Text | Qiong Ying Editor | Xiang Wanwan "Left uppercut, right uppercut, hit him..." In the auditorium of the boxing match, there were "heartbreaking" sounds, accompanied by waving fists, which caused from time to time, The attention of the audience before and after. This is Ran Y

entertainment 4479℃

Text | Qiong Ying

Editor | Xiang Wanwan

"Left uppercut, right uppercut, hit him..."

In the auditorium of the boxing event, there were "heartbreaking" sounds, accompanied by waving fists, From time to time, it attracts the attention of the audience from time to time.

This is Ran Yingying, the beloved wife of boxing champion Zou Shiming.

Text | Qiong Ying Editor | Xiang Wanwan 'Left uppercut, right uppercut, hit him...' In the auditorium of the boxing match, there were 'heartbreaking' sounds, accompanied by waving fists, which caused from time to time, The attention of the audience before and after. This is Ran Y - Lujuba

I saw her, wearing a tight black strapless skirt, holding her child in one hand, waving her fist in the other hand, not caring at all, her graceful figure was on full display.

was just shouting passionately.

The game is over and everyone is applauding hard.

She was the only one, hugging her husband and crying "Wow wow".

Text | Qiong Ying Editor | Xiang Wanwan 'Left uppercut, right uppercut, hit him...' In the auditorium of the boxing match, there were 'heartbreaking' sounds, accompanied by waving fists, which caused from time to time, The attention of the audience before and after. This is Ran Y - Lujuba

Obviously the two of them have such a good relationship, why are there recent rumors that they have been sleeping in separate rooms for three years.

Could it be that there are also variables between the two of them?


Ran Yingying was born in Zunyi, Guizhou in 1984.

Text | Qiong Ying Editor | Xiang Wanwan 'Left uppercut, right uppercut, hit him...' In the auditorium of the boxing match, there were 'heartbreaking' sounds, accompanied by waving fists, which caused from time to time, The attention of the audience before and after. This is Ran Y - Lujuba

She has had excellent academic performance since she was a child. She was the top scorer in the provincial college entrance examination and was admitted to the Beijing University of International Business and Economics.

Text | Qiong Ying Editor | Xiang Wanwan 'Left uppercut, right uppercut, hit him...' In the auditorium of the boxing match, there were 'heartbreaking' sounds, accompanied by waving fists, which caused from time to time, The attention of the audience before and after. This is Ran Y - Lujuba

After graduation, she entered the CCTV Financial Channel and became a host.

If she follows this pace, her career and future will be bright.

Text | Qiong Ying Editor | Xiang Wanwan 'Left uppercut, right uppercut, hit him...' In the auditorium of the boxing match, there were 'heartbreaking' sounds, accompanied by waving fists, which caused from time to time, The attention of the audience before and after. This is Ran Y - Lujuba

However, she met boxer Zou Shiming.

and the two fell in love.

From then on, her steps had to change in a different direction.

Their acquaintance originated from an interview.

Ran Yingying was ordered to go to Guizhou to interview Zou Shiming, a boxer.

It may be because both of them are from Guizhou.

During the entire interview, the conversation between the two people was very natural, and it felt like chatting with fellow villagers.

Text | Qiong Ying Editor | Xiang Wanwan 'Left uppercut, right uppercut, hit him...' In the auditorium of the boxing match, there were 'heartbreaking' sounds, accompanied by waving fists, which caused from time to time, The attention of the audience before and after. This is Ran Y - Lujuba

After the interview, Zou Shiming fell into insomnia.

Ran Yingying, this beautiful fellow host, came to his heart.

As a result, Zou Shiming began to pursue Ran Yingying.

The more he got to know Ran Yingying, the more Zou Shiming felt that itself was not worthy of Guliang.

In order not to delay Ran Yingying.

Zou Shiming called Ran Yingying and said that they were not suitable and it was best to separate.

However, as she got to know her better, Ran Yingying fell in love with Zou Shiming.

As long as Zou Shiming mentioned breaking up, she would fly over to find Zou Shiming.

The stubborn Ran Yingying made more than 20 breakup calls to Zou Shiming in one year.

