Author | Xie Wuji Editor | Lu Yiming Title picture | "We Are Not Kind Enough" ....

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Author | Xie Wuji Editor | Lu Yiming Title picture | 'We Are Not Kind Enough' .... - Lujuba

Author | Xie Wuji

Editor | Lu Yiming

Title picture | "We Are Not Kind Enough"

After five years, Ariel Lin returned to the screen with an unusual gesture: in the recent high-scoring Chinese drama "We Are Not Kind Enough" , she played a "third party" character who is more sympathetic than hateful - Jian Qingfen.

Jian Qingfen seems to be a brave and victor in the battle for desire and marriage, but she is also a loser who compromises and is unaware of her own life.

In addition to her multi-faceted and plump character, Ariel Ariel also has a new identity as a new mother.

When the former "Desperate Sanniang" had new thoughts on life, she who once pursued perfection also learned to accept and let go of her children, let go of her own persistence and tension, and embrace a relaxed and relaxed life.

Taking advantage of the popularity of the new drama, a reporter from New Weekly chatted with Ariel Ariel: What is it like to be a "not kind enough woman"?

"We are not shameful if we are not kind enough."

"Every day I have to be someone else's wife, mother, daughter, daughter-in-law, employee, and a good person who loves the earth. I am really tired. Do you understand what I mean? "

Trapped in the mundane marriage siege, 40-year-old Jian Qingfen often plays a small theater in her heart, imagining her love rival Rebecca and her new love making out in front of her eyes, which makes her suddenly afraid that they will stain the sheets, and she gets up a little nervously. She made the bed and said these words to the sheets.

Author | Xie Wuji Editor | Lu Yiming Title picture | 'We Are Not Kind Enough' .... - Lujuba

This is a passage that Lin Yichen can empathize with very much. Under the constant expectations given by society, dealing with marriage, family and career, no matter how strong a woman is, she cannot escape such "darkest moments". When

was reading the script, director Xu Yuting told Ariel Ariel to think about the tune of "Swan Lake" when acting. The tune hummed by young Qingfen has a very light and playful feel. But when she entered the marriage for 12 years, " Swan Lake " changed its tone and became a little sad, with a hint of resentment and jealousy.

"The director said, you have to imagine Qingfen after marriage, humming a modified version of "Swan Lake" in her mouth, and then boiling a pot of poison for marriage in her hands."

There is a big difference between the roles played by Jian Qingfen and Ariel Ariel in the past. different. As a controversial "third party" character with complex human nature, Jian Qingfen shows an all-round and easy-to-jeal mentality. Emotionally, she seems to be victorious, but in fact it is not glorious. After marriage, she still looks at the "imaginary enemy" and cannot find one. to the fulcrum of life.

"She is very three-dimensional, faces her own desires honestly, bravely pursues the opportunities in front of her, and takes the initiative. She is also like some girls around us, secretly speaking ill of other girls in front of her good sisters, hoping that she will live better than others Okay. Human nature definitely contains this part, but some people turn it into motivation. Its existence is not shameful.

Author | Xie Wuji Editor | Lu Yiming Title picture | 'We Are Not Kind Enough' .... - Lujuba

In the play, Rebecca, the character starring Tiffany Hsu, does not enter marriage and pursues independence in love and career. A woman who realizes her self-worth, she is Jian Qingfen’s control group.

Both of them were making decisions and looking back and thinking: Would the self-giving life of be a better choice?

Ariel Ariel also thought about her other self in parallel time and space who did not get married. Anxiety and confusion always seem to accompany women’s self-growth at every stage. Standing at the crossroads, behind every choice and every relationship is a reflection of our understanding of our own lives.

"This cognitive process may not necessarily become clear at a certain age. You may not be sure what you want or don't want until you are 40 years old. It is not an easy decision to make in a short time."

Author | Xie Wuji Editor | Lu Yiming Title picture | 'We Are Not Kind Enough' .... - Lujuba

The beginning of "We Are Not Kind Enough" Images of important rituals in life flashed through: winning first place in a marathon, throwing away the bachelor's cap at graduation, getting married and having children, etc. A long monologue by Jian Qingfen was like a torture of life -

"Many people think that what we pursue is happiness. . But have you discovered that many processes are accompanied by pain, and happiness usually only accounts for such a small part. The majority of the process in life is a matter of quiet and patient pain.So is it possible that what we are pursuing is actually the feeling of pain? "

Ariel Ariel thinks she is more optimistic about life issues that are accompanied by pain and happiness. "I will find ways to find interesting things in the process to ferment it. The word 'enrichment' does not necessarily mean complete happiness. , but at least it is interesting and interesting, which is more important to me. "

Author | Xie Wuji Editor | Lu Yiming Title picture | 'We Are Not Kind Enough' .... - Lujuba

Ariel Ariel, who lives in the present, chooses to face the path of her own choice and find the path to happiness and the promised land.

