After four years, "Singer 2024" returns with a bang. The official announcement at the Investment Promotion Conference half a year in advance whetted the audience's appetite. The legendary brother and Mars brother in the previous online lineup have infinitely raised the audience's

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After four years, "Singer 2024" returns with a bang.

was officially announced at the Investment Promotion Conference half a year in advance, which whetted the audience's appetite. The legendary brother and Mars brother in the previous online lineup have infinitely raised the audience's expectations.

But unfortunately, after the official announcement of the lineup in the past two days, it triggered a lot of complaints across the Internet. Not only is the overall lineup not deep enough, but besides the two foreign singers, the other five Chinese singers have their own controversies.

After four years, 'Singer 2024' returns with a bang. The official announcement at the Investment Promotion Conference half a year in advance whetted the audience's appetite. The legendary brother and Mars brother in the previous online lineup have infinitely raised the audience's - Lujuba

Na Ying encountered the lowest point in her career last year because of "The Voice of China" and Daolang's work "Rakshasa Sea". Rainie Yang joked at her Zhengzhou concert last year that people in Henan love to cheat. Wang Sulong frequently participated in music variety shows. Hailai Amu was complained about Low, second-hand rose style is still not accepted by many people.

After four years, 'Singer 2024' returns with a bang. The official announcement at the Investment Promotion Conference half a year in advance whetted the audience's appetite. The legendary brother and Mars brother in the previous online lineup have infinitely raised the audience's - Lujuba

After four years, 'Singer 2024' returns with a bang. The official announcement at the Investment Promotion Conference half a year in advance whetted the audience's appetite. The legendary brother and Mars brother in the previous online lineup have infinitely raised the audience's - Lujuba

Of course, even if the overall lineup is not good enough, the "Singer" series is recognized as the best music variety series in domestic entertainment so far. In addition, Mango has made the slogan of "live broadcast" known to everyone, so in May After its premiere at 8pm on the 10th, the popularity is still at the level of a top-tier music variety show.

After four years, 'Singer 2024' returns with a bang. The official announcement at the Investment Promotion Conference half a year in advance whetted the audience's appetite. The legendary brother and Mars brother in the previous online lineup have infinitely raised the audience's - Lujuba

The first singer to appear is Canadian post-2000 singer-songwriter Fan Xiya. She chose the European and American hit single "Crazy". She showed her strength from the very beginning. She has a mature stage style, explosive high notes, and a stable performance throughout.

It is worth mentioning that director Hong Xiao explained at the press conference why the lineup was unsatisfactory. At that time, he said that he had invited everyone who should be invited, but many singers declined the program crew as soon as they heard that it was a live broadcast.

After four years, 'Singer 2024' returns with a bang. The official announcement at the Investment Promotion Conference half a year in advance whetted the audience's appetite. The legendary brother and Mars brother in the previous online lineup have infinitely raised the audience's - Lujuba

Now, as the first singer to appear on "Singer 2024", Fanxia has really slapped those who declined the show, and she is born in the 2000s. As Wang Sulong said, she has the demeanor of a general, so the show team chose her to open the show too Be wise.

In addition, Fan Xiya is very good-looking. Many netizens think she looks a bit like Jin Chen. Some netizens said playfully, "Jin Chen sings well." If nothing else, she will be a dark horse, capable of With "Singer 2024", it will completely open up the Chinese market, and it will be possible to hold concerts in China in the future.

After four years, 'Singer 2024' returns with a bang. The official announcement at the Investment Promotion Conference half a year in advance whetted the audience's appetite. The legendary brother and Mars brother in the previous online lineup have infinitely raised the audience's - Lujuba

The second one to appear is Hailai Amu. His playback data on the short video platform is astonishing, and he is completely top-notch in the popular music market.

Hailai Amu chose his popular work "Your Thousands of Waters and Mountains". The adaptation was more emotional than the original song, but his pronunciation and singing style did not seem to be suitable for this new version of the arrangement.

After four years, 'Singer 2024' returns with a bang. The official announcement at the Investment Promotion Conference half a year in advance whetted the audience's appetite. The legendary brother and Mars brother in the previous online lineup have infinitely raised the audience's - Lujuba

Hai Lai Amu's music is already of high quality. Instead of singing a big hit song like "Your Thousands of Waters and Mountains", it would be better to choose the quieter and more touching "Don't Know My Friend", which might not cause you to be criticized as soon as you appear on the stage. .

Regarding the controversy, the program team also asked Hailai Amu openly. He himself admitted that the complaints from netizens were really cruel. Although he was afraid of the invitation to "Singer 2024", he was more yearning for it, so he accepted the invitation and faced the controversy head-on. , to make up for the shortcomings, I hope there will be surprises when he covers it later.

After four years, 'Singer 2024' returns with a bang. The official announcement at the Investment Promotion Conference half a year in advance whetted the audience's appetite. The legendary brother and Mars brother in the previous online lineup have infinitely raised the audience's - Lujuba

The third one to appear was Rainie Yang, who chose one of her masterpieces "Take Me Away". This was the first time in her career that she challenged a difficult song.

But maybe it’s because I’m not familiar with the new arrangement, or maybe I’m too nervous. Although Rainie Yang’s singing can’t be said to be the scene of a car accident, it’s not even as stable as Hailai Amu. Some of the bass sounds can’t be heard, and some of the high notes are too high. It was sudden and non-penetrating, like it was stuck in the throat.