Text | Qiong Ying Editor | Xiang Wanwan 'Left uppercut, right uppercut, hit him...' In the auditorium of the boxing match, there were 'heartbreaking' sounds, accompanied by waving fists, which caused from time to time, The attention of the audience before and after. This is Ran Y - Lujuba

were all resolved by her one by one.

For the last time, Zou Shiming had to undergo closed training for half a year, during which he was not allowed to contact anyone.

He told Ran Yingying that he would come back to her in half a year.

Text | Qiong Ying Editor | Xiang Wanwan 'Left uppercut, right uppercut, hit him...' In the auditorium of the boxing match, there were 'heartbreaking' sounds, accompanied by waving fists, which caused from time to time, The attention of the audience before and after. This is Ran Y - Lujuba

Ran Yingying agreed without hesitation.

Half a year passed, and Zou Shiming thought Ran Yingying was no longer waiting for him.

tried to contact him, and he heard Ran Yingying's excited voice.

From then on, he never mentioned breaking up again.

The two finally protected their sweet love.

In 2008, Zou Shiming won the boxing championship in the Olympic Games.

Text | Qiong Ying Editor | Xiang Wanwan 'Left uppercut, right uppercut, hit him...' In the auditorium of the boxing match, there were 'heartbreaking' sounds, accompanied by waving fists, which caused from time to time, The attention of the audience before and after. This is Ran Y - Lujuba

He finally proposed to Ran Yingying with his own glory.

In 2010, they held a grand wedding.

During the preparations for the wedding, Ran Yingying's strong woman qualities emerged.

Zou Shiming had no time to prepare for their wedding because he had to play a game.

"You should train and compete, just come back and be the groom's official."

's domineering yet gentle voice soothed the guilty heart of Zou Shiming, the groom.


As the wife of an athlete, most of the time after marriage, we are separated from each other and enjoy the pain of lovesickness.

At both ends of the slender telephone line, two people in love talk to each other.

Sometimes, when there is a competition or closed training, there is no contact for several months or even half a year. These are normal phenomena.

Since marrying Zou Shiming.

Ran Yingying started working hard to plan for Zou Shiming's future.

"Can you please stop taking pictures of me..."

Text | Qiong Ying Editor | Xiang Wanwan 'Left uppercut, right uppercut, hit him...' In the auditorium of the boxing match, there were 'heartbreaking' sounds, accompanied by waving fists, which caused from time to time, The attention of the audience before and after. This is Ran Y - Lujuba

Under the camera, Ran Yingying, who was drunk and dizzy, covered her face with her hands and begged the reporter humbly.

This is Zou Shiming's unsatisfactory performance in the competition.

Text | Qiong Ying Editor | Xiang Wanwan 'Left uppercut, right uppercut, hit him...' In the auditorium of the boxing match, there were 'heartbreaking' sounds, accompanied by waving fists, which caused from time to time, The attention of the audience before and after. This is Ran Y - Lujuba

What Ran Yingying said when she came out of a wine shop when she asked a friend to help her.

The boxing champion's wife has always been behind his back, working silently to find support for her husband and relieve him of worries.

As a boxer, Ran Yingying knows that after he retires, he will be plagued by injuries.

What she fears most is that Zou Shiming will encounter Parkinson's disease.

Because many of his masters and some famous boxers have this disease.

Parkinson's disease, in its most severe form, may cause weakness in the limbs and the inability to move while lying in bed.

Ran Yingying saw a record in a magazine in the United States saying that it is possible that the drug may contain blood and can treat Parkinson's disease.

When she gave birth to her second child, she reserved the medicine for Zou Shiming.

However, she was still worried.

In order to give my husband more protection.

So, she made a decisive decision to have a third child.


After being pregnant with her third child, bad news came during her prenatal check-up.

Her child happened to be conceived on the previous scar.

It is very likely that heavy bleeding will occur during delivery. It is also possible that a dangerous situation could result in hysterectomy.

In short, giving birth to this child may endanger Ran Yingying's life.

However, Ran Yingying still decided to have this child.

Her husband's safety and security are more important in Ran Yingying's heart than her life.

Believe it or not, you are my life.

This is the behavior of loving deeply and involuntarily.

The nature of Zou Shiming's work is either training in the team or playing games on the field.

Therefore, the time he spends with his family is really very little.

In order for the children to have a close relationship with their father.

