" and the fantasy of still caring for Wang after his death caused Wang to fall deeply into self-blame and guilt and commit suicide for love, which was intentional. And even though it was known that Wang wanted to die for his love, Chen still did not reveal the truth, which was even more at fault. There is a considerable causal relationship between Chen's inappropriate behavior and Wang's death. However, judging from the impact and consequences it can have on a normal adult, Chen's role should be secondary, and Wang should bear the main responsibility.

The court found that the total losses in this case, including medical expenses, death compensation, and spiritual consolation, were more than 1.08 million yuan. The defendant Chen should bear 40% of the responsibility for Wang’s death, and Wang himself should bear 60% of the responsibility. The court then ordered the defendant Chen to compensate the plaintiff Wang’s parents for various losses of more than 430,000 yuan. After

announced the verdict, both parties accepted the verdict. (Zhou Ruiping Zhang Junjie)

(People's Court Daily)

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