She likes what Jian Qingfen said at the end of the play when she prayed for Rebecca, which is often mentioned in Buddhism. "One Thought of Bodhi" .

Lin Yichen likes the profound meaning of "One Thought of Bodhi". She said that how many things will change depends on how you look at it.

What's interesting is that this drama was originally a matter of one thought. The title of the film is "There are flowers on the other side" . For Ariel Lin, this may be the most profound life insight she has experienced in the role of Jian Qingfen -

"We often look at the flowers blooming on the other side and envy them. Beautiful, but forgetting that the land on your side needs to be fertilized, watered, and dewormed. Finally, the flowers on your own shore slowly wither. "

"I should die in the workplace"

Some time ago, she was "kidnapped by sympathy" by netizens. She was ridiculed by the group for being a humble and submissive person in marriage and aggrieved herself to please others. She once posted a long article to clarify these rumors.

In her It seems that true independence in is not either/or, with clear boundaries, and people themselves have the right to choose. She calmly accepts that her world can accommodate many values.

"Not getting married or having children is a choice, and you want to form a family." Your own family and raising the next generation are also choices. The focus is on your own decisions, rather than succumbing to the demands of others or the general trend of society. "

Author | Xie Wuji Editor | Lu Yiming Title picture | 'We Are Not Kind Enough' .... - Lujuba

Ariel Ariel has always felt that she is multi-faceted. Her mother's traditional and conservative family education gave her the concept of putting family first, respecting the elderly and loving the young.

But she is also a person who loves adventure and explores new experiences, even if Her mother hopes that she will step away from the entertainment industry to cultivate herself, but she still hopes to persist in her career.

"I understand the mentality of being a mother, but I can only say to her silently, 'I'm sorry, mom, you may never be able to do what you want.' If I didn’t set a certain age for retirement, I would probably die in the workplace! '(laugh). "

In the 22 years since her debut, the three representative characters in her mind - Yuan Xiangqin, Cheng Youqing, and Jian Qingfen have also reproduced three different stages of her own life.

The 18-year-old Ariel Ariel Lin, with her debut film "Eighteen Years Old" "The Promise" debuted, her baby face with baby fat made her catch the attention of the audience, and her youthful atmosphere hit her face, making her a classic heroine image in the golden age of idol dramas

" Mischief Kiss " Yuan Xiangqin. Ariel Ariel has ushered in her peak period as a heroine in idol dramas. She became the first actress to win the Golden Bell Award for Best Actress in an idol drama. However, the idol drama label of "silly and sweet" has also become a limitation for her. Putting her into a career bottleneck.

Author | Xie Wuji Editor | Lu Yiming Title picture | 'We Are Not Kind Enough' .... - Lujuba

Lin Yichen, who pursues perfection in her career and likes to take risks and challenges, always has the determination to refuse to admit defeat. "A director told me that my performance in the film is very relaxed, but outside of the film I am very relaxed. Too hard, too nervous. He felt that relaxation was my lifelong lesson, and he hit the nail on the head. "

Lin Yichen is a well-known "Desperate Sannyasin" in the industry. She started making a will for herself at the age of 23 and kept filming. At her craziest time, she didn't sleep a wink for 6 days and 6 nights. Because her body was overwhelmed, she also had extreme events. Dangerous "work-related injuries".

Hu Ge, who worked with him on "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", also shared Ariel Ariel's influence on him: "She once said to me that acting is a process of exploring human nature, and she is acting with her life. ".

Author | Xie Wuji Editor | Lu Yiming Title picture | 'We Are Not Kind Enough' .... - Lujuba

There was a period of time when she was troubled by her figure. She described it as a period when she had an "unfriendly relationship with food." Even sitting next to her agent while eating, she felt very stressed. Long-term tension, depression and persistence in pursuit of perfection. , launched a counterattack against her - she had to be hospitalized for surgery because of a pituitary cyst.

Looking back at the past, Ariel Ariel regarded the surgery as a turning point in her life. During her recuperation, she slowed down her pace, released two albums, wrote a book, acted in a stage play, and then slowly returned to the familiar TV circle.

When she was approaching the age of thirty, Xu Yuting threw an olive branch to her and gave her the role of "Cheng Youqing" in "I May Not Love You". She seized the opportunity without hesitation. Therefore, Ariel Lin successfully transformed into a mature woman through "Cheng Youqing", which was also a watershed for her from an idol to a capable actor.

Author | Xie Wuji Editor | Lu Yiming Title picture | 'We Are Not Kind Enough' .... - Lujuba

After 6 years, Ariel Ariel once again won the Golden Bell Award for Best Actress. Faced with the labels and doubts given to her by the outside world, she calmly said harsh words: "We can definitely do more than this. Anger is more likely to inspire my fighting spirit than sadness."

Perhaps because of the vigilance of the accidental brain surgery, Let her see that life can have a different look. After crossing her own hurdle, she submitted an application to study abroad, quit the showbiz world and went to London alone. She bravely embraced this study abroad and travel experience and "returned to zero" again.

