This may be the first live broadcast variety show with all open microphones in 2024. "Singer 2024" is really big this time! Although the starting lineup has aroused heated discussions among netizens, after knowing the rule of "live broadcast", many netizens also understood the pr

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This may be the first all-open-mic live variety show in 2024. "Singer 2024" is really big this time!

This may be the first live broadcast variety show with all open microphones in 2024. 'Singer 2024' is really big this time! Although the starting lineup has aroused heated discussions among netizens, after knowing the rule of 'live broadcast', many netizens also understood the pr - Lujuba

Although the starting lineup has aroused heated discussions among netizens, after knowing the rule of "live broadcast", many netizens also understood the program team. Indeed, many singers are not necessarily willing to accept the challenge when they hear that live broadcast and full mic are required, so it is optional. The range of singers is much smaller.

This may be the first live broadcast variety show with all open microphones in 2024. 'Singer 2024' is really big this time! Although the starting lineup has aroused heated discussions among netizens, after knowing the rule of 'live broadcast', many netizens also understood the pr - Lujuba

The first stage on May 10th made people feel that this "live broadcast" was real. The host He Jiong had tears in his eyes at the beginning. He felt like he was returning to a stage he had not seen for a long time. It was very Excited, and Hu Haiquan was even more excited. When reciting a sponsor's slogan, he said "drink the singer", but in fact it should be "watch the singer, drink xx". It can be seen that everyone is a little excited after not returning to the "Singer" stage for a long time - —

The uncut details of the opening scenes also prove that under the live broadcast lens, every little flaw in the singers' singing will be exposed to many audiences, which is a higher requirement for the singers. For the audience, it is a somewhat "exciting" audio-visual feast.

This may be the first live broadcast variety show with all open microphones in 2024. 'Singer 2024' is really big this time! Although the starting lineup has aroused heated discussions among netizens, after knowing the rule of 'live broadcast', many netizens also understood the pr - Lujuba

The first person to perform is Moroccan-Canadian singer-songwriter faouzia Ouihya. She was born in Morocco and moved to Canada with her family when she was young. She has experienced different regional cultures and is good at adding Moroccan or Arabic styles to popular European and American music styles. elements to make the music work sound richer and layered.

This may be the first live broadcast variety show with all open microphones in 2024. 'Singer 2024' is really big this time! Although the starting lineup has aroused heated discussions among netizens, after knowing the rule of 'live broadcast', many netizens also understood the pr - Lujuba

As the first singer to appear, faouzia ouihya still feels a little unfamiliar with the stage. The front part is a little dull, but the high notes at the back are quite amazing. The arrangement also has changes in levels, and the brisk interaction in the latter part also makes the stage Become lighter in an instant.

This may be the first live broadcast variety show with all open microphones in 2024. 'Singer 2024' is really big this time! Although the starting lineup has aroused heated discussions among netizens, after knowing the rule of 'live broadcast', many netizens also understood the pr - Lujuba

Hai Lai Amu, who appeared in second place, is the contestant who has caused a lot of heated discussions. The program team is also ruthless enough to air out all the heated discussions about Hai Lai Amu from the outside world. Regarding the hot discussion from the outside world, Hai Lai Amu He appears to be relatively "emotionally stable". After all, the opportunity to be on the "Singer" stage is rarer than the controversy.

Judging from Hailai Amu's performance, his stage arrangement this time may be under the control of stage director Chen Jianqi, so the "top" rhythm is a bit less and the singing is softer. Generally speaking, Hailai Amu has a good mentality and attitude. Some viewers were very moved after listening to his performance.

This may be the first live broadcast variety show with all open microphones in 2024. 'Singer 2024' is really big this time! Although the starting lineup has aroused heated discussions among netizens, after knowing the rule of 'live broadcast', many netizens also understood the pr - Lujuba

Rainie Yang, who appeared after that, may be one of the more controversial in the field.

She really wanted to prove her singing ability. The song "Take Me Away" was not easy to sing, and she worked very hard to control every high note, but the result was some lyrics with dense words. It's unclear, his expression is a bit cruel, as if he is going to take the person away in the next second.

This may be the first live broadcast variety show with all open microphones in 2024. 'Singer 2024' is really big this time! Although the starting lineup has aroused heated discussions among netizens, after knowing the rule of 'live broadcast', many netizens also understood the pr - Lujuba

Although overall there was no big bug like broken voice, she sang so well that I was worried that her voice would break in the next second. Fortunately, she held on.

Relatively speaking, I still prefer the song "Take Me Away", which was originally a bit gentle and sad. After it became full of power, it no longer had the same taste.

This may be the first live broadcast variety show with all open microphones in 2024. 'Singer 2024' is really big this time! Although the starting lineup has aroused heated discussions among netizens, after knowing the rule of 'live broadcast', many netizens also understood the pr - Lujuba

But there is one thing to say. As an idol, Rainie Yang has indeed made progress over the years. It is worthy of encouragement to have the courage to perform on all fronts like this. After singing, many audiences stood up and applauded. I hope that more idols will dare to come to the show to challenge the audience in the future. Open the mic.

This may be the first live broadcast variety show with all open microphones in 2024. 'Singer 2024' is really big this time! Although the starting lineup has aroused heated discussions among netizens, after knowing the rule of 'live broadcast', many netizens also understood the pr - Lujuba

As for Na Ying, who everyone is paying attention to, she made her debut despite being highly anticipated. However, the first sentence of "Mo" seemed a little nervous, but it unfolded later~ It is indeed a great vocal, very exciting. It is calm and retains the heavy sedimentation of this song. It does not hit the high notes just for the sake of hitting the high notes. It is very consistent with Yingzi's usual level. It leaves a scene for this stage that can be savored carefully.

