Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to "Chinese Folk Songs", there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r

entertainment 5751℃

Author | Ye Zi

Editor | Xiang Wanwan

When it comes to Sun Hao, perhaps not many people know him.

But when it comes to "Chinese Folk Songs", there should be few people who don't know it.

In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage.

Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to 'Chinese Folk Songs', there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r - Lujuba

originally thought that he would rise to the top of the music scene from now on, but he did not expect that he would be "lost to everyone" soon.

Some people say that he was banned for offending Yang Kun, while others say that he met the noble Zhang Jiayi and was brought into the ranks of actors.

So, what is the love-hate relationship between Sun Hao and Yang Kun and Zhang Jiayi?

01. He became famous in the Spring Festival Gala, but was forced to lip-sync

In 1995, Sun Hao appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and quickly became popular with his song "Chinese Folk Song".

In fact, as early as a year ago, when Sun Hao participated in the Youth Song Competition, he had already attracted much attention for singing this song.

Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to 'Chinese Folk Songs', there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r - Lujuba

25-year-old Sun Hao participated in the popular singing group of the National Young Singer Competition.

At that time, most of the contestants chose Hong Kong and Taiwan music styles, but he uniquely chose "Chinese Folk Song" with a unique "Chinese style", and won the first prize for the work and the bronze medal in the individual professional category as a dark horse.

"Chinese Folk Song" won the Radio and Television Top Ten Chinese Golden Melody Award.

In the second year, Sun Hao's second song "Sunshine Paradise" also won this award.

Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to 'Chinese Folk Songs', there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r - Lujuba

It is rare for a person's songs to be shortlisted for radio and television hits for two consecutive years. Sun Hao quickly became a first-line singer.

Subsequently, Sun Hao released the solo album "Chinese Folk Songs", which pushed his singing career to a new height. At that time, tapes and discs with his handsome appearance were all over the streets, and everyone in "Chinese Folk Songs" He can sing a few lines,

Sun Hao, who was immersed in the bonus period of "Chinese Folk Songs", never thought that Xiao He could succeed or fail. With the popularity of

, he was constantly invited for commercial performances and singing shows, but he seemed to be stuck in a strange circle. All the organizers and audiences asked him to only sing "Chinese Folk Songs".

Sun Hao didn't notice it at first, and sang step by step according to the organizer's requirements and the audience's preferences.

Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to 'Chinese Folk Songs', there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r - Lujuba

Until he went on stage again and again and repeated it again and again, Sun Hao didn't know if the audience was tired of hearing it. Anyway, he was tired of singing.

According to his family members, Sun Hao was humming this song in his dreams, and he could blurt out the lyrics without even thinking about it.

So, Sun Hao tried to propose the idea of ​​changing the song to the organizer, but all he got was rejection. The reason was simply: if you sing other songs, the audience won't listen.

The stubborn Sun Hao fought for several opportunities to sing other songs. The result was just as the organizer expected, and the audience's response was mediocre.

At that moment, Sun Hao suddenly realized that after leaving "Chinese Folk Songs", he seemed to be an ordinary little singer.

Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to 'Chinese Folk Songs', there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r - Lujuba

He began to think about ways to break this shackles, but before he could find a way out, his singing career had fallen to the bottom.

In 2000, during a commercial performance, Sun Hao was just about to go on stage as usual when the organizer suddenly informed him that the original song would be played.

Sun Hao, who didn't react, was pushed onto the stage. As soon as the melody of the song came out, he realized that he was being asked to lip-sync.

As if afraid that Sun Hao would disagree, the organizer had already turned off the microphone. In desperation, he could only lip-sync.

What he didn't expect was that the equipment happened to malfunction and it stalled.

"I will fly to the blue sky every day..." became Sun Hao's eternal nightmare. From then on, his singing career plummeted and his reputation plummeted.

Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to 'Chinese Folk Songs', there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r - Lujuba

Some people began to question his singing skills. But how could he, who graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music and is known as the "Iron Triangle" with Han Hong and Lin Ping, not have the ability?

02. Meeting a noble person and being admitted under exceptional circumstances

Sun Hao not only studied at the Central Conservatory of Music, but was also admitted under exceptional circumstances.

You may think that to be admitted to such a high-level institution, you must have a good background.

In fact, Sun Hao is a child from an ordinary working-class family. Because he has been obsessed with music since he was a child, his parents saved him and sent him to a training class.

In 1986, Sun Hao began to apply for the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, but he failed by three points.

Since his family was not well off, Sun Hao chose to work in a factory to earn money instead of repeating the exams.

Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to 'Chinese Folk Songs', there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r - Lujuba

After entering the factory, Sun Hao, who loves to sing, would sing a song for his colleagues from time to time. His good voice quickly spread throughout the factory. Soon, he was transferred to the propaganda department of the factory and began to sing on stage.

As the saying goes, opportunities are born in small turning points. Sun Hao's transfer this time laid the foundation for him to meet noble people.

When he was 18 years old, singing competitions were popular across the country. On the recommendation of his factory, he participated in a large-scale singing competition in Xi'an.

Sun Hao, who easily won the top ten singers in the song competition, met the noble man who changed his destiny. After the

competition ended, a woman gave Sun Hao an invitation letter. She invited Sun Hao to take the exam at the Central Conservatory of Music and expressed her willingness to introduce Wang Min and Jin Tielin to guide him.

Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to 'Chinese Folk Songs', there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r - Lujuba

"How can there be such a thing as a pie in the sky?" At that time, Sun Hao's first reaction was that he must be a liar and he did not take it seriously.

After some time, Sun Hao learned from TV that the Central Conservatory of Music was really recruiting people, and that Wang Min and Jin Tielin were still mentors.

At this time, Sun Hao realized what he had missed. He hurried to find the invitation letter and found that the exam deadline had passed.

He was filled with regret and did not want to miss this golden opportunity.

So Sun Hao tried to call the number on the invitation letter. After the call was answered, he explained the situation and hoped to give himself another chance, but the answer he got was "Waiting for news."

Hearing what the other person said, Sun Hao felt that there must be no hope, but to his surprise, he was admitted.

Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to 'Chinese Folk Songs', there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r - Lujuba

It turned out that the lady who invited Sun Hao was named Wang Xiangzhu. She was the wife of the famous composer Wang Min. "Unforgettable Tonight" was written by Wang Min.

After Wang Xiangzhu heard about Sun Hao, she mentioned to Wang Min that he was a rare talent. Wang Min was a person who loved talents and began to fight for Sun Hao with all his strength. Only then did he get admitted as an exception. result.

In 1988, 19-year-old Sun Hao entered the Central Conservatory of Music, where he studied under Wang Min and became classmates with Han Hong, Lin Ping and others.

Under the guidance of his mentor Wang Min, Sun Hao's interpretation skills and musical literacy have been greatly improved, but his singing career has always been tepid.

Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to 'Chinese Folk Songs', there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r - Lujuba

It wasn't until he was 25 years old that he sang "Chinese Folk Songs" at the Youth Song Competition, and his career skyrocketed, but it didn't last long, and he was brought back to his original form due to the "lip-syncing incident".

In desperation, Sun Hao had to work as a music director in a friend's nightclub. It was here that he and Yang Kun forged a grudge.

03. He had a grudge against Yang Kun and was helped by Zhang Jiayi.

At that time, the business of the nightclub was average. After Sun Hao became the director, it gradually became popular and became one of the three major nightclubs in Beijing.

Nightclubs of that era were serious high-end consumption places, and resident singers were an important part of them.

After Sun Hao took office, he used his connections in the music circle to invite many celebrity friends to be resident singers, including Han Hong, Sha Baoliang, and the Black Panther Band.

Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to 'Chinese Folk Songs', there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r - Lujuba

could not only listen to music, but also see his favorite idol singers. Soon, there were more guests in the nightclub.

With the blessing of star power, the nightclub business is booming and making more and more money.

The salary of resident singers has also increased accordingly, from tens of yuan to hundreds of yuan per song, and they can earn thousands of yuan in one night.

Faced with such a huge income, more and more singers are rushing to sing in nightclubs, even to the point of overcrowding.

Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to 'Chinese Folk Songs', there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r - Lujuba

Seeing this situation, Sun Hao could only fix a few resident singing places based on the results accepted by the guests.

means "a carrot and a pit". Because of this rule, Sun Hao and Yang Kun did not speak to each other for more than 20 years.

One day, the owner of the nightclub recommended Yang Kun to Sun Hao.

At that time, Yang Kun was still an unknown little singer. When he saw Sun Hao, he sang several times without saying a word.

Sun Hao later recalled:

Hearing Yang Kun's unique timbre, he admired it very much, but there was no shortage of resident singers at the time. If Yang Kun was hired, others would have to be squeezed out. After repeated consideration, he rejected Yang Kun.

Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to 'Chinese Folk Songs', there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r - Lujuba

Yang Kun had just arrived in Beijing and had difficulty eating. He urgently needed this opportunity.

