The TV series "When the Stars Shine", set in Shanghai in the 1930s, is currently being aired on Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. In the play, Chen Hao (played by Zhou You), a young policeman who is an underground party member who has not been "awakened", and Hua Zhen (played by L

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The TV series "When the Stars Shine", set in Shanghai in the 1930s, is currently being aired on Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. In the play, Chen Hao ( Zhouyou), a young policeman who is an underground party member who has not been "awakened", and Hua Zhen ( Li Xian), the son of the deputy minister of the Military and Political Affairs Department whose pseudonym is Xiang Yuansheng, are involved in the investigation. Get acquainted. During the process of cooperation, the two people, who had hugely different origins and growth backgrounds, found that their spiritual worlds were in perfect harmony with each other. They became confidants, life-and-death friends, and gradually embarked on the same path.

As the plot progresses, the mutual trust and mutual appreciation of friendship between Chen Hao and Hua Zhen/Xiang Yuansheng has become a highlight of the drama. In an exclusive interview with a reporter from the Beijing News, Zhou You said that there is a lot of blank space for the character Chen Hao in the script, and this is where as an actor he is very curious and has a lot to show. He felt that Chen Hao and Hua Zhen/Xiang Yuansheng began to trust each other soon after working together, and there was some chemical reaction between the two, and they eventually became more like each other.

The TV series 'When the Stars Shine', set in Shanghai in the 1930s, is currently being aired on Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. In the play, Chen Hao (played by Zhou You), a young policeman who is an underground party member who has not been 'awakened', and Hua Zhen (played by L - Lujuba

Zhou You plays the role of Chen Hao, a young policeman.

Get to know each other

was attracted by the blank space of the character, and was moved by the "life mission"

At the beginning of "When the Stars Shine", Hua Zhen was entrusted by her former teacher Deng Mingyuan at his father's birthday party to go to Shanghai to deliver books, but unexpectedly broke into a A murder case. After rescuing the key figure Meng Duoci, he joined the small police station in Shanghai as Xiang Yuansheng. While investigating the truth of the murder, he also met Chen Hao, Luo Minmin ( Ren Min) and others, and gradually found his own life. mission. On the surface, Chen Hao is a squad leader of the Fourth Police Station of the Shiliupu Branch of the Shanghai Police. His other identity is an underground party member developed by Deng Mingyuan, who has been waiting to be "awakened" by the organization. This kind of dual identity is very attractive to Zhou You, "Including his relationship with Xiang Yuansheng, both of them have dual identities. What kind of competition will they have in this story? How should I express and interpret it? These are quite difficult. What attracted me. "

The script did not explain Chen Hao's background and personal experience in detail, and only a few words about his family situation were revealed in his dialogue with Lao Zuo (the director of the Fourth Institute). . It was precisely this kind of "blank space" that made Zhou You become very interested in Chen Hao when he was reading the script, and he also asked himself a series of questions - where is he from? How did you grow up? Where did you graduate from? Is his relationship with his family good or bad? As a fisherman, why he aspires to be a policeman...all this needs to be constructed by actors. During the creative process, Zhou You first filled in Chen Hao according to his own logic, and then communicated and adjusted with the director on the spot. "I think the most exciting part of artistic creation is the blank space, which gives more space."

Deng Mingyuan is here There is a passage written on the title page of "When Human Stars Shine" sent by Tuo Huazhen: "The greatest luck in life is to discover your life mission in the prime of life." Later, Chen Hao read this book with Hua Zhen at home. The book communicates the understanding of this sentence. This sentence also touched Zhou You very much, because he himself had been confused and confused when he was younger. Later, through observation and introspection, he slowly realized that maybe everyone does their job with some kind of mission. of. Therefore, when he saw this sentence in the script, he was very attracted and hoped to star in this drama to see what Chen Hao's life mission in the drama would be like.

The TV series 'When the Stars Shine', set in Shanghai in the 1930s, is currently being aired on Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. In the play, Chen Hao (played by Zhou You), a young policeman who is an underground party member who has not been 'awakened', and Hua Zhen (played by L - Lujuba

Chen Hao engages in police work with a mission.


Xiang Yuansheng and Chen Hao had a chemical reaction and became more like each other

Hua Zhen went to the Fourth Police Station as Xiang Yuansheng, but the ID of Xiang Yuansheng he held was exactly what Deng Mingyuan had arranged for Chen Hao to do earlier. of. From the first day they met, Chen Hao knew that Xiang Yuansheng's identity was fake, but he didn't know whether he was a friend or an enemy. However, the two gradually came to trust each other as they worked together to investigate the case, but there were also trials. Zhou You described the relationship between Chen Hao and Hua Zhen/Xiang Yuansheng as "intricate", "The script presents the relationship between the two people from point to point. When I performed the role of Chen Hao, I also followed this method. Act.Many times we see things through but don’t tell them clearly, leaving some space and imagination. I think this will make their relationship more complicated. "Zhou You mentioned the exchange between the two while reading "When the Human Stars Shine" at Chen Hao's home. He felt that this scene had some poetry in both the image style and the presentation of the relationship between the two.