After four years, 'Singer 2024' returns with a bang. The official announcement at the Investment Promotion Conference half a year in advance whetted the audience's appetite. The legendary brother and Mars brother in the previous online lineup have infinitely raised the audience's - Lujuba

Interestingly, when Rainie Yang was singing, the program crew showed the camera to Vancia. Her expression at the time was worth pondering, but she smiled politely after realizing the camera.

The fourth person to appear was Na Ying. She did not choose those poorly sung masterpieces, but chose "Mo". The audience is familiar with it, and the song has a certain degree of difficulty, which just reflects her singing skills and singing skills.

But like Rainie Yang, Na Ying was too nervous. Her voice obviously didn't come out in the first half of the song, and she felt like she was hiding in the high notes. But fortunately, the second half was much better. The more she sang, the more confident she became, and she achieved her usual level.

After four years, 'Singer 2024' returns with a bang. The official announcement at the Investment Promotion Conference half a year in advance whetted the audience's appetite. The legendary brother and Mars brother in the previous online lineup have infinitely raised the audience's - Lujuba

In a previous interview, Na Ying explained why she had not participated in "I Am a Singer". At that time, she said that the program team invited her several times, but she became nervous when she competed. Now it seems that what she said is true.

Of course, Na Ying has a crazy personality. I believe that after she is familiar with the live broadcast mode and becomes more familiar with the singers and staff, it will be easier for her to be on the live broadcast stage again.

After four years, 'Singer 2024' returns with a bang. The official announcement at the Investment Promotion Conference half a year in advance whetted the audience's appetite. The legendary brother and Mars brother in the previous online lineup have infinitely raised the audience's - Lujuba

The fifth person to appear was Wang Sulong. He boldly chose a new song "Thinking of Us" that has not been released before. The lyrics are good and the melody is a familiar chord melody that is very his style.

Wang Sulong was obviously very nervous, and you could even see that he was blushing, but he was much more stable than Rainie Yang, but the sound of breathing was too obvious. When the camera was shown to Fan Xia, she also showed no expression at first and then smiled politely.

After four years, 'Singer 2024' returns with a bang. The official announcement at the Investment Promotion Conference half a year in advance whetted the audience's appetite. The legendary brother and Mars brother in the previous online lineup have infinitely raised the audience's - Lujuba

After four years, 'Singer 2024' returns with a bang. The official announcement at the Investment Promotion Conference half a year in advance whetted the audience's appetite. The legendary brother and Mars brother in the previous online lineup have infinitely raised the audience's - Lujuba

The sixth singer to appear was Shanti Mo. The song she chose was "if i ain't got you". As soon as she opened her mouth, the audience exclaimed: This is the quality that "Singer" should have.

The praises that describe a singer's singing skills, such as kneeling down, being steady, heaven-defying dolphin sound, explosive high notes, ease of handling, and easy control, can all be applied to Shanti Mo.

After four years, 'Singer 2024' returns with a bang. The official announcement at the Investment Promotion Conference half a year in advance whetted the audience's appetite. The legendary brother and Mars brother in the previous online lineup have infinitely raised the audience's - Lujuba

When Shanti Mo was singing, Fan Xia's eyes, which had been expressionless before, were bright. When the camera scanned Na Ying, Wang Sulong and others, their embarrassed expressions seemed to say: Don't sing so well.

What is even more disturbing is that after Shanti Mo finished singing, the host Hu Haiquan also teased five domestic singers, saying that Shanti Mo should not rub other singers too hard.

After four years, 'Singer 2024' returns with a bang. The official announcement at the Investment Promotion Conference half a year in advance whetted the audience's appetite. The legendary brother and Mars brother in the previous online lineup have infinitely raised the audience's - Lujuba

The last performer was Second Hand Rose, who sang one of her masterpieces, "Monkey Playing". Her strong personal style was met with mixed reviews.

Secondhand Rose's original intention to participate in "Singer 2024" is indeed good. Music with national colors should indeed be promoted, but it really conflicts with this program too much.

After four years, 'Singer 2024' returns with a bang. The official announcement at the Investment Promotion Conference half a year in advance whetted the audience's appetite. The legendary brother and Mars brother in the previous online lineup have infinitely raised the audience's - Lujuba

The first program rankings are: Shanti Mo, Fan Xia, Na Ying, Wang Sulong, Secondhand Rose, Rainie Yang, and Hailai Amu.

Generally speaking, the live broadcast of "Singer 2024" is really good. It is worthy of being the leader among local satellite TV. The live broadcast can achieve this level, which is beyond the reach of other friendly channels.

After four years, 'Singer 2024' returns with a bang. The official announcement at the Investment Promotion Conference half a year in advance whetted the audience's appetite. The legendary brother and Mars brother in the previous online lineup have infinitely raised the audience's - Lujuba

But the quality of the stage was really embarrassing. Fanshiya and Shanti Mo were considered dimensionality-reducing blows to the other five singers. They were ridiculed for teaching. No wonder Shanti Mo said that when she received the invitation to the show, she thought she was going to do it. As for the judges, they do have this ability.

After four years, 'Singer 2024' returns with a bang. The official announcement at the Investment Promotion Conference half a year in advance whetted the audience's appetite. The legendary brother and Mars brother in the previous online lineup have infinitely raised the audience's - Lujuba

Judging from the first episode of the show, if there is no singer with both status and ability to join the show in the future, then the singer king of this season is basically determined, either Na Ying or Shanti Mo.

Of course, Na Ying will become more and more courageous as he fights. If he still can't overcome his nervousness and can't fully exert his full strength, or even open up, even if he wins the title of singer, he will be criticized for not living up to his reputation.

Tags: entertainment