Recently, a group of "post-00s" recreated classic positions from famous scenes in modern Chinese history and became popular on the Internet. They used short video transitions to open famous scenes in modern Chinese history. This is a romance unique to the Chinese! Netizens said:

entertainment 7698℃

Recently, a group of "post-00s"

recreated classic positions in famous scenes in modern Chinese history

became popular on the Internet

used short video transitions

to open up famous scenes in modern Chinese history

This is a romance unique to the Chinese!

Netizens said:

"My heart is shaking and my eyes are filled with tears!"

"Contemporary youth have their own unique way

to express their patriotism."

Recently, a group of 'post-00s' recreated classic positions from famous scenes in modern Chinese history and became popular on the Internet. They used short video transitions to open famous scenes in modern Chinese history. This is a romance unique to the Chinese! Netizens said:  - Lujuba

Most of their team are newly graduated "post-00s"

Usually they prefer patriotic-themed films

then thought of selecting some famous scenes in modern Chinese history

to reproduce the character positions

also hoped that by making transition videos

it could influence more young people and children

and will continue to create more

meaningful to young people in the future , the influential work

"This transition across ancient and modern times makes people cry"

The creations of these "post-00s"

triggered the topic #this transition across ancient and modern times makes people cry.

Many young people have imitated

Feeling the patriotic feelings during the transition

This year is the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China

It is also the 75th anniversary of the victory of the Battle of Crossing the River

Primary school students remade the "Battle of Crossing the River"

Learn the fearless "River Crossing Spirit" of the People's Liberation Army

Henan college students

Perform classic station

"We will never forget these moments!"

To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Nanjing

Nanjing college students traveled through the past and present through a divine "transition"

and talked about the future

"Use a way that is closer to life

to reach more people Pay attention to the history of the liberation of Nanjing"

"The red scarf is so bright at this moment"

Zhejiang middle school students remade historical moments

people are excited

In the video

children performed

On October 16, 1964

China's first atomic bomb exploded successfully

October 25, 1971

China returned to the United Nations

August 15, 1945

Japan surrendered

Three historical scenes

Netizens burst into tears after watching

One after another left messages saying:

"The red scarf is so bright at this moment"

" The meaning of education is embodied"

"The meaning of media, communication, education, moisturizing things silently"

"Strong young people will make the country strong! "


Recently, a group of 'post-00s' recreated classic positions from famous scenes in modern Chinese history and became popular on the Internet. They used short video transitions to open famous scenes in modern Chinese history. This is a romance unique to the Chinese! Netizens said:  - Lujuba

They were able to perform so movingly.

This is due to the "Annual Drama" of the Taoyuan Festival held by the school for 10 consecutive years

Recently, a group of 'post-00s' recreated classic positions from famous scenes in modern Chinese history and became popular on the Internet. They used short video transitions to open famous scenes in modern Chinese history. This is a romance unique to the Chinese! Netizens said:  - Lujuba

What is the "Annual Drama"?

Students need to work in teams

to perform dramas The form

interprets historical themes

such as the fourth crossing of Chishui, the large unit drama of the founding of the Party, etc.

"A small play

maximizes the students' love for the motherland

and cultural self-confidence

" The person in charge of the school introduced :

"After the performance last year

a group of students said emotionally

Why do I often have tears in my eyes

Because I love the motherland deeply"

Don't forget the way you came

You know where to go

There are thoughts and actions that are interesting. Love!

This is the innovative way to open the "big ideological and political course"

The decision is brilliant, now

There is no mountain to cover, no sea to stop

Come Source: Communist Youth League Central Committee

Tags: entertainment