Ran Yingying always takes her children to the scene to cheer for Zou Shiming in almost every game.

Text | Qiong Ying Editor | Xiang Wanwan 'Left uppercut, right uppercut, hit him...' In the auditorium of the boxing match, there were 'heartbreaking' sounds, accompanied by waving fists, which caused from time to time, The attention of the audience before and after. This is Ran Y - Lujuba

In daily life, she educates her children about the importance of daddy all the time.

"What is this? This is food. Where did the food come from? Dad punched it out with one punch. How can you waste it..."

Ran Yingying threw the cake into the water when her son was there, and she yelled at her son angrily.

"Mom, Mom, I was wrong."

Her son followed her and apologized softly.

This is a scene of Ran Yingying educating her son in a variety show.

Ran Yingying didn't care at all because this was a show with many people watching, and she still educated her son angrily.

She said that she came from the depths of the mountains, where food is very precious.

Text | Qiong Ying Editor | Xiang Wanwan 'Left uppercut, right uppercut, hit him...' In the auditorium of the boxing match, there were 'heartbreaking' sounds, accompanied by waving fists, which caused from time to time, The attention of the audience before and after. This is Ran Y - Lujuba

So, no matter what time, she will not allow the children to waste food.

I have to say that Ran Yingying has a very positive outlook on children's education.

With exquisite makeup and sexy clothes, the hot mom Ran Yingying appears in the public eye, giving people the impression that she should not be touched by the spring water.

This is probably what all netizens know.

In fact, she is not like this at all in life.


When Zou Shiming decided to retire and his work was already arranged.

Ran Yingying believes that now, she finally doesn’t have to live in fear every day.

My husband’s job has become stable, and I can start my career well.

However, Zou Shiming made a decision.

He told Ran Yingying that he wanted to go to the United States, compete professionally, and compete for the boxing championship belt.

Ran Yingying asked him how he planned to arrange it.

Zou Shiming said, we have two houses, sell one, and keep half of the money for the education of our children and the pension of the elderly.

Another part, as their living expenses in the United States.

If it fails, I will come back and sell it, get another house, and go back to live in the countryside.

Ran Yingying did not hesitate, quit her job at CCTV, took her son, and accompanied Zou Shiming to the United States.

arrived in the United States and worked as a driver, translator, chef, and masseur.

As long as Zou Shiming needs it, she will do it. When

started, in order to save money, I bought furniture at home.

is a wooden board she bought at the market and put together by herself.

doesn’t know how to cook, so I followed Baidu and learned step by step.

Every time Zou Shiming finishes a game, his whole body is sore and he needs massage to relieve it.

The price of the masseur was too expensive, so she went to learn massage techniques by herself, and then came back to give Zou Shiming a massage herself.

Don’t look at her face, it’s full of collagen, she’s a beauty.

However, if you look at the roughness of her hands, you will know that she does a lot of housework on weekdays.

once saw a video posted by a netizen. Ran Yingying was struggling to climb the stairs with her eldest son on her back and her youngest son in her arms.

Text | Qiong Ying Editor | Xiang Wanwan 'Left uppercut, right uppercut, hit him...' In the auditorium of the boxing match, there were 'heartbreaking' sounds, accompanied by waving fists, which caused from time to time, The attention of the audience before and after. This is Ran Y - Lujuba

Such tomboyish looks could only appear in the 1960s and 1970s, in families with many children and in families with poor financial circumstances.

However, it appeared in Ran Yingying, the boxing champion’s wife.

Moreover, it is so harmonious.

This is Ran Yingying's love for her children, her family, and her husband.

Today’s Ran Yingying family, family photos posted.

still has her own bold dressing style and heavy makeup.

However, no one can deny her dedication to her family and how caring she is for her family.

Zou Shiming said bluntly that he rarely participates in housework, and he does not interfere with the financial power of the family.

However, Ran Yingying has increased his income more than n times.

They have achieved financial freedom long ago.

As for their three years of sleeping in separate rooms, the main reason is that Zou Shiming's quality is not good and he is under great pressure during the game, so being alone is conducive to adjustment.

After more than ten years of married life, their relationship is getting better and better.

When they go out, they always keep their fingers intertwined.

The perfect dog food, which is often eaten to the point where netizens are exhausted.


Tags: entertainment