After being rejected, Yang Kun sat down and listened to other people's singing and found that none of them sang as well as himself.

So, he went to Sun Hao many times, hoping to be hired, but was rejected every time.

When people are in the most difficult times, they are rejected time and again by others. This ruthlessness will really be remembered for a lifetime.

Therefore, after the fire, Yang Kun met Sun Hao at an event and never said a word.

Even when Sun Hao explained the reason for his refusal in a program and publicly expressed his apology, Yang Kun did not let go.

Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to 'Chinese Folk Songs', there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r - Lujuba

Compared with Yang Kun's resentment and regret, Sun Hao was more grateful to his friend Zhang Jiayi for his help.

Although Sun Hao has made the nightclub prosperous, this is not the career path he wants to take.

After careful consideration, he resigned as director and decided to transform into an actor.

Why do you want to be an actor? Because his debut film was acting.

While studying at the Central Conservatory of Music, Sun Hao studied singing, but his first opportunity was acting.

In 1991, director Li Shu was filming the inspirational feature film "The Emperor Superstar". Due to the temporary withdrawal of the leading actor, he chose Sun Hao.

Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to 'Chinese Folk Songs', there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r - Lujuba

The protagonist Ma Zile in the film is quite similar to Sun Hao. He is also a little person who became a superstar because of his singing.

years later, Sun Hao joked: At that time, he thought he would aspire to the music scene like Ma Zile, but he didn't expect that he fell completely.

Since his debut as an actor, Sun Hao decided to return to the ranks of actors.

After 2000, Sun Hao began to try to make guest appearances in some costume dramas and comedies, but they were only fleeting and did not make waves.

It wasn't until he met the noble man Zhang Jiayi that his career as an actor gradually improved.

Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to 'Chinese Folk Songs', there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r - Lujuba

Sun Hao actually met Zhang Jiayi’s wife Wang Haiyan first. He was often invited to Zhang Jiayi’s home to eat and chat, and gradually the two established a deep friendship.

Once, Sun Hao was invited to be a guest again. When the two were talking about Sun Hao's transformation into an actor, Zhang Jiayi sincerely invited Sun Hao to be his supporting role.

Sun Hao, who was in a difficult period, naturally agreed happily.

From now on, Sun Hao will appear in any TV series starring Zhang Jiayi.

Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to 'Chinese Folk Songs', there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r - Lujuba

"Liu Kui" in "The Cliff";

"Platoon Leader Yang" in "White Deer Plain";

"He Dazhuang" in "One Servant, Two Masters"...

Although Sun Hao is a supporting role in the play, he has With Zhang Jiayi's blessing and the continuous improvement of his acting skills, he gradually emerged.

In the 2021 hit drama "Anti-Gangster", Sun Hao plays the villain police station director Hu Xiaowei.

Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to 'Chinese Folk Songs', there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r - Lujuba

He portrayed the corrupt image of Director Hu, the "black policeman" who wants promotion and wealth, but is also greedy for life and fear of death. He performed it very well and was recognized by the audience, so he became popular in the industry.

Sun Hao is naturally grateful for Zhang Jiayi’s support.

Some media once asked Sun Hao about his relationship with Zhang Jiayi. He said firmly: "Without Zhang Jiayi, I would not be able to get out of the trough of my life."

Sun Hao had twists and turns in his career, but with the help of noble people, he has never been able to get out of the trough of life without Zhang Jiayi. Marry.

However, this does not seem to have much impact on him, and he still lives a free and unrestrained life.

Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to 'Chinese Folk Songs', there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r - Lujuba

Not long ago, Sun Hao posted a video of his family outing on Weibo. From it, it can be seen that at over fifty years old, he is full of energy, and the years do not seem to have left any traces of sculpture on his body.

04, written at the end

Sun Hao has successfully transformed from a singer into a powerful actor.

looks back on his past:

had his brightest moments when he became famous and popular; he also had his darkest moments when no one cared about him.

There are regretful moments when you have a grudge against others; there are also happy moments when noble people help you. Although

has its ups and downs and its ups and downs, it is by no means unsplendid.

With tenacity and perseverance, he has carved out his own path in acting.

Author|Ye Zi Editor|When it comes to Sun Hao in Wanwan, perhaps not many people know him. But when it comes to 'Chinese Folk Songs', there should be few people who don't know it. In 1995, Sun Hao became famous with this song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I thought he would r - Lujuba

It can be seen that no matter how many difficulties and dangers there are on the way.

As long as we move towards our dreams bravely, fearlessly and perseveringly, we will eventually reach the other side and embrace a self-consistent life.

Tags: entertainment