Author | Xie Wuji Editor | Lu Yiming Title picture | 'We Are Not Kind Enough' .... - Lujuba

Now forty-year-old Jian Qingfen is reflecting Ariel Ariel's decades of accumulation, and the richer brilliance of "actor" is gradually emerging.

Ariel Ariel has gradually shifted her focus to family and life, and the frequency of filming has been reduced to one or two movies a year. During this period, she also had times of anxiety, but she was still determined in her heart, but she was more calm and indifferent.

currently has a new identity in her upcoming works - producer. This identity allows her to have a more comprehensive perspective in the presentation of her works.

In "Together", she wanted to explore the "sexual" issues in the relationship between husband and wife that East Asians are careful not to touch. "I think the discussion on this issue can be more diversified and more open. Avoiding it is very dangerous for women, children and teenagers."

Author | Xie Wuji Editor | Lu Yiming Title picture | 'We Are Not Kind Enough' .... - Lujuba

"85 points in life is also very good"

During the interview, Lin Yichen's face On it, you can see the edges and corners of the overlap of time. When not laughing, there is Jian Qingfen’s frankness and bravery, Cheng Youqing’s neat and stubbornness, when she laughs, she has Huang Rong’s playfulness, and when she laughs, Yuan Xiangqin is in front of you in a trance, making you The corners of her mouth turned up unconsciously.

Becoming a mother is an advanced lesson in Ariel Ariel’s life.

Ariel Lin, who was originally extremely self-disciplined in life, will relax because of her daughter and feel the slowness and flexibility she has never experienced in life. Her daughter will always give her unexpected surprises.

She tried to let go of her obsession and control. She said that this subject has been ongoing and may last until old age.

"I am someone who can get up and do things right away when I hear the alarm clock, but after having her, I really enjoyed staying in bed with her. She found novel details that I had never discovered before... or she Bed, let me be coquettish with you. Looking at her little face, I feel relaxed and happy, thinking: Why do I have to get up so early? "

Author | Xie Wuji Editor | Lu Yiming Title picture | 'We Are Not Kind Enough' .... - Lujuba

At the age of 40, no matter in career or life, I feel relaxed. , reaching a state of relaxation and relaxation is Ariel Ariel's biggest change.

She was in the second trimester of pregnancy when she encountered the epidemic two years ago. The rare state of being alone with herself made her want to analyze her own heart, so she wrote "Being Yourself, Why Do You Have to Say Sorry?" "This book.

She discovered that she had some innate qualities, but she did not need to deliberately deny them or force them to prove them. At that stage, she learned to accept it.

"When I gradually become a well-behaved and perfect image in the eyes of others, I feel more and more strange. That is not me, at least not all of me."

For example, she will always be said "Okay" in different public places. "Woman" looks very "good", but as she gets older, she becomes more and more wary of their definitions of "good" and "good". Behind them lies the heavy and unshakable expectations and expectations of the "ideal female image". define.

Author | Xie Wuji Editor | Lu Yiming Title picture | 'We Are Not Kind Enough' .... - Lujuba

In life, on the one hand, she wants to be a wife and mother who handles everything in an orderly manner at home and in the daily environment. On the other hand, she is the same person who pursues new and exciting experiences and is not afraid of high risks. "I have tried paragliding and diving. Now I want to learn surfing and paragliding. I also like to go camping."

Climb the mountains, spend two days and one night on the mountains, dive into the deep sea, and make friends with sharks , these are her ways to recharge herself.

" I think nature is the most recharging and healing place with no side effects . It is a living organism and brings you a lot of creative inspiration. I enjoy the feeling of being dragged out of the city."

Author | Xie Wuji Editor | Lu Yiming Title picture | 'We Are Not Kind Enough' .... - Lujuba

All the time , Ariel Ariel's image in the public mind seems to be perfectly constructed, such as "zero negative comments", "model student" and other labels, but she is very alert to these, saying that perfectionism was indeed her fatal injury, but she just avoided it. The excuse for making mistakes is self-esteem.

"Now I tell myself that I don't need to score 100 points, 85 points is very good, and I have a little space to be lazy."

Looking back, she would like to say to herself who just debuted at the age of 18: Don't worry too much, be brave and try , to make a living. You will become your ideal self.

Author | Xie Wuji Editor | Lu Yiming Title picture | 'We Are Not Kind Enough' .... - Lujuba

was asked how to maintain her own energy at a time when it is easy to be mentally exhausted. Ariel Ariel finally shared with me Zweig's words in "The Essay Master Montaigne", which is very consistent with her INFJ personality and also Confirming her transformation -

"He said how to retain your innermost self. As long as you don't let yourself be overwhelmed, the outside world can't get anything from you, nor can it upset you. would rather have a lot of pain To accompany each other, you should still be who you are in your own mind, rather than being the person that everyone gives a lot of applause to, but you hate. "

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Operation: Ono

Typesetting: Duan Meiyu

Tags: entertainment