In Zhou You's view, from the common perspective Chen Hao began to trust Xiang Yuansheng after arresting the human trafficker and witness to the Meng family murder case, "During the process of locking the target and implementing the arrest, the two established a tacit understanding. Xiang Yuansheng bravely broke into the French Concession to arrest him. Chen Hao was relatively clever in preventing everyone from evacuating and brought the "overalls" back to the fourth house. "And when Luo Minmin was injured and hospitalized after capturing a Japanese spy, the trust between the two actually went to another level. Zhou You still remembers the scene where Chen Hao ran into the hospital with Luo Minmin on his back, and then stayed in the corridor of the hospital with the people from the Fourth Institute. , and then Chen Hao and Xiang Yuansheng confronted each other in the hospital room. The distance between the two people changed from far to close, and then they confronted each other in a closed space, although Chen Hao did not communicate with each other at that time. He knew who Xiang Yuansheng was, but he believed that what the other party did was right.

The TV series 'When the Stars Shine', set in Shanghai in the 1930s, is currently being aired on Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. In the play, Chen Hao (played by Zhou You), a young policeman who is an underground party member who has not been 'awakened', and Hua Zhen (played by L - Lujuba

Chen Hao and Xiang Yuansheng.

Later, the organization sent Shi Junyu (Wang Zixuan) to "awaken" Chen Hao and give him a new one. In order not to put his colleagues in the Fourth Institute into danger, he took the initiative to alienate everyone, which also caused everyone to have a strong misunderstanding of him. This approach was exactly the same as what Xiang Yuansheng noticed when he investigated the Meng family murder case. There was a huge danger hidden behind the Meng family murder case. He didn't want to involve the Fourth Institute, so he planned to leave the Fourth Institute and investigate alone. Therefore, when the two met again in Shanghai, Chen Hao also asked Yuansheng. Zhou You admitted that he was alienated from the Fourth Institute. He said that Chen Hao and Hua Zhen/Xiang Yuansheng were actually very similar people in nature, and there was some chemical reaction between the two after they started working together. They look more and more like each other.


The noodle stall scene is very important to Chen Hao, and he and Li Xian have a good rapport

In the play, the scene where Chen Hao and Hua Zhen/Xiang Yuansheng eat noodles at the alleyway noodle stall is talked about by the audience. , mutual understanding and trust are all in a bowl of indistinguishable noodles. In Zhou You's opinion, the noodle stall scene in the play is very closely related to Chen Hao, and the noodle eating scene is also very important to him. After Yuan Sheng got to know each other, he ate noodles there, and later he also contacted his "upline" Shi Junyu there to eat noodles. At that time, the stall owner was about to close, so he took advantage of his familiarity and cooked noodles for himself and Shi Junyu. A bowl of noodles. The food in the streets is full of emotions, which is very touching. Later, when he, Xiang Yuansheng and Luo Minmin ate noodles at this noodle stall,

this Chen Hao often had a lot of meaning. The alley noodle stalls he visited and his living environment reflected his real life level and his background. However, during the filming process, Zhou You communicated with the director and producer about this character, and everyone believed that Chen Hao was not a real person. A complete street policeman and a little person in the city, "His identity is indeed that of a small-time policeman, but the light of faith in his spiritual core makes him naturally break away from the image of a particularly concrete little person. "

"When the Stars Shine" is the second collaboration between Zhou You and Li Xian, and they play another pair of confidants who trust and appreciate each other. When asked if they would have a better understanding of each other when they work together again, Zhou You smiled and said, not a tacit understanding. , there is a very tacit understanding, "I like Brother Xian (Li Xian) very much, and we also trust each other very much in life. When I encounter some difficult scenes during filming, I don't have to worry about his problems at all. I just need to focus on thinking about what Chen Hao should do. "In the early stage, when they acted together to investigate a case, the two of them only needed one look and one movement to know what kind of actions the other would do next, and how they should cooperate and take care of them. So when they first started filming, the director would remind them from time to time not to It was such a tacit understanding. Because at that time, Chen Hao and Xiang Yuansheng were not that familiar with each other.

Beijing News reporter Yang Liangjie

Editor Tong Na

Proofreading Liu Yue

Tags: entertainment