According to British media reports on May 1, American technology tycoon Brian Johnson, who used his son’s plasma to transfuse his own blood in order to “stay young forever”, recently posted a video on his personal social platform to share his secret to maintaining a “perfect mout

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According to British media reports on May 1, American technology tycoon Brian Johnson, who used his son’s plasma to transfuse his own blood in order to “stay young forever”, recently posted a video on his personal social platform to share his secret to maintaining a “perfect mouth.”

According to British media reports on May 1, American technology tycoon Brian Johnson, who used his son’s plasma to transfuse his own blood in order to “stay young forever”, recently posted a video on his personal social platform to share his secret to maintaining a “perfect mout - Lujuba

▲ Johnson and his medical team monitor his body every day

In a nearly 7-minute video, the 46-year-old Johnson introduced how his oral cavity went from "a rotten tooth" to a "perfect oral cavity."

"My diet used to be very high in sugar, and many of my teeth were decayed. The position of my teeth was not good, and the adhesion of my gums was also very weak." Johnson introduced his previous oral condition at the beginning of the video , and provides four dimensions for everyone to check their oral health status.

"The first is the depth of the alveolar. If the depth is 1-3 mm, it means it is in good condition; if the depth is 4-5 mm, it is time to pay attention." Johnson said the second dimension is to check the adhesion of the gums. , the third dimension is to check the plaque index, and the fourth dimension is to see the difficulty of gum bleeding. "After completing these tests, you can probably understand your oral condition."

Next, Johnson began Introduce your daily "eight-minute oral care routine." First, he will use an irrigator to move around the teeth to the edge of the gums. "The price of such products ranges from 40 to 200 US dollars." Secondly, Johnson will use dental floss. He believes that using an irrigator and dental floss at the same time The thread can better carry away food particles hidden in the mouth. The third step is to use an electric toothbrush to brush your teeth. "A traditional toothbrush will also work. You can choose according to your personal preference. I personally like soft-bristled toothbrushes."

According to British media reports on May 1, American technology tycoon Brian Johnson, who used his son’s plasma to transfuse his own blood in order to “stay young forever”, recently posted a video on his personal social platform to share his secret to maintaining a “perfect mout - Lujuba

▲ Johnson introduces his daily "eight-minute oral care habit"

Johnson It is recommended that everyone brush their teeth about 30 minutes after a meal, "because people's teeth may be softer after a meal." When talking about the choice of toothpaste, Johnson said that he would use two toothpastes, one in the morning and one at night.

"The next step is a very important step - cleaning the tongue." Johnson said that the tongue will become dirty like the teeth, so it must be cleaned. The fifth step is to rinse your mouth with mouthwash. “This can ensure that there is no odor in your mouth when you are in close contact with others.” In the sixth step, Johnson recommends that people who have the habit of grinding their teeth wear an anti-grinding device while sleeping. “Grinding teeth is not only It will cause wear to the teeth, increase the depth of the alveolar teeth, aggravate the damage to the gum adhesion, and make your entire mouth age. In addition, Johnson also recommended that everyone improve their diet and "do not eat sugar or drink acidic drinks." According to previous reports, in order to maintain the youthfulness of his mouth, Johnson also insists on taking care of his teeth with dental floss, tea tree oil and antioxidant gel after each meal. The doctor said the condition of his teeth was "equivalent to that of a 17-year-old."

In the comment area of ​​this video, a netizen who claimed to be a dentist commented that he 100% agreed with all Johnson’s suggestions, “I rarely say this, but I believe that everyone who follows this practice can improve their oral health problems. "Another netizen who claimed to be a dentist also commented that he did not want to open this video, but was surprised to see that Johnson did share a lot of valuable information. However, at least three netizens also questioned: "Why doesn't the tea tree oil you recommended before appear in the video?"

Red Star News reporter Li Jinrui

editor He Xianfeng editor-in-chief Li Binbin

Tags: entertainment