This may be the first live broadcast variety show with all open microphones in 2024. 'Singer 2024' is really big this time! Although the starting lineup has aroused heated discussions among netizens, after knowing the rule of 'live broadcast', many netizens also understood the pr - Lujuba

The problem is that everyone has seen too many different stages of the song "Mo", so it lacks a bit of freshness. However, Naying said with a sheepish face and said she was nervous after singing, which is a bit funny and a bit cute. She is indeed the queen of sketches.

This may be the first live broadcast variety show with all open microphones in 2024. 'Singer 2024' is really big this time! Although the starting lineup has aroused heated discussions among netizens, after knowing the rule of 'live broadcast', many netizens also understood the pr - Lujuba

Wang Sulong, who appeared after Na Ying, is more admirable because he insists on singing new songs. "Thinking of Us" is a relatively catchy type. Wang Sulong's singing is also relatively stable, but he sings every word. The singing style doesn't seem to match the instrumental music. The advantage is that Wang Sulong's emotional involvement is too high. To express it in Cantonese, it means "singing to the top of the seven emotions". I always feel like he is going to break!

I wonder what was running through Wang Sulong’s mind when he was singing so passionately?

This may be the first live broadcast variety show with all open microphones in 2024. 'Singer 2024' is really big this time! Although the starting lineup has aroused heated discussions among netizens, after knowing the rule of 'live broadcast', many netizens also understood the pr - Lujuba

Judging from this stage alone, there is really not much advantage in singing a new song. It may be a surprise to the fans, but it may not be a surprise to the audience, but if "Singer 2024" is a stage that is inclusive enough, let a new song be heard on this stage Appearing on stage, I think it’s understandable. I hope Wang Sulong can adjust his song selection strategy again~

This may be the first live broadcast variety show with all open microphones in 2024. 'Singer 2024' is really big this time! Although the starting lineup has aroused heated discussions among netizens, after knowing the rule of 'live broadcast', many netizens also understood the pr - Lujuba

The finale was Chanté Moore singing the famous song "if ain't got you" with a voice as moist as pearls. The singing was very silky and gave people A kind of "sound-repairing" listening experience.

This may be the first live broadcast variety show with all open microphones in 2024. 'Singer 2024' is really big this time! Although the starting lineup has aroused heated discussions among netizens, after knowing the rule of 'live broadcast', many netizens also understood the pr - Lujuba

can hit the high notes easily, with a very veteran style. He is an artist who is very suitable for the stage of a singer. There is also a dolphin sound at the back, which arouses the excitement of the whole audience. The most amazing thing is that he can suddenly hit the high notes. Pause, then continue!

This may be the first live broadcast variety show with all open microphones in 2024. 'Singer 2024' is really big this time! Although the starting lineup has aroused heated discussions among netizens, after knowing the rule of 'live broadcast', many netizens also understood the pr - Lujuba

Yingzi looked at it and turned it into an emoticon...

It's just that the song "if ain't got you" is relatively classic. I don't know what else Chanté Moore can bring to people after this show of skills. Such a different sense of freshness.

This may be the first live broadcast variety show with all open microphones in 2024. 'Singer 2024' is really big this time! Although the starting lineup has aroused heated discussions among netizens, after knowing the rule of 'live broadcast', many netizens also understood the pr - Lujuba

The last performer was Second Hand Rose, singing "Monkey Playing", which is also a classic piece of Second Hand Rose. There was no problem with the singing and the taste was still there, but there seemed to be a feeling that it was difficult to perform on this stage, and there were no bells and whistles. The makeup feels like it’s missing its soul.

This may be the first live broadcast variety show with all open microphones in 2024. 'Singer 2024' is really big this time! Although the starting lineup has aroused heated discussions among netizens, after knowing the rule of 'live broadcast', many netizens also understood the pr - Lujuba

The final ranking is: Chanté Moore in the first place, Faouzia Ouihya in the second place, Na Ying in the third place, Wang Sulong in the fourth place, Second Hand Rose in the fifth place, Rainie Yang in the sixth place, and Hailai Amu in the seventh place.

At present, many netizens still agree with the top three on this list, but everyone is arguing about the following ones. Some people think that certain singers are ranked higher, while others think they are lower. In short, everyone has their own preferences.

But as far as the program is concerned, the full Mecca live broadcast format is indeed very enjoyable to watch. There are few such real and "breathing" stages. Even if it is really flawed, it doesn't matter. I dare to stand on this The stage is much better than those singers who never dare to open the mic when singing. This is the most touching point of this program so far, and it deserves more attention than the ranking of singers. I hope that after "Singer 2024" has made its debut, more music and variety shows will come back to their original roots. Everyone, come to Quankaimai !

This may be the first live broadcast variety show with all open microphones in 2024. 'Singer 2024' is really big this time! Although the starting lineup has aroused heated discussions among netizens, after knowing the rule of 'live broadcast', many netizens also understood the pr - Lujuba

would like to make a new wish here. I hope that after 2024, singers who perform "Quan Kaimai" will no longer be on the hot search, because it is the responsibility of singers to perform "All Kaimai", and only singers who are still reaping traffic without Kaimai should do it. Nailed on the Pillar of Shame.

Tags: entertainment